I am having a problem with mysql hanging as a result of the following.
`Profiles` WHERE `Status` = 'Active' AND (`Couple`=0 OR `Couple`>`ID`) ORDER
BY `Couple` ASC, RAND() LIMIT 0, 9
Mysql error:
Sort aborted
Found error in file
at line 474. Called db_res function
with erroneous argument #0
I manually need to abort these queries because they hang up the mysql resources.
The error line 474 in /BxBaseIndex.php
if( $num )
--snip error line--
--snip error line--
$result = db_res( $query.$filter.$limit );
The reason for the error is probably that I have disabled "Couple" as a an option. I don't know where it is even being searched. I am guessing that there is a default somewhere.
I am not really understanding what this code is doing, but my guess is that it is failing to create a random number for the limit statement.
The Auto-report system produces lots of Array info, but this may be helpful in analysis.
Called script: /index.php
Request parameters:
[members_mode] => rand
Anyone have a suggestion for an 'if' statement?