Database tables missing

In the former version Dolphin created 271 database tables. Now, in the WORKING newest 7 version only 101.


What's going wrong and where are the other tables ??

Quote · 29 Dec 2009

Mine has 271 just downloaded and installed, maybe something went wrong on your install.


Quote · 29 Dec 2009

Must be, but I did a fresh install and deleted everything from my database.


I'll try it again ...

Quote · 29 Dec 2009

Hi Annabel :-)

Once Dolphin core is installed, you need to install each module one by one... Is there that you have done ?

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 29 Dec 2009

Hi Michel,


I didn't know that and feel very stupid now :-) Meanwhile, I already installed the script 3 times and deleted it again because it was always missing database tables.


Now I will install again and then install the modules ....


Is this mentioned in the manual ???


Thanks for your advice



Quote · 30 Dec 2009

Is this mentioned in the manual ???

Manual?  LOL.
Quote · 30 Dec 2009

No manual.

Install Dolphin, then go to Tools>Modules.  From there you will see a list of modules to install.  click on a few modules at a time and install them

Note: some modules are dependent on other modules, so if you get a module that fails to install, check the error message and see what module you need to install first.  I can tell you the first module to install is Files, this is required for groups, events, and a bunch of other ones.

Quote · 30 Dec 2009

Then I get this :


Fatal error: Class 'BxPhotosPrivacy' not found in /home/onderweg/public_html/TEST/inc/classes/BxDolFilesModule.php on line 49



Quote · 30 Dec 2009

As far as I can see, it's got something to do with a 'privacy' module but ... there isn't a module like that.


So ... what to do now ?


I'm stuck :-(



Quote · 30 Dec 2009

het is een onderdeel van de administratie settings - privacy settings. 
Kijk eens in je installatie dir of je die file daar kunt vinden, zo ja upload deze in binairy naar de inc map. 
Soms lost dit het probleem op. proberen kun je altijd

Kids first
Quote · 30 Dec 2009

But there is a Files module...try installing that :)


Nothing to see here
Quote · 30 Dec 2009

Hey Killerhaai,


Die privacy settings heb ik gevonden in admin panel, maar veel kan je daar niet aan veranderen.


En welke file zou ik in mijn installatie dir moeten vinden ? Daar zie ik niets van privacy hoor.


To Zarcon : I installed all modules, including the 'files' module.


I don't know where this error comes from, but I can't access my site now.

Quote · 30 Dec 2009

Since no one seems to have an answer to this problem, I deleted and re-install again.


Hope it'll work this (4th) time ...

Quote · 31 Dec 2009
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