Dedicated ip for my dolphin site


with plesk and centos installed on my dedicated i was going to make a dedicated ip for my dolphin domain

when i click on get new ip i got 4 ip on my email

ip: xxxxxx..

gateway ip: xxxxxx..

broadcast ip: xxxxx..

netmask ip:xxxxxxx..

and i dont know whic of them i need to enter in plesk in plesk it says:


enter IP address and subnet mask

and plesk says forexample:

For example,,

so i would enter my ip then , and then netmask?

what are those slashes on the example?

Quote · 31 Dec 2009


Quote · 1 Jan 2010

The part before the / is the ip address, the part after the slash is the net mask

/16 is the same as

Most class c ip addresses are or

But I don't know the ip addresses your host gave you to use, nor do i know what is supposed to be used for your netmask. Your host is responsible for those.

Your asking a question here that has nothing to do with dolphin.

IP addresses and Netmasks are a hosting issue and your hosting provider has that information.

I don't mean to be rude, but you need to ask your host for that information.
Quote · 1 Jan 2010

See if this helps:

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 1 Jan 2010

I did It like this but my website is still not up after 4 days..

When I do whois lookup I see that nameservers are correctso what else could it be?   and when I ping my domain it gives that actual ip that I sat up.. still I can not view my website

Quote · 1 Jan 2010

I did It like this but my website is still not up after 4 days..

When I do whois lookup I see that nameservers are correctso what else could it be?   and when I ping my domain it gives that actual ip that I sat up.. still I can not view my website

This is a Dolphin support forum, so we really can't help you (and I don't think some of us even have the knowledge to). Can you try asking your hosting company on how to go about it?

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 1 Jan 2010

My host is with 0 zero support.... Could you please refer me to a paid hosting support? scandinavian or english

Quote · 1 Jan 2010

Look around in your plesk settings for the domain name your site is using. You may also need to set the domain name to the ip address you setup, or the web server.

Can't be of much more help. I do not know anything about plesk.

If your host is that useless, then you should be looking for a better host.
Quote · 1 Jan 2010
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