Default Membership Type


I'm new to Dolphin, but I've very impressed so far.

One simple question I have:  How do you specify which Membership Level new users go into by default?  For example mine go into 'standard' by default, but I want them to go into promotional.

Is this possible, or do I have to manually move each new member into promotional?

Many thanks, Jon

Quote · 3 Dec 2009

Which version of Dolphin are you using? If D7, then go to settings>membership levels and make sure there is a checkmark in Enable promotional membership.

Nothing to see here
Quote · 3 Dec 2009

6.1.6, and 'enable promotional membership is enabled'.

Are new users supposed to go there by default?  Or into standard?

Quote · 3 Dec 2009

Ok, then what you can do is go to settings> moderation settings and remove the checkmark from:

Automatic profile activation after joining:

This will present the member with the following after joining and put them in promotional status:

Congratulations! Your account has been successfully confirmed.

It will be activated within 12 hours. Our administrators will personally look through your details to make sure you have set everything correctly. This helps be the most accurate community service in the world. We care about the quality of our profiles and guarantee that every user of our system is real, so if you purchase someone's contact information, you can be sure that your money isn't wasted.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 3 Dec 2009

You can edit the .php files and turn off as an example promotion.  To do this go to  Once you install windows grep, you can search for as in this example promotion, and it will list all php files that have this.  Should be the activate.php file, but maybe more.  You can turn them off and see what happens.  Then do your own.

Quote · 30 Dec 2009


You can edit the .php files and turn off as an example promotion.  To do this go to  Once you install windows grep, you can search for as in this example promotion, and it will list all php files that have this.  Should be the activate.php file, but maybe more.  You can turn them off and see what happens.  Then do your own.

 1.  What directory is activate.php in?  Would that be in the idhac/ (I don't have a clue) folder?  Because that's where I believe I last saw that file.


2.  Why would someone want to go ripping through code to do something that is already done in the Admin Panel? 


3.  There is no benefit for them to go ripping through the code to do this, especially when the directions are being given by someone who does not even know the proper files to edit.  Your so far off on this that you couldn't even get someone to break their site with your instructions since fortunately the file you referenced does not exist.  Please give accurate information when posting solutions, not just a download link that you want to list. 

Quote · 30 Dec 2009

You can edit the .php files and turn off as an example promotion.  To do this go to  Once you install windows grep, you can search for as in this example promotion, and it will list all php files that have this.  Should be the activate.php file, but maybe more.  You can turn them off and see what happens.  Then do your own.

1.  What directory is activate.php in?  Would that be in the idhac/ (I don't have a clue) folder?  Because that's where I believe I last saw that file.

2.  Why would someone want to go ripping through code to do something that is already done in the Admin Panel?

3.  There is no benefit for them to go ripping through the code to do this, especially when the directions are being given by someone who does not even know the proper files to edit.  Your so far off on this that you couldn't even get someone to break their site with your instructions since fortunately the file you referenced does not exist.  Please give accurate information when posting solutions, not just a download link that you want to list.

Please do yourself a favour and don't assume I do not know what I am speaking of.  I have used wingrep for months, and on many a site.  As it does say its an enter a search term and it finds all references in the php files.  Yes of course editing any file can cause issues...its called back it up as we all should know.  FYI:  in version 6.1.6, you can not delete or change options for non-member, standard or promotion.  If you can then mine is defective and if possible what would people suggest to fix it.

Quote · 30 Dec 2009

I did not assume, you proved you know nothing.


On a 6.1.6 site you can not delete or change options for non-member, standard or promotion?  Guess yours is defective, because all the rest of us just go to membership levels, select "Non-Member" or "Standard" and add/delete the options we want them to have access to.  That's the best way in the world to control bots/spammers/scammers and so on.  Works awesome when you turn off Free Mode to do away with a ton of things.  Guess your not smart enough to turn off that little item on the first line of the Membership Levels called "Free Mode" that so many of us have been saying since the beginning of 6.1 to turn off.


Next up:  You neglected in your response to tell us where this alleged "activate.php" file is located at.  Please, show your knowledge and give the file path in 6.1.6 of "activate.php"


Moving on you told me to not assume you don't know what your talking about.  I did not assume, I read your post and in that post you gave faulty advice when you referenced a file that does not exist.  You then continued on with that tirade concerning Standard & Non-Member and of course Promotional Mode (There is no such thing as a Promotional Member on a Dolphin Base site, only promotional timeframe that all site options will operate for them in) that then went on to confirm


That You Don't Know What Your Talking About

And Giving Out Bad Information! 

Thank you once again for giving the chance for us to assist you in expanding your knowledge base.  It has been a pleasure.

***Note:  While the program you listed may or may not be a useful program, the manner in which you gave your advice, twice now giving faulty information has significantly devalued your assistance.  Pay attention to what I said the first time:  Please give accurate information when posting solutions.  These forums are utilized by many, many, manyer, manyest new Dolphin users and they do not need to be given false file paths/names to attempt to hunt down and frustrate them. 

Quote · 31 Dec 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.