Dolphin version 7.05 ad free license
Fresh installation. No code changes or non-Boonex mods added
RMS is not currently being used
Fully updated Adobe Air
Browsers used = IE8 and Google Chrome
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit (not running desktop app in XP compatibility mode)
Here's what I'm seeing.....
I log into my admin account via IE8 on my site -and- with desktop app
I log in as a different user with Google Chrome - that user is on the admin account friends list.
The online status for user #2 never updates showing that the user is, in fact, online.
If I shutdown the desktop app and restart it, the second account DOES appear as online.
If I go offline with the second account - the desktop app DOES update the status of the second account as being offline, but will not update if the second account goes online again without restarting the desktop app.
Other thoughts: I wish I would have been able to help beta test this before it got released. Everywhere I turn I'm finding problems it seems. 
More info:
Tried running the app in compatibility mode for XP SP3 and it made no difference.
Nor did logging in second user via Firefox, or Maxthon.
This seems to be a legit bug if someone wants to try confirming it.
Has anyone experienced this? |

Yeah, I'm gonna keep bumping this until someone confirms or denies this is happening with their own site.
If the desktop app doesn't update people that come online, it removes a large part of its own purpose - does it not?
Please, if someone has a fresh install and can verify that it is working properly for them, or not - please comment
This is worth checking on folks.
I can try to confirm this for a fellow Minnesotan - but you'll have to tell me how to download the desktop app as I've completely disregarded it since my initial install.
I have it enabled under flashapps, but for the life of me I cant find the @!#%#ing download link.
Skype: shawn.nelson |
You may be able to just go to the following URL (change "" to your actual site of course)
Otherwise, there is a button in page builder called "download". If you add that to your homepage, you can download it from there.
And greetings fellow Minnesotan! I'm in Little Falls - just North of St. Cloud : )
Thank you, I appreciate this
Guess it also helps if I have the desktop module installed :).
East central MN here - Forest Lake area. Glad to know i'm not the only yahoo in MN (or even US for that matter) trying to get this thing to work for my purposes!
On to the test results - I have confirmed your findings. UserA is friends with UserB:
UserA is signed into the desktop app and into firefox. When UserB logs into site using IE8, it does not update the desktop app online status, but does update the firefox session.
I have tested UserB establishing a session using firefox (on another machine I have running), and that does update the online status under UserA's desktop app sessions. Seems like there is something screwy with IE8? Figures.
Skype: shawn.nelson |
Thanks shnelson .
Your results were a bit different than mine in that I couldn't get it to update in Firefox, but I was using the same machine so maybe that was part of the problem (?)
Dear Boonex: This is something that really needs to be fixed. The desktop app's functionality is seriously limited if it doesn't update people coming online. It wouldn't even be worth offering for download I don't think. It would just piss people off and cause a lot of complaints IMHO.
On a side-note: I used to play a bar in Forest Lake many years back. Right downtown there. Some little joint but I can't remember the name of it. I'm pretty sure the owner is long gone by now. He was getting pretty old in the early 90's when we played. Rockin' little town though. We always had a great time there.
Nice to meet a fellow Minnesotan!
It would be nice if this got added to TRAC  |
I see this *still* hasn't been added to Trac. Pretty hard to get fixed that way - hmmmmm is right. |
I see this *still* hasn't been added to Trac. Pretty hard to get fixed that way - hmmmmm is right.
I'll make you a deal: if you can reproduce this on, I'll create a ticket for it with a major priority. If you also ship me a twelve-pack of Moxie, I'll make it critical.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
You may be able to just go to the following URL (change "" to your actual site of course)
Otherwise, there is a button in page builder called "download". If you add that to your homepage, you can download it from there.
And greetings fellow Minnesotan! I'm in Little Falls - just North of St. Cloud : )
Thank you, I appreciate this
I noticed with a fresh install of 7.0.5, in the download window, the link for that has been disabled..
No one noticed it disappeared from one of my busiest sites. Why would they disable it in the database? Maybe because it has problems..
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
No maybe's about it. It has problems alright  |
i attached a video of the desktop app and what needs to be done to show online.. its not me fixing the app but showing you whats going on as the problem. video size around 4.5 MB
Or you can watch the video here. - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
I never thought to try that '8^ /
Odd little bug. I hope they figure this out and fix it.
Thanks for posting this Jay!
You are welcome... now just get 10,000 members of the site to do the same thing LOL - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
Yeah, good luck with that. It's been my experience that they are more likely to just complain and leave. :P |
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Thanks Magnussoft - you're the man  |
I'll make you a deal: if you can reproduce this on, I'll create a ticket for it with a major priority. If you also ship me a twelve-pack of Moxie, I'll make it critical.
What do i get for doing it on dolphin-techs and making a video of it ??? - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
I'll make you a deal: if you can reproduce this on, I'll create a ticket for it with a major priority. If you also ship me a twelve-pack of Moxie, I'll make it critical.
What do i get for doing it on dolphin-techs and making a video of it ???
Look up.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Thanks buddy i could have done that myself... - Skype: Dolphin Techs |

heh heh
I report this stuff in hopes that it will get fixed for others one day, not because I have a site with any membership with which to use these features. This is all more for giggles than anything else anymore. I like coming here and I like the people here. I report what I see as I play around with the script - but I don't see myself ever benefitting from it now. If things ever actually do work fairly well - well that's another story. Then I might go for it. Until that unlikely day I will just keep learning and playing around with this script. As such, I won't be sending any Moxie.... sorry Jay. Your assistance is much appreciated however ; )
I've never even heard of Moxie until tonight. Is it good? Is it like a cola or something?
yea moxie is like coke... i think its up north only but could be wrong - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
Milestone changed from Dolphin 7.0.x to Dolphin 7.1 - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
Just got to this point in our testing, and still noticing that the desktop app does not update when a user goes offline or comes online. Is there a fix for this yet? |
Just got to this point in our testing, and still noticing that the desktop app does not update when a user goes offline or comes online. Is there a fix for this yet?
According to the ticket, no, and given the state of Adobe AIR, I'm not sure BoonEx wants to commit time to it.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
thanks for the response Nathon |
Milestone Dolphin 7.0.x deleted