Members have asked if I can give them the answer. Sadly, I'm still waiting for an answer myself.
I am trying to create items in join, search and profile pages which will disable if the following occurs:
1. Circumsized - if female joins or male searches for female, disable
2. Endowment - if female joins or male searches for female, disable
3. Bra Size - if male joins or female searches for male, disable.
I have added the following to BXDolPageAdmin.php:
<input type="checkbox" name="Visible[]" value="memb"
<?= ( ( strpos( $aItem['Visible'], 'memb' ) === false ) ? '' : 'checked="checked"' ) ?> />
And I have added the following to Menu_Compse.php:
<input type="checkbox" name="Visible_memb" value="on" <?= ( ( strpos( $aItem['Visible'], 'memb' ) === false ) ? '' : 'checked="checked"' ) ?> <?=$disabled?> /> Female
However, it didn't work.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.