I couldn't find how to give my members their perma-link to their profile to share so I wrote this little change to display it in the dashboard and thought to share it with everyone. It will show as the picture, nicely in the account info. It's important for our site where we allow users to change their username at any time and if they change from site.com/AAA to site.com/AAB then anywhere they shared site.com/AAA will no longer point to a valid profile.
Remember to make a backup of all files before proceeding in case you need to revert back.
Step 1. Create a language key _ProfileShareLink with this text (or any text you want): Share your profile with this URL
Step 2. Open member.php
Step 3. Around line 274, below "$sCustomC = _t('_Custom');" add this "$sLinkC = _t('_ProfileShareLink');" without the quotes
Step 4. Go to around line 550 and find this codeset:
'Registration' => array(
'type' => 'custom',
'name' => 'Registration',
'content' => '<b>' . $sRegistrationC . ':</b> ' . $sRegistration,
'colspan' => true
this code on a new line after ")," to start a new line
'Linkback' => array(
'type' => 'custom',
'name' => 'Linkback',
'content' => '<b>' . $sLinkC . ':</b> <br />' . $site['url'] . 'profile.php?ID=' . ($this->aMemberInfo['ID']),
'colspan' => true
Step 5. Upload new member.php and when a ueser hits their dashboard they will see the perma link location to share.