Can anyone show me a fresh install out of the box they they did not have to spend hours and hours on that truly worked? Been looking and I think that I have a better shot at finding the Easter Bunny. :)
I don't care what version. I know it won't happen for 6.1 as that appears to be an error a minute, but even anything before that would tickle me pink.
Just one straight install, no dorking around, and it worked is all I am looking for.
Go ahead and make my day! Show me your success story so that I can believe there is hope.
I agree with you. I think boonex people should spend their time to do one product perfect rather than 5 products lame. |
Check out
Its pretty much a straight install. Its definately a work in progress but other than a couple of installation hitches which were my fault I have had no problems.
I am hosted at hostforweb and the things I have done to it so far are -
1. Changed the colours slightly.
2. Changed the logo
3. Removed a lot of pages - all the ray links - I only want it as a paid forum site.
4. removed all the stuff on the home page - all the bits I dont need like members information etc.
Other than changing the colours, everything I have done to it has been done adjusting various settings in the admin section. I have not had to do any script level tweaking at all. It seems to be running great.
PS - This site will change over the next few days as I get it going.
No, honestly I tried to install it without forum search and It took me a week to realize that it was useless...
trying without help...
Ive tried many free and try before you buy products and there is nothing around that works without any problems. This program has alot of bugs that can be sorted with a lil help but all in all it does offer alot more than most other programs and as a freebie its well worth the lil bit of effort to get it going. |
Boonex's site says there's 20,000 sites running this software.
Boonex if you are listening how about setting up a link page so we can see how others have used the software.
Putting those 20,000 in a directory would be great promo both for Boonex and for the users.
Yeah Boonex show the 20,000...
or is something like this?
Guys, if you want to see other Dolphin sites just go to google and type in browseMusic.php
It pulls up pages and pages of Dolphin sites.. it's sorta depressing though because most of them only have two or three members.
Make sure you capitalize the "M" in music... this will work by putting in any filename that is specific to Dolphin.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
That brings up 9,000 hits. So where are the other 11,000 sites?
Most of the ones I clicked on are either abandoned or dont work. Hhhmm is that telling us something here...
Dolphin is a very sophisticated script. There are some annoying bugs, but at least 99% of the work is already done :-)
If the choosed server fit all requirements, there are no insurmountable problem to run Dolphin.
To attract thousands members is another problem but it doesn't depend of the script.
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
"Dolphin is a very sophisticated script. There are some annoying bugs, but at least 99% of the work is already done"
BUT still i have facing "Wrong License Key" and "Product Not Found" problem from last 4 days. I have sent many email to boonex support, sales and marketing email ids, sent offline msg on their skype ID but NOTHING HAPPENED because they dont bother about their existing customers problems just wants to improve their income.
When trying to register Ray Adfree version widgets with licenses numbers generated at Unity, I consistently get "Wrong License Number" and some times "Product Not Found" messages.
No proper customer care and support. Team of may be 10 to 15 ppl working on this project and thats it.
"Dolphin is a very sophisticated script. There are some annoying bugs, but at least 99% of the work is already done"
BUT still i have facing "Wrong License Key" and "Product Not Found" problem from last 4 days. I have sent many email to boonex support, sales and marketing email ids, sent offline msg on their skype ID but NOTHING HAPPENED because they dont bother about their existing customers problems just wants to improve their income.
When trying to register Ray Adfree version widgets with licenses numbers generated at Unity, I consistently get "Wrong License Number" and some times "Product Not Found" messages.
No proper customer care and support. Team of may be 10 to 15 ppl working on this project and thats it.
That's why -- at the moment -- I am using FREE version...there has been quite a learning curve...but my site is up and running...
I have had emails back from .... but perhaps my questions were much easier to deal with.
One thing that I have learned from working with other FREE products is that you must watch the details, read the instructions throughly and don't work 18 hours straight....
I am quite please with the FREE version of Dolphin v6.1.1 .....
Well I have never really had a problem with the bugs, I only put my sites on hosts that have everything turned on that Dolphin needs.
As for all those sites being ghosttowns, I think most people throw the site up and think members are going to pour in. Remember you are competing with TONS of established dating and social networking sites. Also Dolphin is HORRIBLE when it comes to search engine optimization.. it got a LITTLE better with these new friendly links but Google still hates Dolphin sites. I don't think most people have any idea how much real work goes into promoting a site. I used to have a site that just made fun of local news and how bad my city sucked (it was plain html, not Dolphin).. I had t-shirts, bumper stickers, ink pens and business cards printed. Then I started giving them out all over the city. Plus I answered 10 to 15 questions a day on Yahoo answers and put my address in the sig.. THEN after all that I started getting hundreds of hits a day, then I sold it for a nice little wad :-) But to get the hits I had to CONSTANTLY promote it!
Did you look at those abandoned sites, some of those people wanted to cater to a VERY specific niche. If you make a site for "Gay Hondurian Lion Tamers with Downs Sydrome" you are going to have a hard time finding members, hahaha. That wasn't an actaull site but you get my meaning.
BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Good point re promotion. We had already found an interesting promotion angle before we even decided to create a site. It was like, hey if we do this and this we can get free PR to 1,000's of people... so what do we sell... and then we moved from there.
The good thing I like about Dolphin so far is its free, it has so far been easy to set up, and this forum is pretty good, along with tutorials from people like BoonexNerd etc.
I also agree that having the correct host is 99% of the solution. With the correct host the site works straight out of the box.
Gay Hondurian Lion Tamers with Down Syndrome!? Too funny....but everyone needs a laugh now and then....

Well I have never really had a problem with the bugs, I only put my sites on hosts that have everything turned on that Dolphin needs.
As for all those sites being ghosttowns, I think most people throw the site up and think members are going to pour in. Remember you are competing with TONS of established dating and social networking sites. Also Dolphin is HORRIBLE when it comes to search engine optimization.. it got a LITTLE better with these new friendly links but Google still hates Dolphin sites. I don't think most people have any idea how much real work goes into promoting a site. I used to have a site that just made fun of local news and how bad my city sucked (it was plain html, not Dolphin).. I had t-shirts, bumper stickers, ink pens and business cards printed. Then I started giving them out all over the city. Plus I answered 10 to 15 questions a day on Yahoo answers and put my address in the sig.. THEN after all that I started getting hundreds of hits a day, then I sold it for a nice little wad :-) But to get the hits I had to CONSTANTLY promote it!
Did you look at those abandoned sites, some of those people wanted to cater to a VERY specific niche. If you make a site for "Gay Hondurian Lion Tamers with Downs Sydrome" you are going to have a hard time finding members, hahaha. That wasn't an actaull site but you get my meaning.
Yes, but I received three angry emails from gay hondurian lion tamers... with down syndrome  BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |