Dolphin 6.1.6 - Add Event - Mozilla

I've installed Dolphin 6.1.6 and going through the different pages testing, and I've come across a problem in the "Add Event" page, while using Mozilla.

For some reason, when the page loads, sometimes the text body section that you put the information of the event in, will not allow me to put the cursor in it.  If I do a hard refresh (CTRL SHIFT F5), sometimes it will work and other times I have to keep doing a hard refresh until it will allow me to put the cursor in the body section.

As far as I know, I've not encountered this problem using IE 7.

Anyone have any thoughts / ideas on how to resolve this issue?


Quote · 1 Aug 2009

I have the same issue. My workaround is to click the HTML button in the TinyMCE editor screen and type my text there. Works for me.

Quote · 1 Aug 2009

What is the template that you are using on your site?  Seeing the same issue in regards to TinyMCE editors with certain templates and working on the solution right now.

Quote · 1 Aug 2009

This is a completely fresh install of dolphin 6.1.6.  No changes have been made to the code.  I've created one user, but that's all.

Quote · 1 Aug 2009

They've also taken out the "Date of Birth" calendar when a user Joins and fills out their information.  When I mouse over the blue ? next to the field, nothing happens.  How are people supposed to know what date format to put into the site?

That's the site... check it out maybe and see if it does the same to you.

Quote · 1 Aug 2009

Also in opera the day of birth calandar is not showing up, and the help button is not working.
This must be normal working in 6.1.6 

wrong java maby< I gues now..

Kids first
Quote · 1 Aug 2009

I installed a version of 6.1.6 a couple weeks ago.  Installed another "newly downloaded" version of 6.1.6 yesterday and installed it on another server, and the 6.1.6 from a couple weeks ago was different than the 6.1.6 from yesterday... they removed the AJAX login and I encountered the date of birth issue mentioned above, as well as the Add Event error. I'm not sure what other changes have occurred.

Shouldn't there be a change in the version number when they fix stuff?

Mydatery, how's that fix coming along? :D



Quote · 1 Aug 2009

Also in opera the day of birth calandar is not showing up, and the help button is not working.
This must be normal working in 6.1.6 

wrong java maby< I gues now..

My host is Arvixe, and they had me do a Site Software install from CPanel.  For some reason, the install I was doing from the zipfile and moving the files to the server wasn't working correctly.

After I did their install, all seems ok now.... Ajax and the Calendar.

Quote · 1 Aug 2009


They've also taken out the "Date of Birth" calendar when a user Joins and fills out their information.  When I mouse over the blue ? next to the field, nothing happens. 

 I tried your site on my PC using Firefox 3.0.13 and when I click in the input field for Date of Birth, the calendar pops up and I can pick a date which is then entered in the input field.

Quote · 3 Aug 2009

I don't know....

I installed 6.1.6 and the Date of Birth Calendar popped-up when you clicked in the text box.... I moved some things around and now the calendar DOES NOT popup.

Am I crazy?, Please prove me wrong....



Thanks in Advance, Blaine
Quote · 21 Aug 2009

I have the same error.

Quote · 3 Sep 2009

My Birth Date Calender is baaaaackk!

I moved some things around in the base _header.html

Thanks in Advance, Blaine
Quote · 7 Sep 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.