Dolphin 6.1 - No Search Functions

Hi all, before Dolphin I've tried Social Engine and HandShakes which are both good,

I like Dolphin too, but there is something big missing from the program and that is a the search options. I haven't study the program for long just few days, but I can't see the option to search inside : Blogs, Photos, Videos, Events...the most search options given are when searching for people, I am sorry, but social networks are not just for searching for people, I am sure most people would like to be able to search for something specific inside Blogs for example. What if there are thousands of blogs in the site, are you going to look at them one by one?

Why give the option to put title and description when uploading video or photo and then no Search Box inside the category to find either video or photo by typing a word, not just a tags?

Events as well, how can you call this "SEARCH" under events? That isn't search that is just sorting them by country, so again for example "I heard that is going to be an event a Craft Fair in Texas, but I don't know any more details, how can I find it?" Surely you don't expect me to go and look through all the other hundreds of events?

If you login with the demo account to the you'll see what I'm talking about when you go to these different categories: Blogs, Photos.... you even got the option to SAVE the search which i find it very very good.

Well, is there anybody who can give me a little bit of light here, or this functions exist, but I can't see them?

Thanks for your time!


Quote · 30 Jun 2009

Well Jessica, you have to understand the Dolphin is a Social Networking Script designed to try and cover all the bases for the different types of sites out there.  Unfortunately, what this means, is, we the site owners have to tweak the program to what we need it to do for our sites.  I realize, search is a very basic function that should exist and be polished out of the box, but it is not.  Thereby, you can go over to and obtain a mod for upgrading the search function to pretty much what your talking about. 

Quote · 30 Jun 2009

This is hopefully addressed in the new Dolphin 7. I say hopefully as I don't actually know for sure but there appears to be a common search tab / box.

I agree that a decent search system is a must


Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation
Quote · 30 Jun 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.