Hi all!
I am going to start my second Dolphin-based website.
And I was wondering, because it is going to be a fresh start I can choose between v6 or v7(beta)..
What do you guys (and girls) recommend?
I personally think v6 would be better, because v7 is still in "early" beta?
But I am a little bit concerned about the transition from v6 to v7.. any comments on this?
v7 has a lot of new (and great!) updates, but it also has quite a lot of bugs..
Do you guys (and again girls) think it is worth it to "accept" these bugs for now? and thus start with v7?
Or are there to many bugs, to start a stable community?
Again, I would love to start with v7.. I just don't know if this is smart because it is still in "early" beta?
Also again, I am a little bit worried about v6 -> v7 transition (because of the major updates)
What do you people think about all of this?
Comments please..
Also I have an unlimited license for dolphin, would I be able to use this on v7 too?
(I think I read somewhere that a license is not "version-based".. but I just need some confirmation for this)
Another License question:
If I cancel one domain (with a license) can I transfer that license to a new domain?
(I think I read a "yes" on this one too.. again I just need some confirmation)
Thanks in advanced,
Ruud van Houtum