Dolphin 6 or 7 (Beta)

Hi all!

I am going to start my second Dolphin-based website.


And I was wondering, because it is going to be a fresh start I can choose between v6 or v7(beta)..

What do you guys (and girls) recommend?


I personally think v6 would be better, because v7 is still in "early" beta?

But I am a little bit concerned about the transition from v6 to v7.. any comments on this?


v7 has a lot of new (and great!) updates, but it also has quite a lot of bugs..

Do you guys (and again girls) think it is worth it to "accept" these bugs for now? and thus start with v7?

Or are there to many bugs, to start a stable community?


Again, I would love to start with v7.. I just don't know if this is smart because it is still in "early" beta?

Also again, I am a little bit worried about v6 -> v7 transition (because of the major updates)

What do you people think about all of this?

Comments please..

Also I have an unlimited license for dolphin, would I be able to use this on v7 too?

(I think I read somewhere that a license is not "version-based".. but I just need some confirmation for this)

Another License question:

If I cancel one domain (with a license) can I transfer that license to a new domain?

(I think I read a "yes" on this one too.. again I just need some confirmation)


Thanks in advanced,

Ruud van Houtum

Quote · 9 Aug 2009


Will answer all of your questions for you in one spot. 

Quote · 9 Aug 2009


But I already did a search..

I re-found the two old topics about the licensing.. but has any one comments about v6 or v7?

Only thing I can find are bug-reports and questions on how to solve them..





Sorry guy's, but you will NOT be able to upgrade from Dolphin 6.x.x to Dolphin 7 .

After reading the advise offered by EwfsPrince in this post, I posted a blog asking for a definitive answer as to whether there would be any upgrade path.

The following comes directly from UnoBoonex - a.k.a. the "Big Cheese" ~ ; )

"upgrade script" from D6 to D7 is nearly impossible and won't happen. We will provide "data migration" tools to make sure you can convert most of your site content/profiles. Upgrading manually, with DIFFs is also way to difficult to even imagine. D7 has different modules structure, different folders structure, different DB structure, etc, etc, etc.

So ... the good news is that you won't lose everything since profiles and some other data can be transfered.

The bad news is that you *will* likely lose any mods, customizations, and data that cannot be migrated to the new format.

It wouldn't be advisable to begin a site with Dolphin 6.1.x and believe it can be upgraded. It can't.

Sorry if this bursts any bubbles, but this is important information to know before installing any older versions.

So what should you people suggest?

Waiting for v7 or just start with v6 and then start over with v7?


Quote · 10 Aug 2009

Hello Ruud!

First of all, thanks for using our products and services.

You can start to build your second community with Dolphin 6.1.6, but do not modify and customize it very much. When Dolphin 7 is out, the upgrade package and instructions will be prepared and you can upgrade your site to Dolphin 7 but just the default files only - all the customizations will be lost.

We do not recommend using the beta for new or existing sites ….  it's a Beta only, and still there are a lot of things to fix and to do.

As for the Unlimited Dolphin license - yes, it can be used for Dolphin 7 without any problems.

Feel free to contact our sales team if you have any questions.

Quote · 10 Aug 2009


But I think I will wait for v7, the embed options is going to be an important function on the site..

There is no embed function at the normal video upload in v6 right?


Quote · 11 Aug 2009

Hi, I'm new to the Dolphin community and looking forward to our new Dolphin-based site! What does everyone think about beginning to build a new site now using Dolphin 7 Beta (before launching the site live), and then upgrading/replacing with the RC version once that comes out (and finalizing & launching the site at that time)? I'd really appreciate everyone's opinions on this one. Thanks!

Quote · 13 Aug 2009

Hi, I'm new to the Dolphin community and looking forward to our new Dolphin-based site! What does everyone think about beginning to build a new site now using Dolphin 7 Beta (before launching the site live), and then upgrading/replacing with the RC version once that comes out (and finalizing & launching the site at that time)? I'd really appreciate everyone's opinions on this one. Thanks!

I don't recommend it. First off, it's a beta, so there are many bugs and many things don't work. Upgrading from one beta to the next would have to be done by hand. Boonex does not provide upgrade scripts on the betas. At any stage during one of the betas, boonex may change the database structure makeing even upgrades done by hand very hard to do.

To me, the beta is fun to play with, to use to help boonex debug things and to see whats going to be. But i would not build a site with it because you would find yourself having to start over with each beta release.
Quote · 13 Aug 2009

Does anyone know when Dolphin 7 is coming out.  I like the look and feel better?   Just wondering.

Quote · 14 Aug 2009

No one knows when the D7 will go into RC status. 
At the time we are into BETA stage. If there are not to many bugs anymore, the it will be going fast. So people test :)

Kids first
Quote · 14 Aug 2009

Thanks, deano, for your reply. We find ourselves in a frustrating predicament: interested in using Dolphin to launch new online communities that have been conceptualized, but prohibited from doing so because of the limbo-land we find ourselves between Dolphin 6 and 7 -- and thereby not being able to pursue these new revenue streams. It appears that if we want to move forward now, we must choose to either (a) forego the new revenue streams and wait around for Dolphin RC (I don't know too many business owners who would choose that course), or (b) find a software solution other than Dolphin and move forward. Any other commercial users out there facing this dilemma? What are your thoughts on how best to proceed? Thanks to all.

Quote · 16 Aug 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.