Dolphin 7.1 - I Can´t Invite Friends

Hi All.

I´m trying to invite friends through "invite friends" at the footer but the screen turns a little blank but transparent and nothing happens. I tried using chrome, firefox, ie9, opera. I used this browsers with linux and windows in 3 different computers.

How could I solve?

Thanks a lot.


Quote · 2 Mar 2013

Is this a custom template? See if you can copy and paste this in your browser:  (of course change to your actual site name)


If that works, and this is a custom template, there may be an issue with the link itself in the footer.

Nothing to see here
Quote · 2 Mar 2013

Hi Zarcon.

I use the original template. I changed only the background image but without change the code. When I try to type the link appears the Not found Page message. I went to my cpanel to take a look at the files and it exists. Strange...



Quote · 3 Mar 2013

 for this you need to log in first in the portal and then invite the friend.


Hi Zarcon.

I use the original template. I changed only the background image but without change the code. When I try to type the link appears the Not found Page message. I went to my cpanel to take a look at the files and it exists. Strange...


Mauro. - -
Quote · 3 Mar 2013
Thanks a lot phan. I will test after login. Regards. Mauro.
Quote · 6 Mar 2013

@phan - i am just commenting cause i noticed that on my site, I can invite a friend without being logged in, but the url does not include the friendID, so registration by invitation only will not work if the inviter is not logged in.

So,is this supposed to happen or is something actually "wrong" on my site?
Quote · 6 Mar 2013

@Mauro - not to step on Zarcons toes or anything, but I have a feeling the permissions may come up next. BUT, I have to ask (and this comes up a lot) - was your installation of dolphin done manually, or did you use an auto-installer
Quote · 6 Mar 2013

Hi All.

ProfessorSr. My invite system still remains without working. I did the installation using the instructions of the installation guide and I used the Dolphin installer. In that time it didn´t indicate permission dependences.

Do you know how could be the file to verify the permission access?



Quote · 23 Mar 2013


Is this a custom template? See if you can copy and paste this in your browser:  (of course change to your actual site name)


If that works, and this is a custom template, there may be an issue with the link itself in the footer.

 I have the same problem as the OP.  When I try what you've suggested I get the 'Page Not Found'. What does that mean?

Quote · 24 Mar 2013

That´s it ParadigmGuy.

I have an impression that the link follows a page that doesn´t exist.



Quote · 24 Mar 2013


That´s it ParadigmGuy.

I have an impression that the link follows a page that doesn´t exist.



 So what does it mean? Why doesn't the page exist?

Quote · 25 Mar 2013

One of the possibilities is that the developer pointed the link to the wrong folder or file. I thought the problem was javascript or everything else but I went to that folder and the file with that name doesn´t exist there.



Quote · 25 Mar 2013

any ideea regarding this issue ?

i have the same problem in 7.1.1  :  when i click  : "Invite a Friend"  - the link from footer , the page goes blank - transparent and that is all.

url :
Quote · 29 Mar 2013

I think this should be included in future bug corrections.

Who can open bug tickets? Only premium members or anyone?



Quote · 29 Mar 2013

It's unlikely a bug.

That box is a popup. Javascript has to be properly working on the site for it to function. If you check my site you will see it works.

Start by turning off JS caching and compression so we can see all the js files being loaded on the site. Some servers also already have some form of JS compression in place which does not get along with dolphins compression so sometimes that option can't be used on some hosts. So start with that.

There is also 3'rd party addons that include jquery. I have seen many people install various things that use jquery not realizing that the code they are pasting in contains a line that is including another copy of jquery which interferes with the version dolphin already has which causes conflicts that prevent things that use javascript from working correctly.

On a clean dolphin install on a properly configured server that features functions out of the box. There are no known bugs with it.
Quote · 30 Mar 2013


I think this should be included in future bug corrections.

Who can open bug tickets? Only premium members or anyone?



Only premium members can add bugs to trac. But you also need to be able to verify and prove that is a actual bug you can replicate on their demo site and others can reproduce it as well and that it is not a glitch caused by something else. Only real bugs are to be reported in trac. All others are to stay in the forums until they can be verified.
Quote · 30 Mar 2013

Thanks Deano.

I will try this and post here a return.



Quote · 30 Mar 2013

i have turn off JS caching and compression.....

still haveing this issue.

you can check by yourself :

when i type :   i get :  "file not found"
Quote · 30 Mar 2013


i have turn off JS caching and compression.....

still haveing this issue.

you can check by yourself :

when i type :   i get :  "file not found"

If that's the error, then tellfriend.php is missing. Not found. Check.
Quote · 30 Mar 2013

what i must check ?  because the file in there.. on my server...
Quote · 30 Mar 2013

By the way this file doesn´t exist in the folder. I told this in a topic in the past. But I didn´t have any problem when I installed the clean dolphin. 

I will take a look if this file exist in the 7.1.1  or 7.1 pack.



Quote · 30 Mar 2013

I have the file on my server but do not know how (or where) to turn of js caching and compression.  Is this done in cPanel?  On my server?  I haven't been able to find this setting.

Quote · 30 Mar 2013

Inside dolphin. For dolphin 7.1 which is the forum this topic is in. The settings are in Admin->Tools->Cache->Settings
Quote · 30 Mar 2013


what i must check ?  because the file in there.. on my server...

To check if the file is there because your server is telling you it is not. That is what file not found means.

The file tellfriend.php should be in the root of your dolphin site. Normally public_html for most people.

You claim it's there, but the error says it's not. So now check the spelling and case. Is it properly spelled. tellfriend.php

Is the case proper. tellfriend.php would be correct. Tellfriend.php or TELLFRIEND.PHP or TeLFrIeNd.PhP or any other mixed combination of upper and lower case would be incorrect.

Are the permissions correct? File must be readable.

Do you have any members on your site with a nickname of tellfriend. Should not affect it, but hey, shot in the dark for solutions to a problem where your server says a file is not there but you say it is there.
Quote · 30 Mar 2013


By the way this file doesn´t exist in the folder. I told this in a topic in the past. But I didn´t have any problem when I installed the clean dolphin. 

I will take a look if this file exist in the 7.1.1  or 7.1 pack.



I just checked the full zip file of both dolphin 7.1.0 and 7.1.1 and it exists in both versions. Are you referring to a upgrade pack? Upgrades do not include all files. Only those that have changed from the previous version.
Quote · 30 Mar 2013

the file is on my server (root)  :   tellfriend.php

all i get when i acces the url  is  :   Page was not found
Quote · 30 Mar 2013

another shot in the dark - make sure you have page_29.html and popup.html - both in your templates/base directory. These are the html files for the tellfriend.php page.

EDIT - scratch that - looks like they are there.

So - my next thought would be to check the tellfriend.php for three things - in the file itself - look for

$_page['name_index']     = 29;

around line 18 - make sure this line says 29, and not something else. If it says something else, then it is looking for a template that may not exist

around line 118

$sPageCode = $GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('default_margin.html', array('content' => $sPageCode));

make sure it says default_margin.html - same reason as above.

around line 127

echo $GLOBALS['oFunctions']->transBox($GLOBALS['oSysTemplate']->parseHtmlByName('popup.html', $aVarsPopup), true);

make sure it says popup.html - same reason as above.
Quote · 30 Mar 2013

I should have known he was getting Page was not found instead of file not found. I was chasing something different because the error was not accurately reported.
Quote · 30 Mar 2013

Hi Deano and ProfessorSr.

I have de file in the root and the permission is 0644 like many others. 

I will try to change to the default template to see if this works.

I tell you the result.



Quote · 30 Mar 2013

You may also want to try replacing the .htaccess file in the root of the site with a fresh copy of the default one that comes with dolphin.
Quote · 30 Mar 2013

Hi Deano and ProfessorSr.

I have the file in the root and the permission is 0644 like many others. 

I will try to change to the default template to see if this works.

I tell you the result.



Quote · 30 Mar 2013


This condition persists in the default template too. Same way as ALT.

I can try to change the .htaccess but I have all other javascript things working well.



Quote · 30 Mar 2013


Inside dolphin. For dolphin 7.1 which is the forum this topic is in. The settings are in Admin->Tools->Cache->Settings

 Thanks.  I turned them off, I am still getting "Page was not found".  I also have page_29.html and popup.html in my templates/base directory.

Quote · 1 Apr 2013

Is there any successful solution for this problem so far discussed in this thread ? I am trying a fresh download of 7.1.6 installation (softauculous).

1. no code change whatsoever done beyond what has been packaged as default

2.all files are intact as is.

3.still I have this problem

4.i also followed all suggestions discussed in this thread already.




Quote · 13 Jul 2015

I have a suggestion, don't install it with softauculous, do a manual install. This has been stated countless times in the forums, perhaps not this thread, but now it has. 

Quote · 13 Jul 2015


Is there any successful solution for this problem so far discussed in this thread ? I am trying a fresh download of 7.1.6 installation (softauculous).

1. no code change whatsoever done beyond what has been packaged as default

2.all files are intact as is.

3.still I have this problem

4.i also followed all suggestions discussed in this thread already.




Are you running dolphin on a server that has mod_security installed or other similar security software?

This topic is 2 years old, so since then i have discovered this as another very distinct possibility.

If you do not know if mod_security or similar is running on the server then ask your host.
Quote · 13 Jul 2015
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