1) "Youtube embed" insert a Youtube Video Link, press Continue and exit without Confirm it ( without press Submit or Delete ) return on Youtube embed, insert new Youtube Video Link, press Continue and see that in the new video remains the old image preview of the previous videos ( https://youtu.be/eveLjmwA9B0 )
2) "Image crop" this function not work " loading continuously without image display " ( https://youtu.be/RgEgbNajmKA )
3) " Image Upload Failed " Test with PHP 5.4.26 and PHP 5.4.44 ( https://youtu.be/zeDLogF5sbg ): * " SuPHP + eAccelerator " Not Work. * " FastCGI + eAccelerator " Work but not resize well the image preview. * " SuPHP + APC " Not Work. * " FastCGI + APC " Work Well. Templates and Modules for Dolphin 7.3 http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/Giovanni_m |
I'll check into 1 and 2, but 3 is not a Dolphin issue. suPHP is not compatible with cache engines, and eAccelerator is discontinued and has issues with newer PHP versions. Neither should be used.
Cache engines only work with FastCGI and DSO (Apache module). You should always use FastCGI. It's faster than suPHP and supports cache engines, and doesn't have DSO's permission issues.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
i also noticed that inserting "Youtube embed" don't work when using it on timeline Always remember that the future comes one day at a time. |
Ok thanks Nathan, just that for some reason on the same server with same settings and same version of PHP 5.4.44 "SuPHP + eAccelerator" and "FastCGI + eAccelerator" Work Fine on dolphin 7.1.6 Templates and Modules for Dolphin 7.3 http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/Giovanni_m |
I have another problem with a fresh 7.2 installation. With trimming below, for inclusion, the avatar is not copied into the profile album if checked. Once a member yet well it works. In level member "add image" and "upload avatar" are allowed for all levels. Can anyone verify this?

Baloo |
Thank you for the report, it was added as related issue to the following issue:
1) "Youtube embed" insert a Youtube Video Link, press Continue and exit without Confirm it ( without press Submit or Delete ) return on Youtube embed, insert new Youtube Video Link, press Continue and see that in the new video remains the old image preview of the previous videos ( https://youtu.be/eveLjmwA9B0 )
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Agree with @Natan's post, but please could you check server audit page, it maybe that with particular configuration some php extensions are missing.
1) "Youtube embed" insert a Youtube Video Link, press Continue and exit without Confirm it ( without press Submit or Delete ) return on Youtube embed, insert new Youtube Video Link, press Continue and see that in the new video remains the old image preview of the previous videos ( https://youtu.be/eveLjmwA9B0 )
2) "Image crop" this function not work " loading continuously without image display " ( https://youtu.be/RgEgbNajmKA )
3) " Image Upload Failed " Test with PHP 5.4.26 and PHP 5.4.44 ( https://youtu.be/zeDLogF5sbg ): * " SuPHP + eAccelerator " Not Work. * " FastCGI + eAccelerator " Work but not resize well the image preview. * " SuPHP + APC " Not Work. * " FastCGI + APC " Work Well.
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