I attempted the upgrade a few days ago and it crashed my website. All the folders except the upgrade folder has content on my TRSG website and i dont want to lose the content. I had to roll back to the files i had back for flash, inc, modules, periodic, templates and xmlrpc. I followed the instructions for the upgrade which didnt work out. i got a report say the upgrade was sucessfull but the website had crashed. i have attached a copy of the report which indicated everything was upgraded sucessfully but noting worked.
Thank you
Please make sure that you followed all points in the last step:

Other things to check:
- it maybe incompatible templates or mods - then please try to switch to the default template and/or uninstall non compatible modules
- make sure that new files were really overwritten, just check some of new files
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@AlexT, just curious to know what brings you back here? Your last post on the forum was way back in January from what I can see. |
Maybe Dolphin is getting ready for another upgrade.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michel - Meta-Travel.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
I did send an email on the real time comments but was instructed to upgrade my site to 7.3.5 first. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Hi All
Thank you for the feedback, the website did not load after the upgrade, yes I did remove the upgrade folder. i cleared the cache, cache_public and tmp folders, it looked like the database was not opening. I was just a bit concerned about loosing content and users as it would not be problematic to reenter it all. I do have a backup of the site. What happens to all the data (Images, file, etc) in the modules folder when you replace it with the one from the upgrade patch, do you looses this content ?
I used bitwise SSH to access the folders on the site and confirm the cache was indeed cleared.
Thanks again
Hi Michael and congratulations for attracting AlexT's attention. We thought we had lost him . . . forever!
7.3.5 which was a minor update to mainly deal with the captcha issue so changes to the modules are quite minor.
Although the modules are shown as updates, only one or two files, the config file in the Install directory and a couple of others if I recall were updated to reflect version 7.3.5.
To answer your question, all data could be lost if you overwrite the files containing it, however those files aren't included as part of the update as far as I know. For example, the Photos module update only includes the config file mentioned above and a few minor template changes. The actual data files won't be touched.
Don't do a replace of the folders, you just upload and when prompted set to replace the old files. You should not lose data. Is that bitwise or bitvise? For a windows environment, you might want to take a look at bitvise; both a GUI file transfer programme and a SSH shell. I asked for a Linux port but they said the cost would be too much for them to port it. Geeks, making the world a better place |
Hi All
I appreciate the feedback and I will have another go later today, Bitvise SSH with a V, never noticed that and always assumed it was W, may need better glasses  . The six folders that are part of the upgrade are less than 1MB is size but the same folders on my site come to 130MB. If i replace the folders, do i lose the content and is it better to just replace the files that are different in each folder, the upgrade folder is removed and cache cleared after the upgrade so they do not affect how the website functions. Maybe the upgrade instructions could have some more steps in it to say what happens with the content of the folders and how to replace that content if it is lost.
Thank you again
Best wishes
You can use the graphical sftp shell that comes with Bitvise to move the files to the server. I have done it myself many times. I tend to work with Linux but really like Bitvise and wish they had a port to Linux. I offered to try and set up a crowdfunding for the port but they were not interested.
Back up your site files and your site database before preceeding. You will choose overwrite files when you upload the files in the upgrade.
I can do this upgrade for you for a small fee if you are interested.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
HI All
i got my sites upgraded and t worked like a charm this time. i just dropped the folders into the Public_html and it upgraded the files that were needed but did not erase the other files in each directory. I was concerned that by copying the upgrade folder over they would erase any content that was not in the new folder. Some software works like this and you have to be a bit cauious.
Bitvise is excellent for moving files, accessing the terminal and on ubuntu servers that are configured allow access a desktop display, needless to say im a big fan and use it a lot. Most Cpanels have an SSH icon that allows you to enable this function. You have to generate the public and private key in there to allow access to occur. i used the site name as the content to generate the key, so if you site name is Bom223344 as entered in the cpanel them use this. Open bitvise and use port 2223, host name is your site name such as boonex.info along with user name as Bom223344 and initial method as Public key, it will ask you to accept the cert and will look for you cpanel password to complete the connection. it took me a while to figue it out the first time and in hindsight it was worth the effort. Save the profile in each folder you have for every website you manage and when you need to connect just open the profile in bitvise and connect. Most hosting companys use a linux server for there websites and you have to pay a little extra to get one that uses a windows platform.
Thank you for your help
Sorry geek_girl, i read your post again and realised you wanted to use this software on a Linux OS to access a linux server, My laptop is a windows machine so i never had to worry about it, but i can see your point of view.
Thank you
@AlexT, just curious to know what brings you back here? Your last post on the forum was way back in January from what I can see.
Leonid is checking this forum and send me only topics which he can't answer.
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Sorry geek_girl, i read your post again and realised you wanted to use this software on a Linux OS to access a linux server, My laptop is a windows machine so i never had to worry about it, but i can see your point of view.
Thank you
There has been times when I used a VM with windows just so I could use Bitvise, it is a great programme. There are no decent GUI sftp programmes for Linux; FileZilla is just as buggy on Linux as it is on Windows. gFTP isn't bad but it has issues as well; I have had it to freeze and it is not in development. Working with large numbers of files in terminal is just too much work; and too easy to make a mistake in typing.
Happy to hear that you got your site upgraded.
Geeks, making the world a better place |
Leonid is checking this forum and send me only topics which he can't answer.
Hey @ AlexT, Please. please, please don't insult our intelligence. @Leonid hasn't been near this forum for months and months. In the meantime, people here have been literally screaming for help and they've been completely ignored by the Boonex crew . . . Completely!
. . . Well at least until a few days ago, when out of the blue the entire team minus Leonid has lobbed on the doorstep trying to convince us that all is okay.
. . . Well at least until a few days ago, when out of the blue the entire team minus Leonid has lobbed on the doorstep trying to convince us that all is okay.
Or... trying to promote a Dolphin to UNA 'upgrade' path.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michel - Meta-Travel.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
TravelNotes.org - The Online Guide to Travel |
Or... trying to promote a Dolphin to UNA 'upgrade' path.
That was in my original draft, but I decided to drop it to avoid duplicating another post when I will give Mr Boone a blast on another thread.
It's actually becoming quite farcical.
Thank you johnk42 for the feedback, we left it for the Leonid responsibility but he didn't take care, we'll control him more often from now on.
Hey @ AlexT, Please. please, please don't insult our intelligence. @Leonid hasn't been near this forum for months and months. In the meantime, people here have been literally screaming for help and they've been completely ignored by the Boonex crew . . . Completely!
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Thank you johnk42 for the feedback, we left it for the Leonid responsibility but he didn't take care, we'll control him more often from now on.
@AlexT, I'd be interested to know when you plan to control Leonid more often?
He's merrily posting the usual propaganda on the UNA forum instead of being here trying to help struggling Dolphin users:
Hello Travel!
As you wish - Dolphin is good, but UNA is better ;-) about your error - may you please specify more details about it. What browser do you use? Did you get only this message after pressing the "Post" button? Did you refresh your browser after it and then it helped?
Do we have to join that forum to get any sense out of you people?
I'm sorry, but I'm acting on behalf of a person who has invested in Dolphin - not UNA!