Dolphin 7 B6 (Design Issue Bugs List)


1. a problem with overwriting "base" files !!

the problem accures when i try to modify 'UNI' skin, or create another one template.

HTML files in 'root/templates/tmpl_xxx'  DO NOT overwrite files from 'root/templates/base'

for instance:

am trying to add a new DIV in 'root/templates/tmpl_xxx/_sub_header.html'   --- and see no changes in browser until i'm adding the same DIV into 'root/templates/base/_sub_header.html'

it means the changes in 'root/templates/tmpl_xxx/_sub_header.html' are totally IGNORED!! meanwhile they MUST overwrite 'base' files.

NOTE: please check the "overwriting" option for all php/css files also images located in 'tmpl_xxx'.

while checking the bug you can test 'tmpl_uni' folder as well..

2. problem with variables:


the variable is not working:     $site['images']    = $site['url'] . "templates/tmpl_{$GLOBALS['tmpl']}/images/";   (pics are not shown)

added a pic in 'root/templates/tmpl_uni/designbox_1.html'

<img class="dbFirstHeaderLeftPic" src="__images__db_1_header_lc.png" alt="" />

and it seems there is a problem with pathes..

please pay attention to pathes issue

Tim Shim - Dolphin Templates Specialist
Want to see my products?! CLICK HERE (NEW Template "Michael")

Gorpus Design Team |
Quote · 22 Sep 2009

1. _sub_header.htm file is included using the following tag : <bx_include_base:_sub_header.html />, so to override sub_header.htm you need to change this tag too: <bx_include_templ:_sub_header.html />, so you have to copy page_XX.html file to your template too, to change bx_include_base to bx_include_templ

2. You can override variables declared in BxBaseConfig, but not others.

3. Try to clean cache after each modification, or disable it completely during template development.

Rules →
Quote · 23 Sep 2009


one more thing for your attention : COLUMNS ISSUE

templates inner columns / their content is managed through admin panel.

columns' width is calculated in percentage (%), right?!

please modify page_1.html:

something like this:

<bx_include_base:_sub_header.html />
<div style="position:relative; border:1px solid red;">        <----- added
</div>                                                                           <----- added
<bx_include_base:_sub_footer.html />

as result you can see that the 2 columns do react on the BORDER! the left column goes below the right coulmn... the same with adding "padding" or "margin" styles to the DIV, ....AS IF the columns width is FIXED, but not in %%%!! .... how come?!

thank you!

Tim Shim - Dolphin Templates Specialist
Want to see my products?! CLICK HERE (NEW Template "Michael")

Gorpus Design Team |
Quote · 27 Sep 2009

any solution!?

Gorpus Design Team |
Quote · 30 Sep 2009


Columns width:

got what's wrong here..  the 'style="width:__main_div_width__;'  pulls column's width value in PIXELS, but not in % (as it was in previous Dolphin versions), as result FIXED columns width, managed through admin panel..

..not very good actually  from design integration part....

are you going to change the columns width  to percentage value?!

thank you!

Tim Shim - Dolphin Templates Specialist
Want to see my products?! CLICK HERE (NEW Template "Michael")

Gorpus Design Team |
Quote · 3 Oct 2009

Ticket added:

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 3 Oct 2009


1. special thanks to Michel!

2. fix to headers:

<bx_include_tmpl:_sub_header.html />


<bx_include_tmpl:_sub_footer.html />

NOTE: 'tmpl' insted 'templ'

Tim Shim - Dolphin Templates Specialist
Want to see my products?! CLICK HERE (NEW Template "Michael")

Gorpus Design Team |
Quote · 6 Oct 2009


It is impossible to change px to %% again because precise columns positioning is impossible with %. Different browsers implements % width differently.

You have to use new system in your design templates, for example you can change your code to this one:

<bx_include_base:_sub_header.html />
<div style="position:relative; border:1px solid red; width:__main_div_width__; ">        <----- added
</div>                                                                           <----- added
<bx_include_base:_sub_footer.html />

or wrap your div outside the following main div:

<div class="main" style="border:0px; width:__main_div_width__;">

This ticket is closed for now.

Rules →
Quote · 6 Oct 2009
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