Dolphin 7 Beta install exe.

Hello @ All,

I have read all eror, which all user send here. most of problem, rong upload , or lot of user use Filezilla,

Try it fresh install whit autoinstaller from us, its easy and work 99.99%  you nead setting only ftp account rest do it self, and follow only after auto upload 


Download autoinstaller Dolphin 7 : DOWNLOAD


2009-10-29   16:35:13


Quote · 29 Oct 2009
What is the version?
Quote · 29 Oct 2009


Version  7 Beta.

Quote · 29 Oct 2009

The bugs most people are now reporting here are for Dolphin 7 beta 8.

Quote · 29 Oct 2009

We have install it self for test, dolphin 7 beta and import also from 6.1.6 its work fine, if you have any eror late us know maybe we can help, that way,

Quote · 29 Oct 2009

Yea i did a new install using the autoinstller , still the same problem can't use the tineymc , when ever i try to post an article i got again : Possible attack!!! All data has been collected and sent to the site owner for analysis.

The same as befor ... 7.0 nothing special .

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Quote · 29 Oct 2009

Hello Dear Eli.

I dont now which problem you have

install problem or date trasnfer from 6.1.6

if you have problem, late us know we can do it for you.

make bacup your site " full backup"

and creat new file name dolphin7  and send us ftp acces for this file not full ftp.

we will be install it for you and date migration , its take about 1-2 hour. " whit out money dont wory.

you can send acces to

or you can contact to us via

Skype : secondlive24

Msn :

Kind regards,

Quote · 29 Oct 2009

the dolphine beta it self is bugy , am just gonna leave it and wait for the latest release .

Thanks anyway , for your information even if my host got a autoinstaller :) but it didn't help too .


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Quote · 29 Oct 2009

Tell me i hope am not charged for using the autoinstaller ??

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Quote · 29 Oct 2009

RE: Hello Dear Eli.

I dont now which problem you have

install problem or date trasnfer from 6.1.6

if you have problem, late us know we can do it for you.

make bacup your site " full backup"

and creat new file name dolphin7  and send us ftp acces for this file not full ftp.

we will be install it for you and date migration , its take about 1-2 hour. " whit out money dont wory.

you can send acces to

or you can contact to us via

Skype : secondlive24

Msn :

Kind regards,

Let me see if I got this straight.......

Your profile says you're in the UK

You have an email address in the .au domain (Australia)

The server is in Germany

English is not your first language.....

Who are you?

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 29 Oct 2009

is that mean am i will lost my host ?

It lookes like he got me , i have to check my password and everything lol what a life !

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Quote · 29 Oct 2009

when i install that dolphin this was also installed with it ( what's this software for ?

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Quote · 29 Oct 2009


is that mean am i will lost my host ?


It lookes like he got me , i have to check my password and everything lol what a life !


Eli, in my opinion if I can not install dolphin or any other CMS software by my self than I better not to use that program.  either free or buy.



Quote · 29 Oct 2009

Man i did install it my self , more then 3 times and i did get the bugy error message like ( Possible ATTAcks) so i was thinking this guy is one of the boonex or dolphine guys offering that autoinstaller for free and then if i install it nothing will happen but it;s the same storey and same problem ...

Anyway i did delet again my site and am going to start from new , change my password and so on no more trust .


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Quote · 29 Oct 2009

See Video install help and Data migration 6.1.6 to 7


See Video torials  : Video



Quote · 29 Oct 2009

You have to read this guys.  Spammer insulting Dolphin owners in Chat.  I took the opportunity to look up the Opie and discovered he has almost as big of an ego as I do.  Of course, he's also about as bright when it comes to Dolphin as a box of saltine crackers.  This idiot actually thinks I have a 4 GB Dolphin install without any members or content.  ROFLMAO.  Here is the conversation that was had in the support chat by going to (You know, the screenname of our here here)....


Keep in mind, this was using: which is his chat link.  (My screenname is someone & his is Mike bR)  Here's the conversation for you:




   System   7:57:03 PM     
 System is getting started. [October-29-09 7:57:03 PM]
 A representative will be connected, please be patient.
 Mike bR. enters the chatroom.
  Mike bR.  7:57:12 PM   
 Hello Someone, my name is Mike bR., how may I help you?
  Someone  7:57:21 PM   
 Do you have VPS servers?
  Mike bR.  7:57:42 PM   
 No sir, we dont we have only dedicated server and Full hosting
  Someone  7:57:53 PM   
 So you have dedicated & shared servers?
  Mike bR.  7:58:00 PM   
  Someone  7:58:15 PM   
 Okay, your power dolphin, is that a shared or dedicated server?
  Mike bR.  7:58:21 PM   
 if you nead only for one domain its to big sir
 do you nead for dolphin ?
  Someone  7:59:06 PM   
 I own 3 domains currently and I do hi-bred dolphin development. I know the size I need.
 Is the power dolphin a shared or dedicated?
  Mike bR.  8:00:06 PM   
 which size you nead sir, all our server start whit  750 GB CDU  and 8 GB DDR3 RAM  its to much for 3 domain
 dedicated sir
  Someone  8:01:25 PM   
 And when I have a hi-bred version of D6 that's over 4GB in files & tables without any members or content then I know what I need. Do you often tell your educated clients what they need versus listening to them?
 So that is a dedicated server. Need to bump the RAM on that, 8GB doesn't do a whole lot for testing purposes. How much is it to bump it up to 20GB
  Mike bR.  8:02:42 PM   
 than you nead dedicated server which have 12 GB DDR3 RAM  whit 3x 1500 GB  see here :
  Someone  8:03:02 PM   
 12GB still won't run what I run effectively with RMS and such
  Mike bR.  8:03:19 PM   
 yes sir
  Someone  8:03:34 PM   
 So, what is the cost to go to 20GB?
  Mike bR.  8:03:49 PM   
 RAM  ?
  Someone  8:03:52 PM   
 I'm not going to place a 4GB script on a 20GB Dedicated HD
 That'd take up 20% of my HD, of course it's RAM
 Further, need php5.2.9 With Apache 2.2.1 configured for suPHP w/suHOSIN & mod_security2
  Mike bR.  8:06:55 PM   
 Sir we have max 12 GB RAM and all dedicated server whit : Hyper-Threading-Technologie    and  12 GB RAM for install own script like rms, ioncube  , zend .... you have  CDU 3x 1500 whit raid 5 whit this server you can have 500000 Client whit each 3 pictures, each 5 MB  and 4 video each 16 MB
  Someone  8:07:22 PM   
 That is a useless machine. Let me explain:
 I run Java Uploaders that bring in up to 500 Images right now in under 2 minutes. 100 Audio Files (MP3's in under 5 minutes) via the same Uploader.
 We run 80K Line SQL Injection files for DB uploads and members hold 20 Profile Images to start
 IONCube is good along with zend. Videos run at 50 Videos per member.
 If I'm paying for a server, why are you limiting my php.ini settings?
 As far as running 12GB as your max ram, then I'm not seeing how you can realistically be in the top 10 providers our there.
  Mike bR.  8:09:46 PM   
 sir all dedicated server full root, you can setting what very you whant
 Oo I see but we dont have 20 GB RAM sorry, have you check
  Someone  8:10:10 PM   
 Then why did you give me setting limits on a Dedicated Server? Makes it sound like it's not a full Ded
 I would not waste my time on GD, they don't properly configure to begin with, errors with DNS checks regularly and so on.
 Are you a Boonex Approved Host?
  Mike bR.  8:11:16 PM   
 not any more sir we have stop last weeck
  Someone  8:11:22 PM   
 Why is that?
  Mike bR.  8:12:04 PM   
 we have lot of visitor but lot of problem, same dont know what dosnt mean FTP, same one Mysql
 and we dont have smoll server to give ceap
  Someone  8:12:45 PM   
 So your saying because you got in clients that did not comprehend what FTP & MySQL are you chose to no longer work with Boonex? Then why are you advertising a Dolphin server?
  Mike bR.  8:13:13 PM   
 you mean site
  Someone  8:13:51 PM   
 Yes, you have Dolphin listed, specifically even have the Power Dolphin you stated that we've discussed in this conversation.
  Mike bR.  8:14:28 PM   
 it will be change it sir.
 are from boonex, you ask lot of thinks
  Someone  8:14:46 PM   
 And your advertising all over their forums today that you have an autoinstaller for D6 & D7
 That doesn't seem to me that your trying to get away from Boonex. Appears more like your trying to gain more customers.
  Mike bR.  8:15:30 PM   
 yes we have work last weeck and weeck be for for boonex autoinstaller, its free why not help to peaple
 No sir
  Someone  8:15:53 PM   
 Then why would you advertise all over their forums today?
 If your not trying to gain more Dolphin clients?
  Mike bR.  8:16:06 PM   
 we can sel all order if same one order from
 have you see we offers hosting or charge money for help?!
 we have install it to day for peaple from more than 36 sites, and for free, and thay are not our client
  Someone  8:17:01 PM   
 So let me get this right: Your going into the Boonex Forums, not to get customers, but rather to help people. However, you would prefer it if the Boonex customers did not order hosting services from you. Did I miss anything?
  Mike bR.  8:17:57 PM   
 thats correckt,  you are not first who ask us why we do that for free.!!
 have yóu any toher ask sir?!
  Someone  8:19:53 PM   
 So then what is the purpose of this? I'm noticing one individual already stating issues with their domain after your autoinstaller ran. Where did you get it from?
  Mike bR.  8:20:26 PM   
 what sir autoinstaller ?
  Someone  8:21:32 PM   
 The dolphin Auto Installer that you referenced in this conversation and your broadcasting all over the forums like it's a brand new item. This wouldn't happen to be the same Auto Installer that Dolphin devleoped would it?
  Mike bR.  8:22:08 PM   
 sir Dolphin or boonex dosnt have autoinstaller.
  Someone  8:22:17 PM   
 They don't?
 Since when?
  Mike bR.  8:23:26 PM   
 which you see thats our help for peaple, because lot of peaple using filezilla, upload, and no body know filezille have problem transfer typ, thats why we have autoinstaller for upload, and give free everybody , is that problem ??
  Someone  8:24:18 PM   
 Well, considering you have no idea what your talking about, let me educate YOU a little, especially since your so prone to insult the average Dolphin owner who is trying to learn something.
 Take a look at this link:
 That's for adding the Auto Installer into a cPanel for automated installation of Dolphin. Oops, I guess this means that your not quite as smart as you want to imply and that the average Dolphin owner isn't as stupid as you have accused them of being.
  Mike bR.  8:25:29 PM   
 sir, I thing you dont know.,  this link which you show me for user who have cpanel. and not autouploader,
  Someone  8:25:52 PM   
 And how many Dolphin owners do you know that don't have cPanel?
 Your an idiot if your hosting Dolphin without cPanel, who in the hell are they supposed to create & access a DB without it
  Mike bR.  8:26:32 PM   
 cpanel using only peaple  from USA , CANADA, and asia  , europa  using Plesk !!!
  Someone  8:27:35 PM   
 Oops... Wrong again. I do to much work for people who are in the UK and such and they do have cPanel there also. Though I do have to flip my FTP Client from SCP to FTP to do the European sites. But I know an X3 cPanel when I see one. It says cPanel at the top of it
 Did they move the UK from Europe and place it in the US or Asia? Perhaps it's drifted to Australia
  Mike bR.  8:28:20 PM   
 Sir. can you tell me who are you and what exe. you whant from us.

Now, I rarely get into it with a host because whether I personally like them or not, they usually server a purpose in helping out a given group of site owneres.  Not all of us have the same needs/wants and that's a large part of why we have so many hosts.  However, when  this one shows up, 10 Posts (7 of them on October 24th & 29th ) and he's been around for 358 days lurking in the background then I have to do a small amount of checking. 


I'd say this is an individual that we should all wonder about, says he's no longer an approved Boonex host, calls Boonex members stupid (Okay, he agreed with me when I paraphrased him actually)... So, if this is what you want in a host then go ahead and  deal with him.  Otherwise, I highly recommend that you work with any one of the more customer service friendly hosts.  Heck, I have to admit that even I'm nicer than this guy...


Gotta love the chat support that let's you print it via a button they supply.  ROFLMAO!!!

Quote · 30 Oct 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.