Dolphin 7 - BoonEx development team

@ BoonEx development team


Some things I don't see in Dolphin 7 timeline...


Please don't forget to fix problems with matching and Cupid mails features in Dolphin 7 !!! ;-)

(total matching % - display matching % in profile page - send Cupid mails function)


Please add notification for new friend request - new friend accept ;-)


Please make Promo block multilanguage


Thank you :-)

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 26 Feb 2009

Okay, I give up.  I've searched the forums, I've Googled everything I can think of but I can't find anything, anywhere on the email templates.  Maybe I'm overlooking something very simple.

Can anyone inform me where I can find what fields are available for email templates.  Where does it pull <REALNAME>?  The email is sent with the NickName and I need to change this to their "Real Name".

I would also like to pull some other info from the users profile if possible.

I see items like <DOMAIN> <EMAIL>, etc.. but I can't find anywhere where it pulls this info.

Thanks in advance.


Quote · 26 Feb 2009

I think that Dolphin 7 will have new multilanguage email templates... Hope the thumbnail of the sender will be inserted in some of these new email templates too...

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 26 Feb 2009

I think that Dolphin 7 will have new multilanguage email templates... Hope the thumbnail of the sender will be inserted in some of these new email templates too...

I sure hope so. There is another script totally FREE that offers 16 languages already loaded into the sys. I believe multilanguage inclusion in Dolphin 7 of at least 6 languages will set Boonex ahead and separate them from the competition.

Quote · 26 Feb 2009


Okay, I give up.  I've searched the forums, I've Googled everything I can think of but I can't find anything, anywhere on the email templates.  Maybe I'm overlooking something very simple.


Can anyone inform me where I can find what fields are available for email templates.  Where does it pull <REALNAME>?  The email is sent with the NickName and I need to change this to their "Real Name".


I would also like to pull some other info from the users profile if possible.


I see items like <DOMAIN> <EMAIL>, etc.. but I can't find anywhere where it pulls this info.


Thanks in advance.



look into "inc/"


Around line 845, there is a list of variable which are available in mail templates.




$sMailBody = str_replace( "<NickName>", $aRecipientInfo['NickName'], $sMailBody );


If you want to add the value of a profile field "Name" in the form, add this line in the list:


$sMailBody = str_replace( "<Name>", $aRecipientInfo['Name'], $sMailBody );


Note: You can name the new variable as <RealName> as it has been already entered in the system. However you may change it to:


$sMailBody = str_replace( "<RealName>", $aRecipientInfo['****'], $sMailBody );


where **** represents name of your profile field.


Hope this helps.

Quote · 26 Feb 2009


This post is about the new Dolphin 7... There is nothing like that at line 845. I think that you are refering to an old version.

 * Send email function
 * @param string $sRecipientEmail  - Email where email should be send
 * @param string $sMailSubject   - subject of the message
 * @param string $sMailBody    - Body of the message
 * @param integer $iRecipientID   - ID of recipient profile
 * @param array $aPlus     - Array of additional information
 * @return boolean       - trie if message was send
 *           - false if not
function sendMail( $sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, $sMailBody, $iRecipientID = '', $aPlus = '', $sEmailFlag = 'text' ) {
 global $site;

 if( $iRecipientID )
  $aRecipientInfo = getProfileInfo( $iRecipientID );

 $sMailHeader  = "From: =?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode( $site['title'] ) . "?= <{$site['email_notify']}>";
 $sMailParameters = "-f{$site['email_notify']}";

 $sMailSubject = str_replace( "<SiteName>", $site['title'], $sMailSubject );

 $sMailBody  = str_replace( "<SiteName>", $site['title'], $sMailBody );
 $sMailBody  = str_replace( "<Domain>", $site['url'], $sMailBody );
 $sMailBody  = str_replace( "<recipientID>", $aRecipientInfo['ID'], $sMailBody );
 $sMailBody  = str_replace( "<RealName>", $aRecipientInfo['NickName'], $sMailBody );
 $sMailBody  = str_replace( "<NickName>", $aRecipientInfo['NickName'], $sMailBody );
 $sMailBody  = str_replace( "<Email>", $aRecipientInfo['Email'], $sMailBody );
 $sMailBody  = str_replace( "<Password>", $aRecipientInfo['Password'], $sMailBody );

 if( is_array($aPlus) ) {
  foreach ( $aPlus as $key => $value ) {
   $sMailBody = str_replace( '<' . $key . '>', $value, $sMailBody );

 $sMailSubject = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode( $sMailSubject ) . '?=';

 $sMailHeader = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . $sMailHeader;

 if( 'html' == $sEmailFlag) {
  $sMailHeader = "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $sMailHeader;
  $iSendingResult = mail( $sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, $sMailBody, $sMailHeader, $sMailParameters );
 } else {
  $sMailHeader = "Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $sMailHeader;
  $iSendingResult = mail( $sRecipientEmail, $sMailSubject, html2txt($sMailBody), $sMailHeader, $sMailParameters );

 return $iSendingResult;



I just love it when someone tries to correct one of the experienced modders that is trying to help someone out for free...


Above is the full code from 6.1.4 and the line Guatam refers to is right there in the middle... Methinks you might not have the correct version if your not finding it...   It's right in the function sendMail where one would expect to find it.  And yes, it could be modified to do as Guatam says and achieve the results you want.


Now, the thread may be about 7, but someone asked for help and he offered it... Lighten up...

Quote · 26 Feb 2009

I appreciate the help as that resolved my issue.  As to this thread being about Dolphin 7 someone must have moved my post here as I created a new thread under 6.1.

Thanks for the help though.


Quote · 26 Feb 2009

That worked perfectly. Thank you, gkcgautam!

Quote · 25 Apr 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.