Been having very little luck getting the security image to work... however, i now have it working.. SO i thought for those who have been searching the forums and have also had no luck to check a few things to see if you've missed anything... Here's my list of what i did and please bare in mind i searched all posts on this issue so i made many different changes from different posts.
************************************************************* Firstly, my Variable setting for GD is active - Dolphin7 Admin panel >Settings > Advanced Settings > Variables > Use GD library for image processing: YES! --------------------------- Delete the simg folder... Open or Create .htaccess file in your simg folder
Options -Indexes
--------------------------- Open or Create php.ini file in your simg folder
register_globals = Off get_magic_quotes_gpc = On allow_url_include = Off safe_mode = Off
Re upload your simg folder.
Check your permissions and see if this has worked, if yes great  If NOT...
try changing permissions on the images within the image folder...
Now i'm not a coder or claim to know I'm just posting this here as this is what i did and it all now works fine so wanted to share for those who were trying and trying like me.
Keep Smiling and i hope this works for you! :)
In Addition to your post:
in simg folder:
-> delete .htacces file -> replace with php.ini
register_globals = Off allow_url_include = Off get_magic_quotes_gpc = On
works fast and easy. :)
Hello, i have this problem, please help me with this.
my structure directory is:
images (directory) .htaccess simg.php verdana.ttf
i have dolphin 7, then in the htacces appear:
Options -Indexes
what i need do for fix this error?
thank you, regards.
Hello, i have this problem, please help me with this.
my structure directory is:
images (directory) .htaccess simg.php verdana.ttf
i have dolphin 7, then in the htacces appear:
Options -Indexes
what i need do for fix this error?
thank you, regards.
Just make a php.ini file open notepad then paste this:
register_globals = Off allow_url_include = Off get_magic_quotes_gpc = On
save as "php.ini" then copy this to simg folder on your Dolphin files.
Hope it helps.
this doesnt work for me, im frustrated and this software has done nothing but cost me money and headaches so far. |
@ outtareach
Did you check if GD library was compiled with FreeType fonts (and maybe TrueType fonts too) ???
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
thanx that worked for me ! |
php.ini was not inside my .../simg folder and Captcha was not working. now that I put it there, everything is fine.
Thank you
Thanks for the tips.
I was having trouble getting captcha to work properly, too.It would display the background image, but no text.
I created the php.ini file as suggested AND I re-uploaded the verdana.ttf file into the simg folder and that seemed to fix it.
For some reason the verdana.ttf file on my server was about 30KB smaller than the one that came in the installation package, so somehow it became truncated.
I have the same problem. I did everything SteveAlmighty suggested but still not working. My GD-Info shows this:
array(11) {
["GD Version"]=>
string(27) "bundled (2.0.34 compatible)"
["FreeType Support"]=>
["T1Lib Support"]=>
["GIF Read Support"]=>
["GIF Create Support"]=>
["JPEG Support"]=>
["PNG Support"]=>
["WBMP Support"]=>
["XPM Support"]=>
["XBM Support"]=>
["JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support"]=>
It seems I have no Truetype support installed or? How can I install it? I have some hosting provider and no access to a root shell or something
this seems like a walk around the world to get to the kitchen.
enabling captcha should only require that you have TTF enabled on the apache build and with GD library. if your hosting account does not have these two options enabled, then personally i would seek hosting that was dolphin compliant, or for that matter wordpress compliant, because most every CMS or portal today uses some form of captcha, and would require GD and TTF.
all this other stuff where it may or may not work just seems like the wrong approach to enable something as industry standard as captcha.
I have the same problem. I did everything SteveAlmighty suggested but still not working. My GD-Info shows this:
array(11) {
["GD Version"]=>
string(27) "bundled (2.0.34 compatible)"
["FreeType Support"]=>
["T1Lib Support"]=>
["GIF Read Support"]=>
["GIF Create Support"]=>
["JPEG Support"]=>
["PNG Support"]=>
["WBMP Support"]=>
["XPM Support"]=>
["XBM Support"]=>
["JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support"]=>
It seems I have no Truetype support installed or? How can I install it? I have some hosting provider and no access to a root shell or something
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
You can use ImageMagick as alternative, if your hosting supports it.
It seems I have no Truetype support installed or? How can I install it? I have some hosting provider and no access to a root shell or something
Rules → |
You can use ImageMagick as alternative, if your hosting supports it.
It seems I have no Truetype support installed or? How can I install it? I have some hosting provider and no access to a root shell or something
But how?
I didnt chose the provider, my client did and I don't think I could get him into changing the provider for all his sites and domains just because a captcha.
Would be easier to just have recaptca module for dolphin...
this seems like a walk around the world to get to the kitchen.
enabling captcha should only require that you have TTF enabled on the apache build and with GD library. if your hosting account does not have these two options enabled, then personally i would seek hosting that was dolphin compliant, or for that matter wordpress compliant, because most every CMS or portal today uses some form of captcha, and would require GD and TTF.
all this other stuff where it may or may not work just seems like the wrong approach to enable something as industry standard as captcha.
yes, then have your client submit a ticket to support and ask them to enable GD or ImageMagick and also ask if TTF is enabled.
one thing you can point out to your client is that dolphin has certain hosting requirements, and not all hosting service providers are configured to support the dolphin script. there i also a module in the marktet "the slider" which would suffice in lieu of captcha or recaptcha, and i think either one would require the same no matter which you opted for there.
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
You can use ImageMagick as alternative, if your hosting supports it.
But how?
You need to disable GD in settings and then specify patch to ImageMagick binaries in inc/ file.
If you prefer replacement of current captcha - there is ready integration if different captcha in the market - including reCaptcha.
Rules → |
I asked the client if they want to buy the reCaptcha plugin or work with the hoster support to fix the problem. Thanks so far |
Did you try to install FreeType support for GDLibrary? In WHM this module is called TTF.
If you don't have WHM (shared host), you should address this problem to your hosting provider.