You will have much better luck here if you do a search first, and then ask one question at a time. No one wants to answer a whole list. Here is the answer to your site name question: Try carefully reviewing settings/advanced settings to find the answer to a few others.
Is there an option that will set someone to automatically be added as a friend to every new user that signs up? I am the site Admin and want automatically to be added as a friend to everyone on the site (similar to how Tom was the default friend of everyone on MySpace). Is this possible?
I certiainly hope that isn't an option somewhere. Having that geek Tom automatically added to my friends list was annoying. It's just another way to spam members.
Why would you assume that your members want you on their friends list? It's just another invasion of privacy if you ask me.
For your other questions, I'd suggest you spend some time familiarizing yourself with the admin panel.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
"As for the option to be added as a friend right away, what's so intruding about it?"
Because the people that join your site have no desire to add a complete stranger to their friends list. You answered your own question, in that you only want to do it to see what kind of content they are posting. Unless that content is posted in a public place for all to see, it's none of the admin's business. Of course, that's only my opinion..
As for your other question about people getting treated like morons, it's usually due to one of two things:
1. They are a moron.
2. They haven't bothered to search the forums, for an answer to their question, which in most cases has been asked hundreds of times before.
Having been a member of this community for as long as you have been, you should know by now that some of what you ask can be found in Good luck
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
We obviously have different opinions. Don't get your pantyhose in a knot. I've only used this script for a very short time and I guess I just have amazing searching skills. I've alway found answers by searching these forums, or using google. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I just tried this and it worked.
Find this line in join.php (approx Line 391):
list( $iMemID, $sStatus ) = $oPC -> createProfile( $aProfile );
Insert this line after it:
$dump = db_res("INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '{$iMemID}', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1");
The profile number needs to be whatever number your "Tom profile" number is.
This works for new members only!!! It is not retroactive!!!
If you have members already and want to add your "Tom profile" to current members, run an SQL query on your database as such:
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '2', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '3', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '4', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '5', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '6', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1"),
INSERT INTO FriendList SET `ID` = '7', `Profile` = 1, `Check` = 1");
This is an example of inserting your "Tom profile" into members 2 to 7. Make sure that your ID numbers match actual member ID numbers and that the profile number match your "Tom profile" or you will get an SQL error or improper database additions. |
We obviously have different opinions. Don't get your pantyhose in a knot. I've only used this script for a very short time and I guess I just have amazing searching skills. I've alway found answers by searching these forums, or using google.
You're amazing for sure. And my "pantyhose" aren't in a knot. But rude, arrogant people just bug me.
And yes.. we do have very different opinions. If you pay for access to a site then you have every right to be able to put whatever content you want up there (if the owner permits it in their terms and conditions), but when you use a site that is freely open to the public, the owner of the site has every right in the world to monitor content and remove what he/she deems to be offensive or unacceptable.
You know? In the amount of time you have spent slamming me and then going and viewing my profile multiple times, you might have been able to help me out a little, instead of wasting time with insults.
I just like getting under people's skin..... you seemed like an easy mark.
Oh well..... I guess everyone should have an imaginary friend like Tom.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Houston, are you saying that Tom is not real? He is my only friend on MySpace! |
A bit like this you mean, doing a search on the forum, hey presto in 2 seconds flat
Search is a wonderful thing you know. (sarc)
Tyke, you are a genius!
I think I hurt alph's itty bitty feelings. I should sign up for some sensitivity training.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I just noticed that line breaks are appearing correctly in forum posts (sob) .... I'm getting all teary-eyed. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
Ya know, After spending years online I still fail to see why some people have to act like complete jerks torwards people and just waste time instead of actually helping. Really makes you wonder....
Anyway... Glad I could help. |
Ya know, After spending years online I still fail to see why some people have to act like complete jerks torwards people and just waste time instead of actually helping. Really makes you wonder....
Anyway... Glad I could help.
Yeah....... people around here are real assholes.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I just understand that you have issues and are really lonely in your own little tiny world.
Don't worry. The doctor sez I'm much better now. I was having recurring dreams about all the numbnuts in the Boonex forums that don't know how to use a search form. The medication seems to be helping.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
No feelings hurt on this end. I just understand that you have issues and are really lonely in your own little tiny world. Don't try to take any credit for anything that you don't deserve, because it takes more than itty bitty you to hurt my feelings. Have a nice life because I won't be wasting any more of my time being your friend (sob).
Good lord! Alpha, the LAST thing this forum needs is another drama queen!