RESOLVED! Going to \groups\orca as Admin then recompiling Lang=en there, solved the issue
Dolphin needs a compile
Orca needs a compile
AND group\orca needs a compile
During our UAT testing our testers came up with an issue thats got us stumped. We need to get this out of test an into production. Any help would be awesome.
Monterey CA.
- Test user logs on (result = success)
- Test user creates group under "Animals & Pets" called Cats (result=success)
- Test User Clicks Post Topic (result=success)(URL
- Test user Presented with post topic enty form at URL (
- Form Entry fields contain improper syntax (ex.L[Topic subject:]] etc. (result=STOP and escalate)
Level 2 steps taken
- search for strings in lanq. in Dolphin - result (not Found)
- Recompile Lanq "en" in Dolphin Admin (result=success
- Recompile Lanq. "en" in Orca Admin (result=success)
Repeat UAT steps 1-5 = Same result STOP escalate.
testers note " A google of the string |Orca L[Topic subject:]] | shows hundreds of forums with these string. Most likely from not recompiling the lang. However, we have done that on "Dolphin" and "Orca"
Note #2 "Creating a forum in "Orca" shows no issues and Posting also is OK directly in "Orca", It seems that when "Dolphin 6.1.4" shells out to create the post, something is missing in the translation"