Dolphin Installation Probleme

French :



J'ai un probleme avec l'installation sur localhost, meme avant l'installation, je vais sur http://localhost/ et ce message apparait :



English :



I have a probleme with the installation in my localhost, before the installation, im going to http://localhost/ and i have this message :







\n"; } exit; } require_once( 'inc/' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/scripts/BxTemplVotingView.php" ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolArticles.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolClassifieds.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolEvents.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolBlogs.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolGroups.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolPageView.php' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolSharedMedia.php' ); require( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/base/scripts/BxBaseIndex.php" ); require( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/scripts/BxTemplIndex.php" ); check_logged(); $_page['name_index'] = 1; $_page['header'] = $site['title']; $_page['header_text'] = $site['title']; $_page['css_name'] = 'index.css'; $oIPV = new BxTemplIndexPageView(); $_ni = $_page['name_index']; $_page_cont[$_ni]['promo_code'] = getPromoCode(); $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $oIPV -> getCode(); // add email to notify emails list if ( $_POST['subscribe'] && $_POST['subscribe_submit'] ) AddNotifyEmail($_POST['subscribe']); PageCode();

Pliz help me !

Thx ;)

Quote · 29 Aug 2009

This is with the version Dolphin 6.

And with the version Dolphin 7 beta 5 i have this :


get_magic_quotes_gpc is Off, enable it
Please go to the
Dolphin Troubleshooter
and solve the problem.



Quote · 29 Aug 2009

Up pliz

Quote · 30 Aug 2009

Magic_quotes must by set to be ON in your server configuration. Elese Dolphin 7 will not install.

Install problem 6.1.6 
For install go to your or the path to to index.php

Kids first
Quote · 30 Aug 2009


Vous devez configurer short_open_tag=On. Visitez cette page et vérifiez les paramètres.

Regards, Lyubov.

Quote · 31 Aug 2009

French ;     peut-tu s'il-te-plait m'envoyer le dossier déjà prés? Car je n'y arrive pas :s Soit sympa :)

English :   if you can-you-please send me the file already near? 

Because I can not: s 

Let cool:)

Thx you very mutch, please :p

Quote · 31 Aug 2009


Quote · 31 Aug 2009


French ;     peut-tu s'il-te-plait m'envoyer le dossier déjà prés? Car je n'y arrive pas :s Soit sympa :)

English :   if you can-you-please send me the file already near? 

Because I can not: s 

Let cool:)

Thx you very mutch, please :p

 You need to copy paste the link she (LyubovL) gave you into your browser and then follow the instructions for it.  It's a list of the server parameters for Dolphin, currently your server does not meet the requirements and is the reason for the error.



Quote · 31 Aug 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.