Hi, my dolphin join form was working fine until after 2 days of installation and the submit button stop submiting.
Now after filling the form when you hit the submit button nothing happens.
i re-uploaded the join.php to see if it'll fix/reset the page to it default status but nothing happened. the problem still the same. Pls anyone has an idea on how to solve this problem or how i can reset.
hi sammy, i understand that submit will not work if required field are not filled. But thats not what i'm talking about.
When i mean submit not working. i mean totally not working, as in it will not even submit to even give error if required field were filled or not.
even when i filled every field on the join form, submit button doesn't submit. no error message or anything.
still waiting for any help to help me solve this issue or re-set the JoinForm to it state on installation.
Try different browsers ..... No browser is consistent across the entire installation .....
Also be sure to clear your browser caches .....
i have tested the join form on almost all the browser. i have been on this thing/trying to fix why the form not working for a week now before posting to this forum. i have tested it on following browsers: Internet explorer 7, Firefox 3, Opera 9, Apple Safari 3 and the new Google Chrome browser. pls don't laugh, i had to download all the browser incase i have a case like this.
Pls i need helppppppp. here is the link to my website join page for your view and see what i'm saying. maybe by see it you might discover what i've done wrong that's mking it not work. here is the link:
You took the DateOfBirth out of the join form ..... It is necessary for creating new records ..... |
I don' think that is true. I had the DOB out of my join form for a while, and the form still worked. The members won't show up in any of the searches though, so you still have to get it in there somehow. |
Hi Sammie, RumpyBumpy, Caltrade thank you all for your comments so far. :) pls i need a solution to making this form work. How can i install only the Join form detail to reset it to how it was at installation.
I don't think the problem why the form is not submiting has anything to do with DateOfBirth though i have taking note of Caltrade comment on the effect (members won't show up in any of the searches) of DoB omission so i will try to enabled it back.
My main problem is how to have the form submit. could the problem be with the submit button or something in the database? How can i through PHPMyAdmin update/revert back to the previews setting of the Join form.
Any ideas/silution that can help me progress, solve this form issue
Hi eugenzuka, I don't know why your form is not working but something is weird. Check the ID field in your profile fields table and also your profiles table. If it is "0" that might be the problem - also make sure that field is set to auto increment. This caused all sorts of problems with my set up, however it generated a database error message and I think you would have mentioned that if you were getting them. Look at that to at least eliminate the possibility - that is all I can think of- it is a stumper. |
Hi Sammie, RumpyBumpy, Caltrade thank you all for your comments so far. :) pls i need a solution to making this form work. How can i install only the Join form detail to reset it to how it was at installation.
I don't think the problem why the form is not submiting has anything to do with DateOfBirth though i have taking note of Caltrade comment on the effect (members won't show up in any of the searches) of DoB omission so i will try to enabled it back.
My main problem is how to have the form submit. could the problem be with the submit button or something in the database? How can i through PHPMyAdmin update/revert back to the previews setting of the Join form.
Any ideas/silution that can help me progress, solve this form issue
Hi Caltrade, you said i should Check the ID field in your profile fields table and also your profiles table.
where are you asking that i check for this, in MySQL Databse or or in the dolphin admin panel?
In the Mysql database - check both those tables. It is a long shot, but it is worth a look.
I just checked your site join page...
I had similar results when clicking on join...no results, like I didnt click on it, no warnings....
My problem was, when I renamed blocks, I renamed the wrong part of the block.
Anyhow, I see that the block for nickname( on your join form) says LOGIN NAME.
On that block, field NAME should read NICKNAME (thats system name used for database)
Caption should read LOGIN NAME.
Please check your nickname block and make sure that field Name shows Nickname. Several months ago I renamed field Name and had the same results....no response when you click on join button.
What I usually do when I have a problem like this, I go to boonex demo site, sign in as admin, and compare blocks, fields, etc.
I hope this helps.
Just thought I'd join the fun... I'm having this issue also. Still working on the solution, which is most likely in the configuration of MySql tables ProfileFields which correspond with the Profiles table.
Will post here if I find the fix.... Next step is to copy the install data from the original sql files, then make sure that all the builders are compiled... really hope its not a compiler issue. Stay tuned....
UPDATE: fixed!
WHAT TO DO: Delete the entire ProfileFields table, and use a fresh sql insert using the Dolphin Installation .sql file. Then login to admin panel, fields builder, and you still have to compile the builder, so move a block around to recompile the builder. Test the new login right away. If all is good, you can go back to configuring how you want it.
I believe the root of the problem is as mentioned previously... if there is any mismatch between field NAME and what is located in Profiles table it will not process the "Submit" button. Its the first time i've seen such a silent bug... funny i think i prefer the bright loud RED db error that is displayed for other db errors.
Hope this helps.
One step further... I still found to be making the same mistake.
Here's what I discovered. Do not name a new BLOCK using the profile fields builder as the same thing as an existing field in your Profiles table. Make sure they are different, and I think all will go smoothly.
I have had similar problems that you described on a live site for join form submit button. I have found this problem to be intermittent or it has something to do with the firewall or security software they are running and how it interacts with the join submit button.
This is how I learned it is an intermittent problem too. I installed a live chat support script so when members are joing if they had a problem they could contact me. I talk to many that were trying to join and could not as a result.
One member future member I was able to talk him into disabling his firewall and security temporally and they were able to join.
The nice thing about using a support chat like I did I was able to also collect important information about what kind of browser they were using. Here us a snap shot from the last guy who had a problem.
Browser/OS: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0)
I think there is clearly an ongoing problem just most people would never know that it exists. Not sure what the solution is. I am not a coder but I am very good tester.
Since I have had my live site up and running I have found a lot of little things that I am going to start posting here in an effort to hopefully get the community involved in solving some of these.
My site is heavily moded so sometime I realize it is very hard to know what the real problem is. The core or something to do with mod or installation.
Program will only allow submit button to work if email is manually enterred every time,,, do not use auto complete ... this was done to stop spamming....
very confusing to users...
I have the same problem, without visible reasons, the submit button and " the profile edit " does not work any more. Anybody found the solution??
I was having the same problem with the contact us form until read this post. The problem is when you use an auto complete for your email address. If you type in the email address manually every character then there it will submit.
The problem with this is that users are not going to search this fom to find out why they cant sumbit thier request. Is there a way to disable the ability for auto complete to work on the site. I know on most sites that ask for a confimation of you email address the second attempt you have to manually type it in. How do you do that?