Dolphin/Orca Plugin

Dolphin may have had some fixes, but Orca plugin still isn't fixed, Orca still shows the blank page when the forum link is clicked.

Quote · 21 Jun 2008

I just upgraded from 6.1.1 to 6.1.2, click on forum link, and orca forum page is loading ok. I now this does not help you, but just letting you know that orca forum is loading ok for me with 6.1.2

From the land DownUnder
Quote · 21 Jun 2008

Forum is also loading here, but some browser problems stays... only firefox 3 can write.

Kids first
Quote · 21 Jun 2008

.. only firefox 3 can write.

I have this problem too - there is a bug fix for this ???

Quote · 21 Jun 2008

I have write the boonex team for this problem, but no answers at the moment.... Hopely they react at coming monday....

Kids first
Quote · 21 Jun 2008

Dear usalabs,

If you don't have DOM, XSLT installed in your server you will get a blank page.

Quote · 21 Jun 2008

For people that can't install DOM and XSLT, perhaps because DOM and XSLT may not be available for their version of Linux, there should be a version of Orca that can be installed and run without DOM or XSLT.

My Linux server is unable to install DOM and XSLT, because it's not available for my distro, I asked the developers and they said "we have no intention of making DOM or XSLT available for download because of there being a security hole in both programs", also, if I try to compile a version from another distro, it fails because of the version of Linux I use, uses different directory structures to most common Linux distros, the root paths are similar, with 3 or 4 system directory locations differences, which makes compiling from other distros near impossible.

Quote · 21 Jun 2008

Maby a distribution with Dolphin and groups with blogs and no Orca. This will help many people who have xslt problems.

I have with Dolphin themselves no problems only Orca give many problems with browsers.
And every browser react not the same on Orca!!!!

Kids first
Quote · 21 Jun 2008

".. only firefox 3 can write.

I have this problem too - there is a bug fix for this ???"

Is this a show stopper for going to 6.1.1 to 6.1.2 ?  i.e.  Should I wait a few days before I upgrade.  Don't really understand but it sounds serious.


p.s. 2 cents worth on the Orca problems.  I really hope that Orca becomes one of our options, and not our only option.  It would be nice if all major forum / bulletin boards worked with Dolphin.  I would especially like to see a good integration with phpBB and Dolphin.

Quote · 21 Jun 2008


If you are serious about building  a professional social network and have to include a 3rd party forum software vbulletin is the way to go. As obviously shown when you look at all the other paid social networking script options out there. They use vbulletin.

Quote · 21 Jun 2008

I've checked everywhere on the net, and there's only an rpm for redhat,that means Orca is developed on either Redhat or windows, surely, when a script or program is developed it's developed for a wide range of operating systems and not just 1 or 2, which brings me back to one of my previous posts labeled "Not worth it".

Dolphin was not developed with various operating systems in mind, it's aimed only for windows or Redhat Linux, therefore my advice is to dump dolphin and use Invision.

I only have dolphin installed to keep up with any further (so called) fixes, but my primary site is built up using Invision.

Check it out at My Site

I put this address here so that people can see how other scripts are far more compatible with a wide range of operating systems.

Invision just works!

Quote · 22 Jun 2008

Why are you telling people to "dump" their social networking sites and move to a FORUM... I could understand if you were telling them to dump Orca and integrate Invision into Dolphin.. but to dump a mutimedia site with videos, music and pictures and move to a plain looking forum would be silly.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 22 Jun 2008

I agree with the last writer, its not Dolphin itself that gives the problems.

But only one thing into Dolphin is also not one hundert procent at this time, thats groups, because its strong connected to Orca, who is the problem maker here.



Kids first
Quote · 22 Jun 2008

Ok, invision is not just a forum, if you look closely, invision can be more.

My site has everything a community site has and more, registered members can upload video, share images, blog, and even play an imbedded rpg type game with a guild, members can also play arcade games, and play at a casino, there's a shoutbox, plus lots more, a dating service is being installed to compliment the rest of the site..

Invision is not just a forum,,,,,phpbb is a forum.

What dolphin can do, invision can do also.

What invision can do dolphin can't.

Plus, installation of invision is not (I repeat, NOT) as tedious as dolphin, with dolphin, one has to chmod this, chmod that, only to find one has to chmod something else when one tries to use it, also, installing and using dolphin is limited to two operating systems, RedHat, and Windows, invision isn't.

Quote · 22 Jun 2008

usalabs - isn't it a little tacky marketing a script on a competitor's forum?  How would you like it if people went on your forums and started "invision sucks" threads.  Anyway, you got your plug in- if anyone wants to check out your script they can.   For the rest of use, this is mostly a forum we participate in because we want to be a success with Dolphin- the script we have selected- and to discuss technical and implementation issues.   No software is perfect- the point of this thread  is  mostly to discuss if alternatives to Orca are possible for people who would like to use a different forum system.


Quote · 22 Jun 2008

p.s.  How many people here have hit that "post reply" button instead of the "submit" button after writing a post.  It deletes everything you just wrote!  Very annoying usability issue with Orca.

Quote · 22 Jun 2008

I DID take a look.. and all I saw was a forum. If you have that other stuff hiding there somewhere you might want to stick it on the homepage so someone will hang around for more than 5 seconds :-)



And Cal is right.. it is sorta tacky to market your forum here.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 22 Jun 2008

I have problem to show mensage (topic) in my forum in firefox 3.0 - it´s only in my site or it´s a bug of Orca ?

See in firefox this :

and in Internet Explorer 7 ... In IE the topic show correct in firefox no

sorry for my english

Quote · 22 Jun 2008

I see no problems with that page.
Only you have to correct the laguage file for the groups/orca
Login as admin and type then into the url box of your browser yoursite/groups/orca
there you see the little [en] link to correct the language output. Laughing

Kids first
Quote · 22 Jun 2008
I tried to do this several times

but i receved this mensage see screenshot :

I don´t know if I need to do permission 777 in any folder or files ...

Quote · 22 Jun 2008

i just want to say that i have installed and have functioning dolphin/orca/ray on ubuntu and CentOs, i do not have redhat linux. i also think that this script would work on many different Operating systems, there are many who have installed this on IIS and wamp, as well as xampp. those are not linux, they are unix distros. and the script does work. i think further than that, if you wanted to have any forum script integrated with dolphin, there are programmers available on many sites who would be more than happy to oblige you. i think the larger of the problem is for most people, is that they want it for free. not saying this is the case for all of those who are complaining about orca, but the vast majority.

if i were looking to integrate a forum into dolphin, it would most likely be vbulletin. phpbb has had some serious issues in the past with security. they may have squared those away, but i would still be leary of that forum script.

as for the guy pushing invision. he must know something the developers dont know about that scripts, as this is what they advertise:

IP.Board 2.3 Is Here

As the very core of our Community Suite package, we've made sure that IP.Board is an outstanding bulletin board system. The result of over seven years experience in developing bulletin board software, IP.Board brings powerful and practical features while remaining intuitive and flexible - and it's now blazing fast too.

so the developers say it is a bulletin board system, basically a forum script. if you have a problem with this software usalabs, then by all means move on. i think its just too much for you to handle, and you are perturbed that so many others have dolphin/orca/ray up and running.

i love dolphin, have fought my battles with the script, have posted my thoughts across the internet, but this is by far the most powerful social networking software available on the internet that is and i quote, FREE in its presentation, if you choose to run the FREE version.

free to download and use, if you use the free version. this does not mean it will not cost you time and energy.

i love dolphin, and i think those of us who are loyal to this script, are here to make it work. if you are bent on using a bulletin board script, then enjoy yourself.



When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 23 Jun 2008

Any news about this bug in orca ???


.. only firefox 3 can write.

I have this problem too - there is a bug fix for this ???

Quote · 5 Jul 2008

I have nearly same problem anyone solved ?

Quote · 29 Oct 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.