Hello. I have few questions about dolphin customization.
First would be: how can I remove link Add New Article? I mean how can I set that only administrators can add articles and members cannot.
Second: How can I remove tabs from TAGS block? I want to keep just Profile tab and I dont want music, ads, videos etc tabs.
I was looking for these things in source, but couldn't find it.
Anyone has got an idea where to search? ;)
To make you imagine the situation easier I am adding some images:

bump :/
I really need this please help me out
For the removing the tags and most of the features you do this with the builders within the admin section. Go to admin then builders then page builders and select the page you want to change. Then simply move the blocks to inactive. There is a manul in the trac section of this site use the link above.
as for the articles try disabling the feature in advanse settings
Allow members to post articles De select this option...
You understood me wrong. I don't want to remove the TAGS block, I just want to modify it so in the tags block there would be just Profiles tab. I dont want any other tag tabs (like music, movies, ads etc.).
And for articles, I have already checked the Advanced settings, there are no such option.
Oh and one more thing:
Where can I change the text (boonex copyrights), I mean where footer copyright there is small icons and dolphins and orca (ray) links. I want to translate them too, because all website is in my language, except these links. I managed to translate the copyright box title, because those texts were included in language file.
edit php code for this.
make backup of templates/base/bxbaseindex.php
function getBlockCode_Tags()
foreach( array( 'profile', 'blog', 'event', 'photo', 'video', 'music', 'ad' ) as $myMode )
I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com |
Thanks mrpowless I was sarch to this also.... its working. Kids first |
Hmm this made me think that I need a better editor then notepad.. Since I was searching that file few times ;)
Thanks a lot that worked very well!
Oh and about articles, I just used news instead of articles, users cannot add news so that works for me ;)
And about copyrights, I haven't edited them, they look fine in English too ;]