In the fields builder (search profiles section) I built three searches - simple, quick and advanced. The "simple" search is on my top menu under "search members" but where are the "quick" and "advanced" searches and how can I use them? When I just hit the "Members" link on my top menu, it brings up a search with sex, age and country that I didn't define and don't want. Does anyone know how to get rid of it?
When I open the "search members" in the menu builder box it has a URL field that says "search.php". Are there other files that hold the "quick" and "advanced" search functions? - and am I supposed to add that file name to a "new_item" block? What am I missing here? Where exactly are the "quick" and "advanced" searches.
Rob |
Anyone? This is pretty basic so someone must know. How and where do you make the "quick" and "advanced" searches work- it might be obvious but I can't find it.
Also, could someone at least tell me what file controls the members search results list. In researching this, I went back to Expertzzz and remembered that the old 6.0 had checkboxes - "visible to members only" etc, where you could make these fields invisible- but this seems to have disappeard in 6.1.
Anyone have any insight on this?
Ok, I know where "simple" search is - it is displayed when you click members/search - and now I know how to get rid of those extra fields at the top - thank you.
As for the "quick search" being displayed on the front page, I just moved that box there, and it says, I am a male (dropdown) seeking a female (dropdown_ and an age range selector. This has nothing to do with the "quick search" I defined in fields builder- where is that? When I just click the "members" link, I don't get the "advanced" search but instead get a list of member pics with the unwanted sex and age search on top of that- so I still can't find the "advanced" search box. What am I missing here?
OK, worked with Sammie a bit on this, and have come to the conclusion that it is not me- that these functions simply don't work properly. It is either something Boonex forgot to transfer from 6.0 or plans to put in the next version. If I am wrong, and someone has these searches working properly (simple and advanced, etc) please let me know.
search.php?search_mode=adv -> advanced search
More here
ahhh - so you are saying I should put those links in the url field of the search box- ok, I will try that.
OK, not quite that simple I guess. When I put links such as "search.php?search_mode=adv" into the url field in one of the menu item boxes, the correct search does appear, however when I try to use it, it doesn't work and instead displays the original "quick search" form. Weird, but at least we are getting close to resolving this mystery.
OK, I'm making progress, but I still don't get it. For reference purposes, here is the post from AndreyP that okweb told us about: ---- all changes for search will affect on search.php page, will changed only access path to its:
search.php (without any params) as default - Simple search search.php?search_mode=quick - quick search search.php?search_mode=adv - advanced search Predefined Lists used for fields (any types) .. for enum something .. and etc .. for example look at link Sex -> LookingFor ---
I've got "simple" search working ok (except for the ID, NICKNAME, and TAGS fields at the top, which shouldn't be there since they were never defined). When I try to make an "Advanced Search" field however, I move one of a block into the active area, and put "search.php?search_mode=adv" in the url field. This brings up the proper advanced search form I defined, but when I try to use it no results are returned. Instead, the screen refreshes and the "simple" search form displays again. What am I doing wrong? I'm still confused.
Rob |
I'm still lost. I have the "all members" search working properly with the following parameters in the navigation menu block: -- System Name: All Members Language Key: _All Members Default Name: All Members URL: browse.php -- I also have the "Simple Search: working properly with the following parameters: -- System Name: Search Members Language Key: _Search Default Name: Member Search URL: search.php -- I have two other searches I have defined - my "quick search" is a list of industries and tags the user has selected, and my "advanced search" is a list of countries and languages the user has selected. How do I fill out the parameters to make this work? I have found a file called "qsearch.php" but nothing I do seems to work. Could someone point me in the right direction?
Anybody? I'm sure someone here must know this. I just need the correct combination of system names and URLs that I put in navigation menu blocks in order to make the "quick search" and "advanced search" work. If someone who has this working could even just look at their settings and post it here, that might help.
p.s. Here is a link if you want to see the problem. Go to members and select the "Industry" search which I have set up as a quick search. Pick any industry and click the "search" button. Instead of returning a results list of members, it returns the quick search form.
OK, worked with Sammie a bit on this, and have come to the conclusion that it is not me- that these functions simply don't work properly. It is either something Boonex forgot to transfer from 6.0 or plans to put in the next version. If I am wrong, and someone has these searches working properly (simple and advanced, etc) please let me know.
I look at it and come to the same conclusion, but you can try to this:
(Not tested much, but I can't find reasons to why it not shall work! Work ok in Dol.6.1.2)
Make a new file name it search_adv.php
Copy everything from search.php and past it in to the new file search_adv.php
Find this at the top of the file search_adv.php:
// get search mode if( $_REQUEST['search_mode'] ) $sSearchMode = $_REQUEST['search_mode']; else $sSearchMode = 'simple';
switch( $_REQUEST['search_mode'] ) { case 'quick': $iPFArea = 10; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Quick Search' ); break; case 'adv': $iPFArea = 11; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Advanced Search' ); break; default: $iPFArea = 9; $sSearchMode = 'simple'; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Simple Search' ); }
Change it to this:
// get search mode if( $_REQUEST['search_mode'] ) $sSearchMode = $_REQUEST['search_mode']; else $sSearchMode = 'adv';
switch( $_REQUEST['search_mode'] ) { case 'quick': $iPFArea = 10; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Quick Search' ); break;
case 'simple': $iPFArea = 9; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Simple Search' ); break; default: $iPFArea = 11; $sSearchMode = 'adv'; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Advanced Search' ); }
Then SAVE file
Go to Admin panel/Builders/Navigation Menu Builder
Click on item Members and add URL search_adv.php inside the URL box, shall be like this:
Then SAVE it
Drag and drop a NEW ITEM below Members (below Search Members) Click on the NEW ITEM and write as below:
System Name: Advanced Search Language Key: _Advanced Search Default Name: Advanced Search URL: search_adv.php Target: Same Visible for: Guest Member
Then SAVE it.
If you don't need, Search by ID/Search by Nickname/Search by Tag then hide it
Open templates/tmpl_uni/page_4.html
Find this:
<div class="by_nick_by_id"> __search_by_id__ __search_by_nick__ __search_by_tag__ </div> <div class="clear_both"></div>
Change it to:
<!-- <div class="by_nick_by_id"> __search_by_id__ __search_by_nick__ __search_by_tag__ </div> <div class="clear_both"></div> -->
Then SAVE it.
Done, you can try it now!!
You can now change everything from admin/Builders/Fields Builder/ => Search Profiles/Advanced okweb
Thanks okweb - you are a champion! Now we have the definitive answer here- the advanced search functions on Dolphin simply do not work. It is amazing that you are not just showing people how to fix their sites, you are showing them how to fix Dolphin as well. This has now been clearly identified as a bug (or rather something that just doesn't work). How do we report this to Boonex along with the other issue that you recently helped identify and fix?
Rob |
Not a big issue I think, quick search can we forget beause it can not be changed from admin/builders
then we have simple and advanced search back.
When we use search.php it goes back to search.php when we use it and it work great.
When we use search.php?search_mode=adv it's also go back to search.php
and there I think we have the issue
search.php?search_mode=adv have to go back to search.php?search_mode=adv
It doesn't read the search_mode=adv or adv and send you back to the right url
so code need to redirect you back to where you come from, will solv the problem I think!!!
(or they have to add a new block/item - Advanced search)
I have not reported anything, maybe they knew it!!
I followed okweb instructions to add Advanced Search function.
As a User, I click on MEMBERS, then ADVANCED SEARCH. I search for Man within 1 mile of 92109; all of the male members come up. Why is this?
I know for a fact that there is only one man on the site within 1 mile of 92109 zipcode.
Is there something further I need to fix....obviously.
In the fields builder (search profiles section) I built three searches - simple, quick and advanced. The "simple" search is on my top menu under "search members" but where are the "quick" and "advanced" searches and how can I use them? When I just hit the "Members" link on my top menu, it brings up a search with sex, age and country that I didn't define and don't want.
Ok, listen,
yes, search can be simple, quick and advanced,
ok, goto
are you see here code:
// get search mode
if( $_REQUEST['search_mode'] )
$sSearchMode = $_REQUEST['search_mode'];
$sSearchMode = 'simple';
switch( $_REQUEST['search_mode'] ) {
case 'quick':
$iPFArea = 10;
$_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Quick Search' );
case 'adv':
$iPFArea = 11;
$_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Advanced Search' );
$iPFArea = 9;
$sSearchMode = 'simple';
$_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Simple Search' );
so just give to this page param search_mode and search type will switched
search.php?search_mode=quick - quick search
search.php?search_mode=adv - advanced search
search.php (without params) - simple search
Next, page browse.php - this page out of builders at all, it have own search
I followed okweb instructions to add Advanced Search function.
As a User, I click on MEMBERS, then ADVANCED SEARCH. I search for Man within 1 mile of 92109; all of the male members come up. Why is this?
I know for a fact that there is only one man on the site within 1 mile of 92109 zipcode.
Is there something further I need to fix....obviously.
Zip search will not work if you don't have anything inside your table ZipCodes
Ah ha! I knew there was a simple solution! 
I downloaded the Free US Zip sql....over at
But how do I install and make this work within Dolphin?
I followed okweb instructions to add Advanced Search function.
As a User, I click on MEMBERS, then ADVANCED SEARCH. I search for Man within 1 mile of 92109; all of the male members come up. Why is this?
I know for a fact that there is only one man on the site within 1 mile of 92109 zipcode.
Is there something further I need to fix....obviously.
Zip search will not work if you don't have anything inside your table ZipCodes
How do I install the US Zip Codes database?
~~ L
Okey, I can help you, do this:
Made a new text file on your computer and name it zip_install.php
Copy code bellow and past it into zip_install.php and then Save it.
<? require_once('inc/'); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' ); require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
$logged['admin'] = member_auth( 1, true, true ); $ADMIN = $logged[admin];
$sStatus = installZipCodes();
function installZipCodes() { execSqlFile(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'zipcodes.sql');
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Install ZIPCodes</TITLE> </HEAD> </HTML> <BODY> <div style="width:100%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;"> <div style="width:50%; position:relative; border:2px solid gray; margin-bottom:50px; margin-top:300; font-weight:bold; color:green; padding:3px;">SQL parts of zipcodes was installed</div> </div> </BODY> </HTML>
- upload zipcodes.sql to your root directory (10,24MB)
- upload zip_install.php
- Run this URL: (You need to Login as Admin)
- When you se this message 'SQL parts of zipcodes was installed' close browser window.
- Delete zipcodes.sql and zip_install.php
p.s. check also admin/Settings/Advanced Settings and Enable search by ZIP codes is checked,
not sure about it need to be enablet or not now since we have a new fields builder!!
Thanks okweb! I will give it a try.
I am sure that others will want to know how to do this.
~~ Lorren
I thought about installing the free zip database but to be done right, it should be locked with lookup fields for all the data or otherwise it will be polluted with various spellings, abbreviations, punctuations, etc .....
From my experience with other zip databases is that the most efficient way is to enter the zip code first and other data is populated from there ..... . |
okweb/Ottar, I finally got around to finishing this and wanted to let you know that it worked worderfully. Andrey has a slightly different approach that I didn't use, but I assume it worked also. Thanks guys, Sammie, and others who helped track this one down. This thread has everything you need to fix the advanced search function.
Thanks Rob for letting us know! 
~ Lorren
okweb/Ottar, I finally got around to finishing this and wanted to let you know that it worked worderfully. Andrey has a slightly different approach that I didn't use, but I assume it worked also. Thanks guys, Sammie, and others who helped track this one down. This thread has everything you need to fix the advanced search function.
thank you okweb and evrybody here:) |
Thank you Caltrade, Okweb and everyone else. I was successful in doing this but my page has no form/layout. The css/html code didn't carry over. I didn't exactly copy the contents of search.php but backed up a copy to my local pc, renamed it search_adv.php then made the changes. My logo and colours aren't here and there's no form to the search page at all. What do I do now, please? I was sure this was easy enough for even me. I was wrong. I've noted that the "search, advanced search and online" search pages under "Members" do not have the 'look' of the other pages. UMHM
Thanks for any help!
This has been solved thanks to okweb's response to a post in email. I apparently made changes to page 4 without using a text editor and it caused things to go askew. Okweb, you are simply wonderful to have helped me out as you did. I appreciate you for it. Thank you again!! *happy dancing* |
Can anyone do this for me. I don't want to make a mess with it. my email is I will be happy to pay for your services.
OK, worked with Sammie a bit on this, and have come to the conclusion that it is not me- that these functions simply don't work properly. It is either something Boonex forgot to transfer from 6.0 or plans to put in the next version. If I am wrong, and someone has these searches working properly (simple and advanced, etc) please let me know.
I look at it and come to the same conclusion, but you can try to this:
(Not tested much, but I can't find reasons to why it not shall work! Work ok in Dol.6.1.2)
Make a new file name it search_adv.php
Copy everything from search.php and past it in to the new file search_adv.php
Find this at the top of the file search_adv.php:
// get search mode if( $_REQUEST['search_mode'] ) $sSearchMode = $_REQUEST['search_mode']; else $sSearchMode = 'simple';
switch( $_REQUEST['search_mode'] ) { case 'quick': $iPFArea = 10; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Quick Search' ); break; case 'adv': $iPFArea = 11; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Advanced Search' ); break; default: $iPFArea = 9; $sSearchMode = 'simple'; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Simple Search' ); }
Change it to this:
// get search mode if( $_REQUEST['search_mode'] ) $sSearchMode = $_REQUEST['search_mode']; else $sSearchMode = 'adv';
switch( $_REQUEST['search_mode'] ) { case 'quick': $iPFArea = 10; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Quick Search' ); break;
case 'simple': $iPFArea = 9; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Simple Search' ); break; default: $iPFArea = 11; $sSearchMode = 'adv'; $_page['header_text'] = $sPageHeader = _t( '_Advanced Search' ); }
Then SAVE file
Go to Admin panel/Builders/Navigation Menu Builder
Click on item Members and add URL search_adv.php inside the URL box, shall be like this:
Then SAVE it
Drag and drop a NEW ITEM below Members (below Search Members) Click on the NEW ITEM and write as below:
System Name: Advanced Search Language Key: _Advanced Search Default Name: Advanced Search URL: search_adv.php Target: Same Visible for: Guest Member
Then SAVE it.
If you don't need, Search by ID/Search by Nickname/Search by Tag then hide it
Open templates/tmpl_uni/page_4.html
Find this:
<div class="by_nick_by_id"> __search_by_id__ __search_by_nick__ __search_by_tag__ </div> <div class="clear_both"></div>
Change it to:
<!-- <div class="by_nick_by_id"> __search_by_id__ __search_by_nick__ __search_by_tag__ </div> <div class="clear_both"></div> -->
Then SAVE it.
Done, you can try it now!!
You can now change everything from admin/Builders/Fields Builder/ => Search Profiles/Advanced okweb
Wow, I don't believe this came back to life - look at the date. This was the thread where this community fixed the search function in D6 - with a special tip of the hat to okweb and Sammie. Its was one of those cases where my persistence paid off, instead of just annoying people.
Unfortunately, the base functionality was not put into D7 - you cannot have a null (empty) field value making it impossible to have any kind of sophisticated member search. As I understand it, Boonex "forgot" to use the correct data type when they designed D7 so we lost this functionality when we upgraded. They have acknowledged this but said it will require a major redesign, and said we will get this back when D7.1 is released.
@carivap - I'm not sure what your purpose was in bumping this - all you have done is quoted an earlier response.