E-Mail Database Error

Hi there,

I just checked my mail.php and here is what I found in the same area( from line 97 to 113);


$query = "
   UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `Date` ) AS `timestamp`,
   DATE_FORMAT(`Date`, '$date_format') AS `Date`,  <---- Look at this line --|
   `Profiles`.`NickName` AS `SenderNickName`,
  FROM `Messages`
  LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON
   `Profiles`.`ID` = `Sender`
  WHERE `Recipient` = $memberID


Maybe thats the problem.


Quote · 27 Oct 2008

You`ve got me a bit confused with this line that line....here is a copy of my whole mail.php file....also since the error stated some Date problem, did you try to modify date display in some php pages or admin settings? Somethimes adding a mod or simple/unrelated edit, makes hell somewhere else...




*                            Dolphin Smart Community Builder
*                              -----------------
*     begin                : Mon Mar 23 2006
*     copyright            : (C) 2006 BoonEx Group
*     website              : http://www.boonex.com/
* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder
* Dolphin is free software. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License along with Dolphin,
* see license.txt file; if not, write to marketing@boonex.com

require_once( 'inc/header.inc.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'design.inc.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'profiles.inc.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . 'utils.inc.php' );

// --------------- page variables and login

$_page['name_index'] = 130;
$_page['css_name'] = 'mail.css';

$logged['member'] = member_auth(0);
$memberID = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'];

$_page['extra_js'] = $oTemplConfig -> sMailBoxSortingInit;
$_page['js_name'] = 'sort_table.js';

// this is dynamic page -  send headers to do not cache this page

$_ni = $_page['name_index'];

$mode = $_REQUEST['mode'];
switch( $mode )
 case 'outbox':
  $_page['header'] = _t( "_OUTBOX_H" );
  $_page['header_text'] = _t( "_OUTBOX_H1" );
  $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = PageCodeOutbox();
 case 'inbox':
  $mode = 'inbox';
  $_page['header'] = _t( "_INBOX_H" );
  $_page['header_text'] = _t( "_INBOX_H1" );
  $_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = PageCodeInbox();



function PageCodeInbox()
 global $memberID;
 global $dir;
 global $site;
 global $tmpl;
 global $date_format;
 if( $_REQUEST['do_delete'] or $_REQUEST['do_mark_new'] or $_REQUEST['do_mark_old'] )
  if( $_REQUEST['do_delete'] )
   $sqlDoQuery = "DELETE FROM `Messages` WHERE";
  if( $_REQUEST['do_mark_new'] )
   $sqlDoQuery = "UPDATE `Messages` SET `New`='1' WHERE";
  if( $_REQUEST['do_mark_old'] )
   $sqlDoQuery = "UPDATE `Messages` SET `New`='0' WHERE";
  if( $aMsgs = $_POST['m'] and is_array( $aMsgs ) and !empty( $aMsgs ) )
   foreach( $aMsgs as $msgID => $on )
    $msgID = (int)$msgID;
    if( !$msgID or $on != 'on' )
    db_res( "$sqlDoQuery `ID`=$msgID AND `Recipient` = $memberID" );
 //echoDbg( $_POST );
 $query = "
   UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `Date` ) AS `timestamp`,
   DATE_FORMAT(`Date`, '$date_format') AS `Date`,
   `Profiles`.`NickName` AS `SenderNickName`,
  FROM `Messages`
  LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON
   `Profiles`.`ID` = `Sender`
  WHERE `Recipient` = $memberID
 $rMsgs = db_res( $query );
 if( !mysql_num_rows( $rMsgs ) )
  return '<div class="no_result"><div>'._t( "_No messages in Inbox" ).'</div></div>';
 // --- get template and replace headers ---
 $aReplace = array();
 $aReplace['mailbox_header_img'] = '<img src="'.getTemplateIcon( 'inbox.gif' ) .'" class="mailbox_header_img" />';
 //$aReplace['summary'] = _t(
 $aReplace['flag']    = _t( '_Flag' );
 $aReplace['from']    = _t( '_From' );
 $aReplace['date']    = _t( '_Date' );
 $aReplace['subject'] = _t( '_Subject' );
 $aReplace['click_to_sort'] = _t( '_Click to sort' );
 $aReplace['actions_l'] = _t( "_Selected messages" ) .':';
 $aReplace['actions']   = '
  <input type="submit" class="mailbox_submit" name="do_delete"   value="'._t('_Delete').'" onclick="return confirm(\''._t('_are you sure?').'\');" />
  <input type="submit" class="mailbox_submit" name="do_mark_new" value="'._t( "_Mark as New" ).'" />
  <input type="submit" class="mailbox_submit" name="do_mark_old" value="'._t( "_Mark as old" ).'" />
 $ret = file_get_contents("{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/mail_box.html");
 foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val )
  $ret = str_replace( "__{$key}__", $val, $ret );
 $aMyTmpl = preg_split( "/\{\/?InsertRows\}/", $ret );
 $tmplRow = $aMyTmpl[1];
 $ret  = "{$aMyTmpl[0]}{InsertRows /}{$aMyTmpl[2]}";
 $InsertRows = '';
 $tr_class = 'odd';
 while( $aMsg = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rMsgs ) )
  $sSubject = process_line_output( html2txt( $aMsg['Subject'] ));
  $aReplace = array();
  $aReplace['tr_class'] = $tr_class;
  $aReplace['new_add']  = $aMsg['New'] ? 'new' : '';
  $aReplace['ID']       = $aMsg['ID'];
  $aReplace['CheckBox'] = '<input type="checkbox" class="td_mailbox_checkbox" id="sel_msg_'.$aMsg['ID'].'" name="m['.$aMsg['ID'].']" value="on" />';
  $aReplace['Flag']     = '<img class="mailbox_flag_img" src="'.getTemplateIcon( $aMsg['New'] ? 'not_readed.gif' : 'readed.gif' ).'" title="'._t( $aMsg['New'] ? '_New Message' : '_Readed' ).'" />';
  $aReplace['From']     = '<center><div style="width:45px;">' . get_member_icon($aMsg['Sender']) . "<div class=\"clear_both\"></div><!--{$aMsg['SenderNickName']}--> <a href=\"".getProfileLink($aMsg['Sender'])."\">{$aMsg['SenderNickName']}</a>" . '</center>';
  $aReplace['Date']     = "<!--{$aMsg['timestamp']}--> {$aMsg['Date']}";
  $aReplace['Subject']  = "<!--$sSubject--> <a href=\"{$site['url']}messages_inbox.php?message={$aMsg['ID']}\">$sSubject</a>";
  $sInsertRow = $tmplRow;
  foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val )
   $sInsertRow = str_replace( "{{$key}}", $val, $sInsertRow );
  $sInsertRows .= $sInsertRow;
  $tr_class = ( $tr_class == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd' );
 $ret = str_replace( "{InsertRows /}", $sInsertRows, $ret );
 $ret =
  '<form name="mailbox_form" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?mode=inbox" method="post">'.$ret.'</form>';
 return $ret;

function PageCodeOutbox()
 global $memberID;
 global $dir;
 global $site;
 global $tmpl;
 global $date_format;
 $query = "
   UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `Date` ) AS `timestamp`,
   DATE_FORMAT(`Date`, '$date_format') AS `Date`,
   `Profiles`.`NickName` AS `RecipientNickName`,
  FROM `Messages`
  LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON
   `Profiles`.`ID` = `Recipient`
  WHERE `Sender` = $memberID
 $rMsgs = db_res( $query );
 if( !mysql_num_rows( $rMsgs ) )
  return '<div class="no_result"><div>'._t( "_No messages in Outbox" ).'</div></div>';
 // --- get template and replace headers ---
 $aReplace = array();
 $aReplace['mailbox_header_img'] = '<img src="'.getTemplateIcon( 'outbox.gif' ) .'" class="mailbox_header_img" />';
 //$aReplace['summary'] = _t(
 $aReplace['flag']    = _t( '_Flag' );
 $aReplace['from']    = _t( '_Recipient' );
 $aReplace['date']    = _t( '_Date' );
 $aReplace['subject'] = _t( '_Subject' );
 $aReplace['click_to_sort'] = _t( '_Click to sort' );
 $aReplace['actions_l'] = '';
 $aReplace['actions']   = '';
 $ret = file_get_contents("{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/mail_box.html");
 foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val )
  $ret = str_replace( "__{$key}__", $val, $ret );
 $aMyTmpl = preg_split( "/\{\/?InsertRows\}/", $ret );
 $tmplRow = $aMyTmpl[1];
 $ret  = "{$aMyTmpl[0]}{InsertRows /}{$aMyTmpl[2]}";
 $InsertRows = '';
 $tr_class = 'odd';
 while( $aMsg = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rMsgs ) )
  $sSubject = process_line_output( html2txt( $aMsg['Subject'] ));
  $aReplace = array();
  $aReplace['tr_class'] = $tr_class;
  $aReplace['new_add']  = $aMsg['New'] ? 'new' : '';
  $aReplace['ID']       = $aMsg['ID'];
  $aReplace['CheckBox'] = '';
  $aReplace['Flag']     = '<img class="mailbox_flag_img" src="'.getTemplateIcon( $aMsg['New'] ? 'not_readed.gif' : 'readed.gif' ).'" title="'._t( $aMsg['New'] ? '_Not Readed' : '_Readed' ).'" />';
  $aReplace['From']     = '<center><div style="width:45px;">' . get_member_icon($aMsg['Recipient']) . "<div class=\"clear_both\"></div><!--{$aMsg['RecipientNickName']}--> <a href=\"".getProfileLink($aMsg['Recipient'])."\">{$aMsg['RecipientNickName']}</a>" . '</center>';
  $aReplace['Date']     = "<!--{$aMsg['timestamp']}--> {$aMsg['Date']}";
  $aReplace['Subject']  = "<!--$sSubject--> <a href=\"{$site['url']}messages_outbox.php?message={$aMsg['ID']}\">$sSubject</a>";
  $sInsertRow = $tmplRow;
  foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val )
   $sInsertRow = str_replace( "{{$key}}", $val, $sInsertRow );
  $sInsertRows .= $sInsertRow;
  $tr_class = ( $tr_class == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd' );
 $ret = str_replace( "{InsertRows /}", $sInsertRows, $ret );
 return $ret;


Quote · 27 Oct 2008

I see Artur is online, let me bump this up...Im sure he knows how to fix this.



Quote · 28 Oct 2008

well = problem is Just because you have created in pages builder `Date` field.

so now in mail.php find:

$query = "
UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `Date` ) AS `timestamp`,
DATE_FORMAT(`Date`, '$date_format') AS `Date`,
`Profiles`.`NickName` AS `SenderNickName`,
FROM `Messages`
LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON
`Profiles`.`ID` = `Sender`
WHERE `Recipient` = $memberID

and replace with

$query = "
UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `Messages`.`Date` ) AS `timestamp`,
DATE_FORMAT(`Messages`.`Date`, '$date_format') AS `Date`,
`Profiles`.`NickName` AS `SenderNickName`,
FROM `Messages`
LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON
`Profiles`.`ID` = `Sender`
WHERE `Recipient` = $memberID
ORDER BY `Messages`.`Date` DESC

It should solve problem.



Quote · 28 Oct 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.