Hi folks.
Exciting times with the new code ;)
OK , my issue is this:
I click on a member link in the members section of admin to view and edit a member.. nothing displays.. I do not get any fields/boxes/text just header menus and footer stuff.of the page.
I tried this on several members.. the url shows .../pedit.php?ID=x where x is the correct ID shown in the table so hat looks fine.
Any clues would be a great help!
Hey Stu, are you using FF or IE to do this? Also, check your php.ini file and see if you have:
display_errors= On
This may help to determine what is happening.
Nothing to see here |
I think the issue is this.
I backed up my last db pre install of final released version. Then installed new version, used exisiting database a sI had a lot of data changes I needed to keep. So most things work ok, but i think its a mismatch between members ID and the role levels ( I created some new ones). I assumed that there were no schema changes between RC3 and the final version released. I restored the full db from pre new version.
So I wanted to save having to rebuild everything I have done since day 1 and it looks like I cant do that. I dont see why tho. Basically the code is installed..the database was working fine before.. Anyway its all fine except profile access.
I use FF but its not a browser issue.. ok its definately a mismatch
issue of keys I think.. or indicies. getting a div by zero error now..
Warning: Division by zero in /home/wlhamil/public_html/templates/base/scripts/BxBaseProfileView.php on line 513
Warning: Division by zero in /home/wlhamil/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolPaginate.php on line 202
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
by (output started at
in /home/wlhamil/public_html/inc/design.inc.php on line 133
So what I wanted to do was keep all my data I had setup before I install new version. How do I do that? I backed up everything, installed new version.. if I then use admin tool to restore DB I then get these errors.. any help here. I am having a 'not thinking straight' day I think ;)
I am getting the same warning, but only on my admin profile. Not on my standard member the warning isn't there, but the edit profile page has nothing,
I also have another site, I did the same setup and it is working fine, no warnings, or errors. I cannot figure out what is wrong
both sites have been updated through all betas and worked fine for at least a week, warnings started today
I am getting the same warning, but only on my admin profile. Not on my standard member the warning isn't there, but the edit profile page has nothing,
I also have another site, I did the same setup and it is working fine, no warnings, or errors. I cannot figure out what is wrong
both sites have been updated through all betas and worked fine for at least a week, warnings started today
Hi Mulchit!
This is great news ;) I thought I had become an imbecile yesterday as I could not figure out why some of the things were occuring. Yes I also got either a blank screen for non admin members. and then got warning only for admin... I now seem to have persmissions issues on newly created profiles..cant access images/avatars or edit, and these are standard members..
My bottom line view is that unless the schema changed between the version used for my last backup( RC3) then everything should work fine imo.. so something either changed. and if not then something in the code is at issue..
Anyway, will post back if I get a definitive solution/new problem ;)
This might help with the "Division by Zero" error;
Per LenoidS:
This error was discussed here before, running of this query will fix it:
INSERT INTO `sys_options` VALUES('friends_per_page', '14', 1, 'Number
of friends to display per page in profile', 'digit', '', '', 0, '');
You can do this via MyPhpAdmin in cPanel
(source = http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/?action=goto&topic_id=aaarggghhh-division-by-zero-)
Nothing to see here |
This might help with the "Division by Zero" error;
Per LenoidS:
This error was discussed here before, running of this query will fix it:
INSERT INTO `sys_options` VALUES('friends_per_page', '14', 1, 'Number
of friends to display per page in profile', 'digit', '', '', 0, '');
You can do this via MyPhpAdmin in cPanel
(source = http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/?action=goto&topic_id=aaarggghhh-division-by-zero-)
THanks Chris. Will try that.
I thought I would start clean.. and reinstall the RC3 version I had in new location, then restore the backup I took. In theory everything should work.. but it doesnt. Here are a few of the things I see :
- The restore is not restoring the page payouts I had but instead showing the dolphin defaults. so that is weird.
- I also tried restoring directly..ie drop tables.. import the file. same thing
- Images do not display across the board.. a default placeholder shows.
- I get this error Fatal error: Call to a member function createActivity() on a non-object in /home/wlhamil/public_html/rc3/modules/boonex/spy/classes/BxSpyProfilesActivity.php on line 169 when I click on a member image to display their profile. ( logged in as admin or another member)
- and I am sure there will be more issues.
The only difference is the location in that I had to create a subdir for the reinstall of RC3. But I do not understand why a backup is not restoring all the page layout stuff.
The other difference is that Arvixe installed RMS version 7 and I am wondering if they recompiled GD libraries differently.. or something..
I am running out of reasons why cannot even get back to where I was. I wonder if the other people posting these issues are also on Arvixe.. feel free to comment ...
Quagmire Stu :)
ok, so that fixed to warnings, thanks chris!
But the edit profile page is still not there. the logo, nav bar, and the bottom links are there, that is it, any ideas? please help.
ok, so that fixed to warnings, thanks chris!
But the edit profile page is still not there. the logo, nav bar, and the bottom links are there, that is it, any ideas? please help.
I still have that missing page issue also.., among several other problems..
Is it just your own profile, or is it for anyones?
Nothing to see here |
Is it just your own profile, or is it for anyones?
Anyones.. I think its creating members with missing attributes set.
As a test, disable all permalinks in the admin panel and try to see if they work then.
Admin Panel>Settings> Permalinks
Nothing to see here |
I disabled all permalinks, still nothing, blank page,
like I said, it is wierd, my other site is working fine, no problems at all
As a test, disable all permalinks in the admin panel and try to see if they work then.
Admin Panel>Settings> Permalinks
I did that no change. thanks tho.
the sys_acl_levels_members table seem screwed up. this table had 4 entries all for id 1 and nothing else.
Strange, so what if you add the following line to your root .htaccess file:
RewriteBase /
put that right under RewriteEngine on
Does that do anything? Sorry, running out of ideas here.
Nothing to see here |
Strange, so what if you add the following line to your root .htaccess file:
RewriteBase /
put that right under RewriteEngine on
Does that do anything? Sorry, running out of ideas here.
Appreciate the ideas. Nope tried that and did not seem to do anything. I think the issue is RC3 databases will not necessarily work under D7 FInal. probably depending on what type of content changes one has made..As I really dont know the table interdependancy, I dont think I can reliably select subsets of tables to include/exclude from my backed up system.. So looks like I will have to slowly add all this in again.. which is a royal pain ;)... I am off for 2 weeks this friday so wanted to have something for my client to play with but now I may not be able to..
The thing is everything else ( all my groups/sites/forums/categories/tags/menu builds customization are fine.. ( sorta) , just this profile/member issue makes me think other things are going to break..
Im open to anyone elses solutions if they have some...
UPDATE: ok so I decided to backup my rc3 version again. and backed up my current D7FInal. Then I restored by RC3 version over the D7F version , still issues. so I then restored the D7F version ( the one I had just created) and now as either admin or another member, I can see profile data when I am logged in.. BUT from Admin Panel, clicking on a member link from member list still gives a blank screen.. so its all about those ACL tables I think. I may try to rebuild them.
just wondering if anyone found what is wrong with the edit profile page? Or should I scrap all the work I did and do a fresh download and install?
Well I ended up just dumping the database and doing a fresh install. It worked, sucks though, now i have to start over.