Edit photo actions, where???

Hi - I'm getting crazy here Foot in mouth

Have looked all over searching for where to edit the actions on photo page (viewPhoto.php), but can't seem to find any clues.

The closest I get is finding that the icons are defined in BxDolSharedMedia.php. However, doesn't help me finding where the actual output is written...

Hope someone here is a better detective than me...



Quote · 17 Feb 2009

actions are global so they go on all pages that use them edit one edit all pages.


switch ($sAct) {


var $aMainActions

now look at:
function showActionList($aFile) {
if ($this->iViewer) {
if ($this->sType =='photo')
$this->aAddActions['Original_Size']['link'] = str_replace('__file__', $aFile['medID'].'.'.$aFile['medExt'], $this->aAddActions['Original_Size']['link']);

note how they tie together? Fav has its own function:

function addToFavorites

there is a hint as to how to add one:

in function showActionList

you can see:

if ($this->sType =='photo')


This proly just confused everyone reading but if you go thru these arrays you can kind of see hows its built. I wouldnt do anything more than remove one if you are not comfortable with php.

I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com
Quote · 17 Feb 2009

OK, thanks. Kinda was afraid it was so - since I wanted to differ between Favorites (photo and video) and Add to Hot list. It really is not the same and makes poor usability...

But thanks for clearing it up. I'll just have to see if I can somehow work around it...



Quote · 18 Feb 2009
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