Edit the browse profiles

There is only 7 mentions of this in the forums.

There has not been a clear cut answer posted for dolphin 7.3.5 .

How does one add and remove options in the "Browse" block the "Browse" page?



Quote · 28 May 2018

For each option that is added, there is some code changes that will have to be made to Dolphin files. Unless you are comfortable making changes to Dolphin code base, this is something that you would have to get done as a custom job. I have not looked at it in detail but at least the two files mentioned below would have to be modified :




Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 28 May 2018

It would have been easier if it were a block.

What would I need to change in those files?

Quote · 28 May 2018

I did it this way and it works quite well on half a dozen sites:

Go to Admin/Builders/Pages Builder/Navigation Menu

In the blue boxes along the the top click Search. It's about 3 in from the left.

In the URL box (4 down) replace search_home.php with


While you in this area, you can remove or add the green blocks to suit your site. See attachment.

Save the changes.


To modify the right-hand search box, go to

Admin/Builders/Profile Fields and click the Search profiles link on the top right.

Click the Simple Search radio box on the left.

Play with the active items to suit your needs. Here you can add headings and nominate items to be searched.  See second attachment.

 And clear the cache.
search.jpg · 17K · 234 views
search 2.jpg · 38K · 243 views
Quote · 28 May 2018

@johnk42 - He was asking about the browse page (browse.php) which is different from the search page. The search page can be customized from the Admin panel but not the browse page.

Paypal email is jeromemingo@gmail.com - http://www.boonex.com/market/posts/modzzz
Quote · 28 May 2018

I would really like to just remove the "Browse" block all together.

Quote · 28 May 2018

Did it!

All I had to do was comment out the following line from "BxBaseBrowse.php"


 "return DesignBoxContent( _t( '_Browse' ),  $sContent, 1);"

Quote · 28 May 2018

Have a read of the attached tutorial, especially where I discuss the uselessness of the People page without some kind of search facility. Although the Browse wasn't much to talk about as far as searches go, you have virtually no search facility without it.

That's what I attempted to explain in my previous post. I replaced Browse with a half-decent search block that you can fine tune to find needles in a haystack.

All you have now is a page full of people's photos and names and virtually no way of finding who you want. They're not even in Alphabetical order.

This tutorial does nothing to improve that situation, but it allows you to add other information to the page and it doesn't affect Dolphin's core.

Although it's four pages long, it takes about a minute or less to make the changes.

I'm preparing another tutorial which will end up on my site explaining how to add that search facility. If you're desperate, just follow my earlier post today.

By the way, my tutorials are aimed at novices, so please don't be offended if some things seem ho hum.

I'm not sure when the next Tutorial will be ready.

Browse Remove.pdf · 340.9K · 251 downloads
Quote · 29 May 2018
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.