Email account into my site

I'm a email account provider just like Gmail/Hotmail. I would like to incorporate the registration form into my site as a block popup form and also if possible  have an option in the sites registration form which offers them to check a check box next to the username which would then create an instant email account using that same username into my email account (would need a check available username search there as well though). 

Or if anyone knows MySQL databases I could synchronize the 2 member databases together which would mean hopefully that creating an account in one also provides access to the other.

My goal is to have my email service incorporated into my site and access/use the email account from there. 

Open to options. Completely moving my email service from it's current location in not an option as it uses it's own email IP and server.

Any thoughts and idea as well as someone capable of implementing this would be great.

My other option was to create a whole new email service into this site but I would my prefer to avoid going down that path.

This is not an SMTP webmail service but more like an outlook style webmail service which has much more involved than other webmail services.

Let me know if you can help.


Quote · 8 May 2015

This is certainly something that will require custom work. You might want to try in the jobs area ( or on oDesk/Upwork (the new name for oDesk):

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 8 May 2015

It does not matter what client, outlook, RoundCube, etc; the underlying mail is SMTP.

What mail server are you running?  What is the server you are running?  Basically what you will need to do is to write a script that will set up the user and the user's home directory and add them to the mail server's virtual addresses.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 8 May 2015

Remember, back up your database before doing any work on it.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 8 May 2015


It does not matter what client, outlook, RoundCube, etc; the underlying mail is SMTP.

What mail server are you running?  What is the server you are running?  Basically what you will need to do is to write a script that will set up the user and the user's home directory and add them to the mail server's virtual addresses.

 Quite wrong as I don't use SMTP on my email server. I use straight out PHP mail Tweaked up which is why users love it as it's one of the fastest mail servers around compared to some Gmail and Hotmail delivery times which can take a while as my is always instant. I'm also registered with all the whitelisters around who know I don't offer smtp. 

As for your suggestion, What I was hoping for was more  along the lines of synchronized  databases for memberships. all from the back end.

either way I still need someone to do that. I have taken Nathan's suggestion though and placed a request where he said to. Thanks Nathan.


Quote · 9 May 2015

I think we are not communicating on the same idea.  SMTP; simple mail transfer protocol, is the protocol used for mail servers to communicate with each other.  If you are sending mail outside of your server, you are using SMTP; it is what email runs on.  If you are going to provide an email address for your members; running your own email server, then those users will send email to  your server using SMTP through their clients.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 9 May 2015

YES! We were communicating on the same page,,lol 


Quote · 9 May 2015


YES! We were communicating on the same page,,lol 


OK, then please provide me with a link to this PHP Mail mail server  you keep talking about.  I have been running a mail server since I started using Dolphin.  I run Postfix with DoveCot as the POP/IMAP server as well as RoundCube for webmail access to the member's email account.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 9 May 2015

I use email piping POP3/IMAP Although it passes through smtp to send mail it's not authenticated by smtp and is far more direct mail sending protocol.

But hey your welcome to check what you like. I'll even provide you with a link to help make things easier. I guess you should know this site then.

The site you want to check is (create an emial account if you like, it's all free) but don't forget what I said. I am properly setup and my server configured to avoid all smtp issues and spent countless hours and lots of money going through all the authenticating procedures to avoid smtp issues using direct mail piping which took a few months to finalize to have my setup work as clean fully accepted mail server by smtp mail server standards. 

SMTP is an easy webmail service and anybody can create an email service using it, Every website owner can run an email service through their webmail account, nothing to difficult their.

Setting up your server to be a pipe email server and be accepted as such is very much different.

I've had my mail server for around 10yrs now.

Have fun.


Quote · 9 May 2015
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