Embedding Video through HTML?

Hello again. I was to reduce server load by requesting my members to upload their videos to YouTube, and post them through their blog by embedding the video into articles. How come when I try to embed a video, it never shows up? Is this fuctionality surpressed? or am I looking over something?

Quote · 5 Jan 2009

as far as i know you shouldnt have any problems doing embeds into your blogs or your forums. keep us posted on this one.



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Quote · 5 Jan 2009

It's funny because if this worked, everything would be great, but I don't know why it's not working. Maybe because that would just be too easy? I have another site running Joomla and i believe it has the same text editor installed, but it's a different version because it has more options than the one in Dolphin. Howcome there is no Media button in Dolphin when posting something? Once you embed something through the HTML and then right click on it, you can access the media options, but otherwise it's not there.

But, i've been looking around various places for about an hour now trying to find someone else with this issue, and I can't figure it out why embedded videos are not showing up in my blog entries. If you look at this blog here , you can see that this guy did exactly when I am trying to do. I even copied the html from his entry and posted into mine. Everything except for the videos show up. Not only that, once I save the blog and go back to edit it, the code for the emedded media is gone. What could cause the embedded media to 1) not show up in the entry, and 2) the code automatically be removed? When I am actually adding the media, the video WILL show up in the preview, but you know how the in the actual work space all you see is a pinkish box with a 'F' on it.

I am sure there is someone here who has tried to embed media, any ideas or suggestions?

Quote · 6 Jan 2009

Also, if you check the link i mentioned in the above post, the guy name synergy said that video was allowed in blogs but was removed later due to security. Can anyone varifty that, or if he's talked about embedded media?

Quote · 6 Jan 2009

When you post a blog, for security reasons it is parsed through safe html which strips certain tags.


the safe html file is found here... plugins/safehtml/safehtml.php


line 148 find 'embed',


remove it save and upload.


try posting a blog.


Use at your own risk, and it might be wise to geek up on safe html.


Also you can add plugins to tinymce, which you'l find detailed info about on the site.

Quote · 6 Jan 2009

YES!!!! THIS WORKED! Thanks Kosmic!

Do you know why embedding videos is a security risk?

Quote · 6 Jan 2009

Just wanted to share this one. If you guys are interested in embedding things via HTML, visit this link.


Quote · 8 Jan 2009

Ahhhhh ok. Is it possible to defice certain sources that are allowed to be embedded into a page? Perhaps moderators can can embed anything and members can only embed from selected sources?

Quote · 8 Jan 2009

YES!!!! THIS WORKED! Thanks Kosmic!

Do you know why embedding videos is a security risk?

not embeding video, but "embed" is dangerous for your site. flash file can insert script that can do:

* stealing your and your member cookie

* redirecting to other page

* and many more




.reni smansakra


Quote · 8 Jan 2009

When I embed a video into a blog post, the page gets messed up in Firefox. The video drops out of the div that holds the blogs postings and sits againts the left. The comments stretch across the whole page like 100% width and the description, catagories and tags sit in the bottom right corner. I just made this to make it clearer.Here's Iexplorer is looks fine, Firefox looks jacked up.

rbmangeles, thank you for that link, it was excellent!

Quote · 8 Jan 2009

Reading up on safehtml a bit...allowing the embed tag is a high security risk, and its better put it back to how it was before.


Another solution is required.


Possibly using the media plugin for tinymce allows users to post just the url of a media link.






If the html plugin is removed from tinymce that would mean users cannot post the embed tag themselves and would have to go via the media plugin.

Quote · 8 Jan 2009

Well that sounds like the smarter way to do it. I searched for a media plug, but it's the same as the one that is already installed on TinyMCE. The actual media button doesn't appear on the text editor and I can't figure out where to edit TinyMCE settings or even check the version. I have the latest version of dophin installed.

Quote · 10 Jan 2009


Well that sounds like the smarter way to do it. I searched for a media plug, but it's the same as the one that is already installed on TinyMCE. The actual media button doesn't appear on the text editor and I can't figure out where to edit TinyMCE settings or even check the version. I have the latest version of dophin installed.



Edit this file to add media button to TinyMCE: templates/base/scripts/BxBaseConfig.php


Find: function BxBaseConfig($site)




editor_selector : "group_edit_html|blogText|guestbookTextArea|story_edit_area|comment_textarea|classfiedsTextArea",

plugins : "table,save,advhr,advimage,advlink,emotions,iespell,insertdatetime,preview,zoom,media,searchreplace,print,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen",


theme_advanced_buttons1_add : "fontselect,fontsizeselect",
  theme_advanced_buttons2_add_before: "cut,copy,paste,pastetext,pasteword,image,separator,search,replace,separator",
  theme_advanced_buttons2_add : "separator,insertdate,inserttime,separator,forecolor,backcolor",

Chang this line:

theme_advanced_buttons2_add : "separator,insertdate,inserttime,separator,forecolor,backcolor",


theme_advanced_buttons2_add : "media,preview,separator,insertdate,inserttime,separator,forecolor,backcolor",


You have added media and preview to TinyMCE on this area to:
- group_edit_html
- blogText
- guestbookTextArea
- story_edit_area
- comment_textarea
- classfiedsTextArea


if they have used TinyMCE on that area.
Quote · 10 Jan 2009

Thanks okweb, that helped alot. I have to leave the 'embed' out of the safehtml to allow users to use the media button. So they could still use embed through the html. How can I just remove the html button? I don't think my users really need it.

Quote · 14 Jan 2009

Got any idea why the bog page looks all messed up in FireFox?

Quote · 14 Jan 2009
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