Embeding Adult Content From Sites

Anyone know of a MOD that will allow the embeding of videos from Youtube, Porn Hub, X-Videos, and other places so they can be posted into the site directly?

I know Rayzz has a plugin that will allow me to link to those sites and watch the vids on my site, but the users are questing embedable content.

Quote · 12 Feb 2009

theres one called MYSPACE HTML.

Quote · 12 Feb 2009

The embed code is right on the YouTube video page right - as I assume it is with most of the other sites.    Have you tried just taking that code and putting it in an html block?



Quote · 13 Feb 2009


Anyone know of a MOD that will allow the embeding of videos from Youtube, Porn Hub, X-Videos, and other places so they can be posted into the site directly?


I know Rayzz has a plugin that will allow me to link to those sites and watch the vids on my site, but the users are questing embedable content.



 You don't need a mod, you just have to change a few things in 2 files.  This is NOT the best way to do this and you should visit TinyMCE's web site and read up on filters and whitelisting.  If you make the changes below, it allows all kinds of potentially unsafe content to be posted.  The right way to do things is to add filters to TinyMCE so that embedded content is allowed only from sites that you trust.  In my opinion, you are asking for big trouble if you allow embedded content from porn sites.


1. plugins/safehtml/safehtml.php


Find This:


    var $deleteTags = array(
        'applet', 'base',   'basefont', 'bgsound', 'blink',  'body',
        'embed',  'frame',  'frameset', 'head',    'html',   'ilayer',
        'iframe', 'layer',  'link',     'meta',    'object', 'style',
        'title',  'script',


Change To This:


    var $deleteTags = array(
        'applet', 'base',   'basefont', 'bgsound', 'blink',  'body', 
          'frame',  'frameset', 'head',    'html',   'ilayer',
        'iframe, 'layer',  'link',     'meta',     'style',
        'title',  'script',

This will stop safeHTML from stripping out any embed and object tags when editing posts with TinyMce.



2. templates/base/scripts/BxBaseConfig.php


This is the file that comntains TinyMCE.init  


Edit line 239 so it looks like this:


  theme_advanced_buttons3_add : "emotions,media",


and line 285 so it looks like this:


  theme_advanced_buttons3 : "charmap,emotions,media,|,cite,abbr,acronym,attribs,|,preview,removeformat",



These 2 edits will add a media icon to the TinyMCE lower toolbar.  I highly recommend you make a backup copy of these 2 files befor editing. 

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 13 Feb 2009

I should also mention that if anybody has flash player 10 installed, they probably won't see the embedded content.  Flash player 10 is AFU, as I am discovering.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 13 Feb 2009

I take back what I said about filters.  I was thinking about HTMLpurifier, another parser that is used with TinyMCE.  I know you can add filters to HTMLpurifier to allow embedded media from only sites that you choose, but there's not a lot of documentation how to do that with safeHTML.  I can't even find a websit for safeHTML..... the one listed within the safhtml files does not exist.  Where does Boonex come up with this garbage?


Embedding youtube videos, is yet another feature that is missing from Dolphin.  There's no reason not to allow your members to be able to embed videos from youtube, but allowing any and all media to be embedded is just asking for trouble.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 13 Feb 2009

I guess I don't understand the question, because I don't see where you have to alter code to put Youtube in Dolphin - I just tried it to make sure.  I went to an almost random video in Youtube, grabbed the imbed code that is right there, then put it in an html block on my homepage - worked fine.

Quote · 13 Feb 2009


I guess I don't understand the question, because I don't see where you have to alter code to put Youtube in Dolphin - I just tried it to make sure.  I went to an almost random video in Youtube, grabbed the imbed code that is right there, then put it in an html block on my homepage - worked fine.


Sure, you can it that way, but that's not an option for a sites members.  Members can't just create an html block to put the embed code in.  To see what he's talking about, go try to embed a youtube video in a blog post on your site.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 13 Feb 2009



I guess I don't understand the question, because I don't see where you have to alter code to put Youtube in Dolphin - I just tried it to make sure.  I went to an almost random video in Youtube, grabbed the imbed code that is right there, then put it in an html block on my homepage - worked fine.


Sure, you can it that way, but that's not an option for a sites members.  Members can't just create an html block to put the embed code in.  To see what he's talking about, go try to embed a youtube video in a blog post on your site.

 Actually Houstonlively, some sites members can.  This would depend upon the type of build that's been done to the site.   In the instance of one of my sites, yes, members can create there own HTML blocks.


But, my questions is this:


Why go through such a risk of altering the tinymce editor and such just to add videos to the pages, when you can just obtain Global Videos and use it to search all the major video sites, it has more adult than mainstream on it, and click Favorite and place them on the member profile page and/or home page right there.  No coding needed, your site is safe, your members are happy and it's quick, clean and simple for all.

Quote · 22 Jul 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.