Error - Database query error (PLZ HELP)

Database query error

Database error in LiveSherwood
SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS `Count` FROM `RayYoutubeCategories`

Mysql error:
Table 'db252455566.RayYoutubeCategories' doesn't exist

Found error in file /homepages/8/d251394172/htdocs/livesherwood/inc/classes/BxDolMenu.php(290) : runtime-created function
at line 1. Called db_arr function
with erroneous argument #0

Debug backtrace:
[1] => Array
[file] => /homepages/8/d251394172/htdocs/livesherwood/inc/
[line] => 115
[function] => db_res
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS `Count` FROM `RayYoutubeCategories`
[1] => 1


[2] => Array
[file] => /homepages/8/d251394172/htdocs/livesherwood/inc/classes/BxDolMenu.php(290) : runtime-created function
[line] => 1
[function] => db_arr
[args] => Array
[0] => SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS `Count` FROM `RayYoutubeCategories`


[3] => Array
[file] => /homepages/8/d251394172/htdocs/livesherwood/inc/classes/BxDolMenu.php
[line] => 292
[function] => __lambda_func
[args] => Array


[4] => Array
[file] => /homepages/8/d251394172/htdocs/livesherwood/inc/classes/BxDolMenu.php
[line] => 275
[function] => checkcond
[class] => bxtemplmenu
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => $aCount=db_arr("SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS `Count` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "YoutubeCategories`"); return $aCount["Count"]>0;


[5] => Array
[file] => /homepages/8/d251394172/htdocs/livesherwood/inc/classes/BxDolMenu.php
[line] => 206
[function] => checktoshow
[class] => bxtemplmenu
[type] => ->
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[Type] => top
[Caption] => _RayzYoutube
[Link] => rzyoutube.php?mode=browse
[Visible] => non,memb
[Target] =>
[Onclick] =>
[Check] => $aCount=db_arr("SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS `Count` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "YoutubeCategories`"); return $aCount["Count"]>0;
[Strict] => 0
[Parent] => 0



[6] => Array
[file] => /homepages/8/d251394172/htdocs/livesherwood/inc/classes/BxDolMenu.php
[line] => 189
[function] => gentopitems
[class] => bxtemplmenu
[type] => ->
[args] => Array


[7] => Array
[file] => /homepages/8/d251394172/htdocs/livesherwood/inc/
[line] => 356
[function] => getcode
[class] => bxtemplmenu
[type] => ->
[args] => Array


[8] => Array
[function] => tmplkeysreplace
[args] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => __top_menu__
[1] => top_menu



Auto-report system

Quote · 8 Aug 2008

You obviously installed this ADD RAY MOD -->RayYoutube --> Incorrectly and failed to follow a step with the DB?

Quote · 8 Aug 2008

SO do I need to re-install?

Quote · 8 Aug 2008

I got too this problem, there is a solution to solve this problem?


Quote · 17 Aug 2008

Contact the author  .....  they know more about it than anyone   ..... 

Quote · 17 Aug 2008

for resolve the problem you must go into admin panel --> Builders --> Menu Builder and delete all the buttons of RayzYouTube

Quote · 11 Sep 2008

install incomplete. you need to run the integration. Please read vry carefully.

There are some tables created in the database. This is not done. SCript is looking for the table but it doesnt exist.


I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 11 Sep 2008

I thought I replied to this...

I had to manually run the /youtube/install/install.sql before installing.

I substituted RayYoutube for [module_db_prefix].

I also had to fix a couple of other errors I was getting related to integer values being created in tables with the default value of ''.  I either removed the default portion, or used '0' instead.

I then ran the install, which will pop-up a modal dialog box that will give you the link to run youtube/integration/index.php.

The integration install will give you some instruction that you have to manually complete (ie copying some files to some directories, and modifying one of the core dolphin scripts).

After that I registered the plugin with any string.

This is not how the documentation reads, but this is what was necessary for me.  I make no guarntees if this procedure is even correct.  I am just letting you know that is the method I used, and it seems to work like I would expect.

Quote · 12 Sep 2008

You are correct!!
Only that way you can install it...

Kids first
Quote · 12 Sep 2008

So glad you found the fault, what would really be handy for everyone looking for this would be a complete instruction on how to install like you did, explain where you changed things.

I am a firefighter so apart from fighting fires and cutting up cars i am pretty useless so more info the better.

also anyone following will find it and get answer without asking same questions.

can i thankyou for your expertise and help to us newbies

Quote · 23 Sep 2008

The authors of mods are the ones that need to provide clear step by step installation instructions

and support their products  .....

Quote · 23 Sep 2008

I just got this SAME error!

How do I uninstall it without losing my databases?

I am really new to this... and my site WAS taking off... this script totally crashed my site and made it unusable. I just want it OFF.

How do I undo this mistake?

Can someone walk me thru it, or can I pay someone to do this for me?

Quote · 28 Oct 2008

have you tried to remove this items from navigation menu?

Quote · 28 Oct 2008

I've also tried deleting the youtube folder from the ray modules and done everything I can think of... still comes back with that error code and on the webpage itsself this:

Database query error
Quote · 28 Oct 2008

problem is in site.

You need to remove all youtobes links from navigation menu - and from pages builder. It should solve problem.



Quote · 28 Oct 2008

problem is in site.

You need to remove all youtobes links from navigation menu - and from pages builder. It should solve problem.



So I need to download all the pages in my site and remove everything that says "youtube" right? Can I do a search and replace or delete in dreamweaver?

... lol I would totally pay for someone to fix this for me right now--- so frusterated!

Quote · 28 Oct 2008

no - you need to use builder section of your admin area

Check navigation menu builder and pages builder >> homepage



Quote · 28 Oct 2008

no - you need to use builder section of your admin area

Check navigation menu builder and pages builder >> homepage



Ya- but the admin area is not showing up due to the database error... The site is basically locked, i can't get into the admin area to fix anything :(

go to -- it's the mysql error

Quote · 28 Oct 2008

ok - I have consulted with developer of this mod - seemed you start with integration before made installation - that's why you got this error

now you need to contact developer at and he will fix problem



Quote · 28 Oct 2008

ok - I have consulted with developer of this mod - seemed you start with integration before made installation - that's why you got this error

now you need to contact developer at and he will fix problem



Ya... I just emailed him again. If this is because I somehow got on the integration page before the installation, I totally don't mind paying him pr someone to fix this problem. I know that it's a free app, so no support is expected.

thanks for trying to help me!

Quote · 28 Oct 2008

Hi i cant seem to create the catagories table in Mysql it keeps comming up error even when i import it from main install.sql

the furthest i have managed to get is youtube to load and then tell me unknown error on loading

any help will be appreciated

This is the Mysql Error


SQL query:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `[module_db_prefix]Categories` (

`Param` ENUM( 'tag', 'user', 'standard' ) DEFAULT 'tag' NOT NULL ,



MySQL said: Documentation

#1067 - Invalid default value for 'Order'

Quote · 25 Nov 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.