When I select all the installed modules and click on Recompile languages it happens an error like it's possible to see below.
Some words as "_bx_ava_current_avatar" after translated by Languages on Admin Area, was not effective translated on the website. Maybe is happining because of the errors below.
How to correct this?

Please help. I have just finished a brand new installation of the Final Dolphin 7 and I created a brand new language file (portuguese) that I copy from the original english. I installed the avatar module and clicked on recompiled the language file for this module. This is what I get:
Recompilation of language file(s) in Avatar Done
English: Done Portuguese: An error occured. Contact with module's vendor
What is wrong? Again, this is a brand new installation and this was my first action, and the error message happens to any of the modules that I try to recompile. Is this a bug? If so please have it fixes, if not was it the solution. Please help Boon.
switch back to english lng file and see if you still get the errors
English: Done
Portuguese: An error occured. Contact with module's vendor
did you translate true the admin interface
Hi prolaznik
I have tried what you said. I made english the default language of the site and tried again. Same error. I created the portuguese file by selecting the copy option in the language admin, but I have not done any editing to it nor have I tried to translate any of the keys in it, so it is basically the english language file with the name "portuguese". This is starting to look more like a bug. Can someone try this. Remember that when you recompile the modules you will actually have to click on the "+" to expand, because if you do not do that it will show that everything is ok, which is not.
Thans again
i tried that
created new lang. by selecting copy from en.lang
here are the results
note:no changes to the lang. have been made

I may be wrong on this, but I think that you need to install ALL modules using the English language, then translate then lang-en.php file to the language of your chose. Import it, then switch it to default.
I believe the normal behavior for Dolphin when installing a new module is to use the default English language and not the one that you have translated. Since Dolphin has no way of automatically translating on the fly at the time of installing a module.
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I may be wrong on this, but I think that you need to install ALL modules using the English language, then translate then lang-en.php file to the language of your chose. Import it, then switch it to default.
I believe the normal behavior for Dolphin when installing a new module is to use the default English language and not the one that you have translated. Since Dolphin has no way of automatically translating on the fly at the time of installing a module.
en is the default lang and the only one im using all modules where installed prior creating second lang
the reason i created the second one is to test this module errors
i also did try to install/uninstall modules with the second lang in place still same errors
when you log into ftp
lang-en.php = 212.77kb
lang-ba.php = 158.63kb
there's missing something shouldn't they be the same size ?.... when i open lang-ba.php scroll to bottom it's missing a lot about
looks like im making progress here lol

Sorry but I still need help! I exported the english language, then open the file and edited the line 3 to 5 to read the following:
'Name' => 'pt',
'Flag' => 'br',
'Title' => 'Portuguese',
I then compared the files and now they are identical (except for these lines). I then imported it back and the portuguese language file is there. But when I go and recompile the Modules I still get the error message. This is driving me crazy. What am I doing wrong??
here's what you can do
let's start with avatars
now downlaod that en.php to local drive rename it to your lang. re-upload go back to amdin modules and try it again un/install and recompile
now if that's fun guess what you have to do it for every module :)
here's what you can do
let's start with avatars
now downlaod that en.php to local drive rename it to your lang. re-upload go back to amdin modules and try it again un/install and recompile
now if that's fun guess what you have to do it for every module :)
You are correct. The main language file is for the main part of the dolphin system.
Each and every module has it's own language files as well. Not just boonex modules either, but all other modules that you can purchase from the Market. Including mine.
So yea. There is more to translating dolphin than just the main language file. A properly translated site will include all of the modules as well.
https://www.deanbassett.com |
You are correct. The main language file is for the main part of the dolphin system.
Each and every module has it's own language files as well. Not just boonex modules either, but all other modules that you can purchase from the Market. Including mine.
So yea. There is more to translating dolphin than just the main language file. A properly translated site will include all of the modules as well.
So, you're telling me that I have more work ahead of me for my translation of Dolphin into Klingon? Aw, man...
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
You are correct. The main language file is for the main part of the dolphin system.
Each and every module has it's own language files as well. Not just boonex modules either, but all other modules that you can purchase from the Market. Including mine.
So yea. There is more to translating dolphin than just the main language file. A properly translated site will include all of the modules as well.
So, you're telling me that I have more work ahead of me for my translation of Dolphin into Klingon? Aw, man...
Yup. Can you do Vulcan, Romulan, and maybe Andorian while your at it?
https://www.deanbassett.com |
You are correct. The main language file is for the main part of the dolphin system.
Each and every module has it's own language files as well. Not just boonex modules either, but all other modules that you can purchase from the Market. Including mine.
So yea. There is more to translating dolphin than just the main language file. A properly translated site will include all of the modules as well.
So, you're telling me that I have more work ahead of me for my translation of Dolphin into Klingon? Aw, man...
Yup. Can you do Vulcan, Romulan, and maybe Andorian while your at it?
Only if you will do Na'vi.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |