Error after upgrading

After upgrading to version 6.1.5 we are getting this error:


Warning: require_once([/home/mysite/public_html/]inc/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mysite/public_html/periodic/notifies.php on line 21

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '[/home/mysite/public_html/]inc/' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mysite/public_html/periodic/notifies.php on line 21


Been trying to figure out how to solve it, but so far no success. Any suggestions?

Quote · 6 May 2009

Looks like you did not do this step correctly.

5) Now you have to edit the files "periodic/cmd.php" and "periodic/notifies.php" and replace the code "path_to" with the server path to your Dolphin installation folder. This path can be found in the file "inc/" as the value of the "dir['root']" variable.

When replacing path_to. Make sure you remove the brackets also. Perhaps the instructions should read "[path_to]" instead.
Quote · 6 May 2009

No that's not it.. I did that.

Quote · 6 May 2009

The error you posted shows the [] brackets are in there. Don't know what else to tell ya.
Quote · 6 May 2009

I've pulled my hair out over missing something so small like a missing closing bracket or a misplaced '

That and incorrect permissions. I don't have afix for you but I find it helpful to back away let my eyes reset to center and come back a little while later and try to see everything with a clear set of eyes.

Which is what I'm doing because I have a problem after my upgrade as well. I get a blank screen when accessing the 'forums' tab.

Quote · 6 May 2009


I have seen the "Blank Screen" in the forums part before. This normally indicates that an error has occured somewhere in the script and th error message is not being returned. (Orca is REALLY bad about this)

The place I found this happenning the most was if I had Google Ads showing in my forums. There are a few Google and Javascript Ads that Orca doesn't seem to like during it's XSLT parsing....

...I finally managed to fix the problem by either removing the ad, or stripping any HTML comments, and XML data tags from the ad code.

Another thing that can cause this is a broken/unclosed tag in a custom skin. Try running your pages through an XHTML validator and correct any error that the validator finds. This helped me greatly.

Orca is REALLY anal about the XML parsing. I'm hoping that this changes drastically in version 7!

Quote · 9 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.