Hi all, I have this niggling error message in groups:
Warning: file_get_contents(http://www.ecofriendz.com/groups/orca/?action=group_last_topics&forum=Bea-Tropical&trans=1) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: Connection refused in /home/sites/ecofriendz.com/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolGroups.php on line 419
I do not have orca running because it doesnt work with my server. I have V 6.1.
I have tried to comment out the line (has worked for other things) but no joy. The page still shows but with the message at the top. Can someone tell me what [function.file-get-contents] means...I have had this a few times and would like to be able to resolve this myself, but this has me beat. :-(
Many Thank