Error message in Groups - advice please

Hi all, I have this niggling error message in groups:

Warning: file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: Connection refused in /home/sites/ on line 419

I do not have orca running because it doesnt work with my server. I have V 6.1.

I have tried to comment out the line (has worked for other things) but no joy. The page still shows but with the message at the top. Can someone tell me what [function.file-get-contents] means...I have had this a few times and would like to be able to resolve this myself, but this has me beat. :-(

Many Thank

Quote · 19 Jul 2008


I was having this issue for ages on here with no luck but found an answear in the end.


First make backup of your original files in case it still doesnt fix it.

so when you reupload changes if your script messess up just reupload the backup you made

download that file bxdolgroups.php   (inc/classes)

open with a editor that has line number find line 417 and delete it. worked for me

or for people with no line numbers in there text editor find


$sRet = file_get_contents("{$site['groups']}orca/?action=group_last_topics&forum={$sForumUri}&trans=1");

delete it


Save and reupload.




Quote · 19 Jul 2008

Thanks a lot jamesdeavin. got a hard time with this error. Thanks for the troubleshooting :) Cheers

Quote · 22 Oct 2008
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.