Event fields

I am unable to find where I can change the fields when I add an event? I want to add some of those fields and if possible add one.

Any idea?

Thank you!!! :)

Quote · 29 Jul 2009

function PageSDatingNewEventForm in inc/classes/bxdolevents.php

look for:

$sTitleC = _t('_Title');

that adds a language string

then see:

$sEventTitle = htmlspecialchars($aEvent['Title']);


$sEventTitle = isset($_POST['event_title']) ? process_db_input($_POST['event_title'], 1) : '';

that pulls info from the DB you will need to make new DN field if new

then see:

$sTstyle = ($arrErr['Title'] ? 'block' : 'none');


$sTmsg = ($arrErr['Title'] ? _t( '_'.$arrErr['Title'] ) : '' );

for error messages

this is the title section in the form:

<table class="addEventForm">
<tr class="vc">
<td class="form_label">{$sTitleC}:</td>
<td class="form_value">
<div class="edit_error" style="display:{$sTstyle}">
<input class="form_input" type="text" name="event_title" id="event_title_id" value="{$sEventTitle}" />

see how it ties together?

I have video tutorials to help you mrpowless.com
Quote · 29 Jul 2009


i can modify your event section with some new fields if you still need help,

or take a look here for ready mods like event organisator informations etc....


Quote · 11 Aug 2009
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