Events Calendar

Dolphin 6.1.4.

In Events Calendar, how can I set it to United Kingdom instead of 'All'?

Many thanks,


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Quote · 28 Nov 2008


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Quote · 28 Nov 2008

Most of my country drop downs are set to UK, but I cannot find the file I need to edit for Events Calendar drop down selector to automatically set UK.

Any help would be appreciated!


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Quote · 28 Nov 2008


There are none so blind as those that will not see.
Quote · 29 Nov 2008

do you have UK set as your home country in basic settings?

otherwise..this may help but not tried it...its just a suggestion.

in inc/classes/BxDolEvents.php it shows

// queries for showing 'by country'
$sShowQuery = "
{$sCommonSelectSQL }
FROM `SDatingEvents`
AND `SDatingEvents`.`Country` = '". process_db_input($_REQUEST['show_events_country'], 1) ."'
{$sOrderBySQL} {$sLimitSQL}
$sCountSQL = "
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `SDatingEvents`
AND `Country` = '". process_db_input($_REQUEST['show_events_country'], 1) ."'
case 'my':


which to my eyes means its being sorted numerically by the database.

in phpmyadmin if you browse to the table 'countries' in your database select all and click browse...then click on the ISOno at the top it will list the countries numericaly for you.

You could try setting the 'united kingdom' to a lower number...that may make it the first country in the list.


Quote · 29 Nov 2008
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