Explain This Error

When I go to the Admin Panel to try to backup my Database I get this on the screen even when I say Save To PC:


Database query error
Database query error
Database query error


Array ( [1] => Array ( [file] => /**************/inc/classes/BxDolDb.php [line] => 236 [function] => error [class] => BxDolDb [type] => -> [object] => BxDolDb Object ( [error_checking] => 1 [host] => localhost [port] => [socket] => [dbname] => ******** [user] => ********* [password] => ******** [link] => Resource id #50 [current_res] => [current_arr_type] => 1 [oParams] => BxDolParams Object ( [_oDb] => BxDolDb Object *RECURSION* [_oCache] => BxDolCacheFile Object ( [sPath] => /home/badike/public_html/az2/cache/ [_error] => ) [_sCacheFile] => sys_options.php [_aParams] => Array ( [anon_mode] => [autoApproval_ifJoin] => on [autoApproval_ifProfile] => on [cmdDay] => 10 [currency_code] => USD [currency_sign] => $ [time_format_php] => H:i [short_date_format_php] => m.d.Y [date_format_php] => m.d.Y H:i [time_format] => %H:%i [short_date_format] => %d.%m.%Y [date_format] => %d.%m.%Y %H:%i [db_clean_msg] => 180 [db_clean_profiles] => 180 [db_clean_views] => 180 [db_clean_vkiss] => 90 [default_country] => US [enable_contact_form] => on [enable_gd] => on [enable_match] => on [view_match_percent] => on [enable_promotion_membership] => [enable_watermark] => [enable_zip_loc] => on [expire_notification_days] => 1 [expire_notify_once] => on [featured_num] => 16 [lang_default] => en [match_percent] => 85 [max_inbox_message_size] => 1500 [member_online_time] => 1 [MetaDescription] => Arizona EDM community find information about club events and raves and music. [MetaKeyWords] => [msgs_per_start] => 20 [enable_inbox_notify] => [news_enable] => 1 [newusernotify] => on [promotion_membership_days] => 7 [search_start_age] => 10 [sys_calendar_starts_sunday] => [top_members_max_num] => 16 [track_profile_view] => on [transparent1] => 0 [votes] => on [Water_Mark] => [zodiac] => on [php_date_format] => F j, Y [tags_non_parsable] => hi, hey, hello, all, i, i'm, i'd, am, for, in, to, a, the, on, it's, is, my, of, are, from, i'm, me, you, and, we, not, will, at, where, there [tags_last_parse_time] => 0 [tags_min_rating] => 2 [autoApproval_ifNoConfEmail] => on [enable_flash_promo] => [custom_promo_code] =>

Quote · 12 Jan 2010



define( 'DB_FULL_DEBUG_MODE', false );


define( 'DB_FULL_DEBUG_MODE', true );

and you will able to see error in detail

Quote · 12 Jan 2010
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