Official support thread for the FREE DeeEmm - Sitemap Generator MOD
Support also offered via
the forums on our website
This MOD creates an automatically
generated sitemap that you can use to submit to Google.
This mod has been tested with following Dolphin versions
Difficulty of installation
Easy - Just copy the file to your webroot.
23/10/2009 Version 1.0 - Initial Version 06/07/2010 Version 1.1 -
Updated for Dolphin 7 05/08/2010 Version 1.2 - Fixed duplicate entries
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
You DeeMan! Well done. I will certainly give it a try. Thanks. |
You DeeMan! Well done. I will certainly give it a try. Thanks.
No probs. Be sure to leave a comment if it works for you.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
I'm not exactly sure what this is supposed to do, or what I'm supposed to do other than submit a blank page to Google.
I uploaded the file to the root of my site, but when I call it I get a blank page.
Could you fill me in a little DeeEmm?
EDIT: The blank page seems to be yet another IE8 issue. I see the content in Chrome and FireFox.
I don't think Google uses IE8 so I will submit away - as is.
Thanks DeeEmm!
Yes, not sure why IE8 does not display it. Maybe it does not like the doctype??
At any rate, I've had a few messages about the mod, so I have updated the description.
Just to clarify...
This MOD creates an automatically generated sitemap that you can use to submit to Google. The File generates an XML sitemap file that complies with Googles validation requirements. All you need to do is to submit the URL for the file as your Sitemap in Google tools - NOTE: An XML extension is not required for your google sitemap as the doctype is specified in the document itself. Also note that this file does not create a clickable page of links - In most browsers it appears as a jumble of URL's. This is normal. To view the file correctly, simply view the page source.
If you want to see the file output, and you are an IE8 user (possibly IE7 too) - You will probably need to view this file with another browser. If you're not bothered about what the output looks like, simply submit the URL as normal.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Hey DM,
Thanks for the Free Mod(s)
Google is giving me a parse error on line 168. As there is nothing I can screw up, any idea why they would be having problems with it?
168 |
Parsing error
were unable to read your Sitemap. It may contain an entry we are unable
to recognize. Please validate your Sitemap before resubmitting. |
Hey DM,
Thanks for the Free Mod(s)
Google is giving me a parse error on line 168. As there is nothing I can screw up, any idea why they would be having problems with it?
168 |
Parsing error
were unable to read your Sitemap. It may contain an entry we are unable
to recognize. Please validate your Sitemap before resubmitting. |
It's probably an issue with a URL that it does not like. Take a look at the line and see if it is something obvious. It might be something like an illegal character. You will need to view it in something other than Explorer and also you will need to view the source to see the XML properly formatted.
If you cannot see an issue - post the whole node up here - like this...
...and I will take a look.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
From Google Validator;
validator crash during target reading
Error: Expected ; after entity name, but got = in unnamed entity at line 168 char 60 of
Line 168-172
<url> <loc></loc>
<priority>0.1</priority> </url>
It looks okay.
What is Google validator? Is this report from webmaster tools?
If not, simply submit the sitemap to Google > Webmaster Tools -> Click on the submit a sitemap button.
Not sure if any third party validators will validate this correctly, it's only designed for Google. If there is an issue with the code in the submission to Google webmaster tools it will return a failure in the status column.
Only other issue I have heard of was for user who had a massive site - Google sitemap only supports a maximum of 50,000 entries
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Sorry, I didn't make that clear enough.
The initial error I posted was from Google Webmaster Central after submitting the sitemap.
The validator I used to try to get a more specific error was
My website is the exact opposite of massive :)
As I viewed the source of sitemap.php and copy/pasted into Dreamweaver, it is possible that line 168 as I posted is erroneous due to whitespaces etc.
Thanks for taking the time to assist me.
New Version Available.
Bugfix release to address issue of multiple URL's.
Free to download from link in first post.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Sorry, I didn't make that clear enough.
The initial error I posted was from Google Webmaster Central after submitting the sitemap.
The validator I used to try to get a more specific error was
My website is the exact opposite of massive :)
As I viewed the source of sitemap.php and copy/pasted into Dreamweaver, it is possible that line 168 as I posted is erroneous due to whitespaces etc.
Thanks for taking the time to assist me.
Hi Syde,
Try the new version out and let me know how you get on.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Sorry, I didn't make that clear enough.
The initial error I posted was from Google Webmaster Central after submitting the sitemap.
The validator I used to try to get a more specific error was
My website is the exact opposite of massive :)
As I viewed the source of sitemap.php and copy/pasted into Dreamweaver, it is possible that line 168 as I posted is erroneous due to whitespaces etc.
Thanks for taking the time to assist me.
Hi Syde,
Try the new version out and let me know how you get on.
Just installed the new version and I get a big ugly red box that say's....
Database query error
Nevermind. It was querying the events and I'm not using that. That's why it threw the error. My bad.
Thanks for the update Mick!
Sorry, I didn't make that clear enough.
The initial error I posted was from Google Webmaster Central after submitting the sitemap.
The validator I used to try to get a more specific error was
My website is the exact opposite of massive :)
As I viewed the source of sitemap.php and copy/pasted into Dreamweaver, it is possible that line 168 as I posted is erroneous due to whitespaces etc.
Thanks for taking the time to assist me.
Hi Syde,
Try the new version out and let me know how you get on.
Just installed the new version and I get a big ugly red box that say's....
Database query error
ha - that'd be right.
OK - lemme take a look.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Nevermind Mick. It was trying to query the events mod and I'm not using that. It's not a problem with the mod.
Thanks for the update : )
Sorry, I didn't make that clear enough.
The initial error I posted was from Google Webmaster Central after submitting the sitemap.
The validator I used to try to get a more specific error was
My website is the exact opposite of massive :)
As I viewed the source of sitemap.php and copy/pasted into Dreamweaver, it is possible that line 168 as I posted is erroneous due to whitespaces etc.
Thanks for taking the time to assist me.
Hi Syde,
Try the new version out and let me know how you get on.
Just installed the new version and I get a big ugly red box that say's....
Database query error
ha - that'd be right.
OK - lemme take a look.
Working okay on both my sites.
Have you commented out the modules that you are not using? - check at top of file - simply comment out those that you do not have installed.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
LOL - you beat me to it
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
LOL - you beat me to it
I start a little slow sometimes, but I tend to catch up - given time. ha ha ; )
Appears to have corrected my issue, after commenting out unused modules from sitemap.php. Thanks a ton DM!
Appears to have corrected my issue, after commenting out unused modules from sitemap.php. Thanks a ton DM!
Happy to help :)
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
New version of Sitemap generator available. Either download from the market or from attachment to this post
Bugfix release to address issue with query string in URL's
Also XML schema changed to allow submission to Yahho and Microsith.
Also working on a sitemap page (clickable links) Will be available soon.
TIP: make sure you have a robots.txt file that points to your sitemap - this allows other search engines to find it.
Create a file called robots.txt and put the following info in it.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin/
Disallow: /inc/
Disallow: /langs/
Disallow: /xml/
Upload it to your webroot.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
new version gives database query error. no details of any error are shown.
New version of Sitemap generator available. Either download from the market or from attachment to this post
Bugfix release to address issue with query string in URL's
Also XML schema changed to allow submission to Yahho and Microsith.
Also working on a sitemap page (clickable links) Will be available soon.
TIP: make sure you have a robots.txt file that points to your sitemap - this allows other search engines to find it.
Create a file called robots.txt and put the following info in it.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin/
Disallow: /inc/
Disallow: /langs/
Disallow: /xml/
Upload it to your webroot.
Regards........ M.Chauhan U.K. |
Have you enabled / disabled the correct modules for your site?
Please check the readme file for installation instructions
new version gives database query error. no details of any error are shown.
New version of Sitemap generator available. Either download from the market or from attachment to this post
Bugfix release to address issue with query string in URL's
Also XML schema changed to allow submission to Yahho and Microsith.
Also working on a sitemap page (clickable links) Will be available soon.
TIP: make sure you have a robots.txt file that points to your sitemap - this allows other search engines to find it.
Create a file called robots.txt and put the following info in it.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin/
Disallow: /inc/
Disallow: /langs/
Disallow: /xml/
Upload it to your webroot.
Dolphin - Ajax Masturbation |
Yahho and Microsith? LMAO
Thanks for the update Mick!
works like a charm now. sorry for late feedback Regards........ M.Chauhan U.K. |
does it work with 7.0.3 ??
it worked fine wtih 7.0.2
i am getting the following error now with 7.0.3 ...
Database query error
Fatal error: Call to a member function parseHtmlByContent() on a non-object in /home/zrwdjyvk/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolEmailTemplates.php on line 138
Regards........ M.Chauhan U.K. |
DeeMee, first of all thanks a lot for this piece of work :-)
Secondly is there a way that the members will be generated as well?
Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-) |
DeeEmm this mod is working just fine in my D7.0.3
I got the same...
does it work with 7.0.3 ??
it worked fine wtih 7.0.2
i am getting the following error now with 7.0.3 ...
Database query error
Fatal error: Call to a member function parseHtmlByContent() on a non-object in /home/zrwdjyvk/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolEmailTemplates.php on line 138
I think you must install some modules, what this file needs. i also got this alert early, but i installed modules, then all is OK |
I think you must install some modules, what this file needs. i also got this alert early, but i installed modules, then all is OK
dont work anymore... this sitemap... google says: Unsupported file format
Your Sitemap does not appear to be in a supported format. Please ensure it meets our Sitemap guidelines and resubmit.
I'm not sure if DeeEmm keeps his free mods on this site up to date anymore. I think he found better things to do with his time. You might want to try something else. I think AndrewP had a free sitemap module, but he's in solitary confinement for a while, and you won't find his products in the market until he's released. My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I haven't seen him in quite a while, actually. I've seen quite a number of people complaining that his mods are outdated and no longer work, and he doesn't appear to be updating them. BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
I'm not exactly sure what this is supposed to do, or what I'm supposed to do other than submit a blank page to Google.
I uploaded the file to the root of my site, but when I call it I get a blank page.
Could you fill me in a little DeeEmm?
EDIT: The blank page seems to be yet another IE8 issue. I see the content in Chrome and FireFox.
I don't think Google uses IE8 so I will submit away - as is.
Thanks DeeEmm!
To fix this on IE you need to make the XML file generated by sitemap.php fully compliant. As written it leaves out the <?xml version="1.0" ?> header required by XML. This may also be why some crawlers have problems with it. The fix is simple. In the sitemap.php file change the SiteMap_header to:
$SiteMap_header = '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' . "\n" . '<urlset xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns="">';
I have this error message on Google webmaster tool:
We've detected that you submitted your Sitemap using a URL path that includes the www prefix (for instance, However, the URLs listed inside your Sitemap don't use the www prefix (for instance,
thanks man, thank god there are people like you around! |
Well...actually it doesnt work and google does not support the format. Good effort anyway... |
I get some errors... how i can fix this:
Format |
Submitted URLs |
Submitted |
Downloaded |
Index count pending
Mar 21, 2011
Sitemap errors and warnings |
384 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.2
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
389 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.3
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
394 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.5
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
519 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.2
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
524 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.2
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
529 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.3
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
534 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.5
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
649 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.1
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
654 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.2
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
659 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.2
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
664 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.3
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
This format was recognised by Google's sitemaps system, but it timed out due to the sheer number of URLs in our sitemap:
- General HTTP error: HTTP 408 error (Request timeout) We encountered an error while trying to access your Sitemap. |
Thanks for this wonderful mod but I also need the member profiles to be included in the sitemap. Is it possible to add that feature? Thanks again. |
I get some errors... how i can fix this:
Format |
Submitted URLs |
Submitted |
Downloaded |
Index count pending
Mar 21, 2011
Sitemap errors and warnings |
384 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.2
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
389 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.3
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
394 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.5
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
519 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.2
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
524 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.2
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
529 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.3
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
534 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.5
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
649 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.1
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
654 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.2
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
659 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.2
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
664 |
Invalid tag value
This XML tag has an invalid value. Please fix it and resubmit. |
Parent tag: url
Tag: priority
Value: 1.3
Problem detected on: Mar 21, 2011
I think the problem is due to the priority tags having values more than 1. For example 1.3, 1.2 and 1.5 which should be 1.0 or less than 1.0.
This will depend on the highest number in the "Order" column in the 'sys_menu_top' table in your msql database. Find this code in the sitemap.php file:
//priority based on menu order $priority = round($top_menu_items['Order'] / 30, 1);
For example the highest number is 45, then change it to:
//priority based on menu order $priority = round($top_menu_items['Order'] / 45, 1);