Okay - here it is, another great FREE modification from Convictions Community!!!
I know there has been a lot of problems with the Orca RSS feed, and on top of it, its just a statiic list of your posts. This modification is EASY to install, and adds the forum spy feature where ever you want it!
I don't use Orca, so - here is a link to see it in action: http://www.bearvalleyvoice.com/community/
Here is where you can get it:
Back to work for me, Everyone - ENJOY!
Chris www.convictionscommunity.com
way2go chris. thank you for your work. i will check this out, but i havent had any problems with it, but will look at what you done with the ajax, and see if it can possibly be implemented somewhere else.
regards, DosDawg
When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Yes me to.... Thanks Chris for you work.
cheers Killerhaai
Kids first |
Glad to be a Guinea Pig on this one Chris!!! This mod works perfectly.
I have downloaded and will review details....perhaps my questions are in the file.
But you know people will be asking....
Is there any way to change the number of posts that appear on this front page spy...like instead of 10 maybe 5 or 7? Yes it is in the Readme file in download.
Also, I have it set up so that only GUESTS can view this HOME PAGE spy forum; MEMBERS can view the regular Forum with Spy. When the GUEST clicks on the link it takes them to the Forum, where they can post. I would like it to take them to the SIGN UP page if possible. If this is not possible, how can I disable them from posting.
This is a great tool to entice more members. Thanks Chris again for you hard work!!!!
Thanks a load for this mod .....
I have been wrestling with it all day and I have it showing on the page but it only shows the static message from the cc_ajax_spy.js file:
Forum Spy (real time view): Refreshing…
Checked everything over and over and that's the best I can get.
Any ideas ..... ? .
I haven't tried this yet, mostly because I haven't taken the time to sign up with his site yet just to download the file. But I did see some code for: refresh var timer = 15;
Other code: ?show=10&length=50&mlength=165&rnd='+rnd;
Show=10 guessing this is the number of post to show length=50 probably length of forum title text or similar length=165 probably preview length of the actual post
DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
Thanks gameutopia.
Yes the code that has to do with configurations read as:
In the cc_ajax_spy.js the line you changed with your site url has some config options: ?show=10&length=50&mlength=165
show= # of posts to show (max 30) length=# max length of topic title before '...' is added mlength=# max length of post message before '...' is added
In the cc_forum_spy.php file around line 46: $bck = ''; $bck = "background-color:#ffffff;"; if (($j%2) == 0){$bck="background-color:#CCCCCC;";}
You can change the alternating row colors here. Just change the hex values.
And to change the title look, change the above css.
That is all good changed the number from 10 to 5.
Still need to know how to stop GUESTS from posting...
Thanks a load for this mod .....
I have been wrestling with it all day and I have it showing on the page but it only shows the static message from the cc_ajax_spy.js file:
Forum Spy (real time view): Refreshing…
Checked everything over and over and that's the best I can get.
Any ideas ..... ? .
The only reason it would lock is if it isn't returning anything from the php backend. First - just run the backend... type your site address / cc_forum_spy.php - you should see direct output of what will be in the spy. If you get an error here, let me know - you'd be the first, but we'll fix it!
Most likely, the ajax isn't finding the php backend. Be sure your path is correct in the .js file. and CLEAR the cache :) - that is my opinion as to why it isn't working.
Let me know...
Rumpy...did you get it to work?
~~ Lorren
Thanks a load for this mod .....
I have been wrestling with it all day and I have it showing on the page but it only shows the static message from the cc_ajax_spy.js file:
Forum Spy (real time view): Refreshing…
Checked everything over and over and that's the best I can get.
Any ideas ..... ? .
Had the wrong path in the .js file .....
New results: cache cleared (client/server) backend works fine = no error (with command also) page displays empty frame (nothing)
Also tried paths in .js with same results: ../../ /home/xxxxxx/public_html/
page displays empty frame (nothing) . |
Have a slight issue on this mod....so here is the deal.
I have my login at the top (as per MrPowless' tutor vid)
When a GUEST is viewing the Spy Forum on the front page, obviously they are denied to be able to post.
But if they are a MEMBER and decide to login from the link at the very top (http://www.bearvalleyvoice.com/community/orca/topic/When-will-it-snow-.htm)
it brings up a 404 error, page not found with this URL
What should I do to fix this ASAP?
~~ Lorren
PS The login form works on Home Page.
Hey Chris,
Did you or Rumpy sort out the problem with this mod?
~~ Lorren
PS Also noticed that this mod works on one of my sites, but it will not allow the RSS feed from Yahoo. Whereas on a site where it is not in use...Yahoo RSS works ok fine.
Okay, lorren, the error in orca you are getting has nothing to do with my mod - you have set the path in the login area as a relative url - meaning /member.php or just member.php - you need to make that an absolute, as when in orca the url reflects orca as the root.
I am beginning to think this whole rss problem is actually a 'onload' problem. My script adds a quick and dirty way to add functions to the onload event - its a much used solution - but t seems whenever the onload function is messed with the rss feeds stop - or it could be a timeout on the ajax - which is probable too.
Rumpy, over 20 sites now have it working great. We are going to make some changes and not use an onload handler - and see what happens.
Backup the .js file.
Open it and find (at very bottm):
var nowOnload = window.onload; window.onload = function () {myOnloadFunction1();if(nowOnload != null && typeof(nowOnload) == 'function') {nowOnload();}} function myOnloadFunction1() {getTopics();}
Replace with:
window.setTimeout("getTopics()", 2000);
Let me know the outcome. Be sure to clear your browser cache.
Rumpy - its either the onload or the paths - please set it to an absolute path, change the above, then let me know.
Also, if the box is completely blank - no message about refreshing, the problem is actually with the call to the js - check your html block.
Hey thanks Chris...with the fix for me.
It wasn't a prob with the mod...just something that I needed to resolve.
HTML Block code: <p> <script src="http://mysite/inc/js/cc_ajax_spy.js" type="text/javascript" language="javascript"></script> </p>
inside .js http://www.mysite/cc_forum_spy.php?show=10&length=50&mlength=165&rnd='+rnd
isn't this correct? . |
Yes. Both should be www.mysite.com/ - which I am sure you knew. That should work. Really, you seem to be the only person not being able to get it to load.
Again, I'll fix it if you wish - send me PM.
Perfect! ..... Thanks Chris!
My bad ..... The "'" (without quotes) was missing just before the address in the .js file ..... (apostrophe)
aside: The HTML block code works with either the http://mysite/inc/js/cc_ajax_spy.js OR /inc/js/cc_ajax_spy.js ..... either one ..... . |
Perfect! ..... Thanks Chris!
My bad ..... The "'" (without quotes) was missing in the .js file ..... (apostrophe)
aside: The HTML block code works with either the http://mysite/inc/js/cc_ajax_spy.js OR /inc/js/cc_ajax_spy.js ..... either one ..... .
GREAT! Glad it worked, I was very confused.. lol - yeah, the relative url will work, but when dealing with a lot of newbies, I try to stick with absolutes - leaves less room for error.
yeah, the relative url will work, but when dealing with a lot of newbies, I try to stick with absolutes - leaves less room for error.
LOL ..... that's the same reason I didn't just say absolutes or relatives ..... LOL .....
Orca spy installation:
It says open general.css in your template css directory and add this.
I don't have a css directory under templates, I do under both templates/base and templates tmpl_uni
Which one do I install in or do I install in both or create a general.css file under templates?
Many thanks,
Sorted, it goes in templates/tmpl_uni
There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
hi ,
The links are no longer valid , or do I have to find the changes do to the "Forum Spy" in my hommepage?
Someone not there, or can you indicate manipulation to do?
best regards
http://www.electro-chok.com |
up please!!!!!!! ^^
Best regards
http://www.electro-chok.com |

Okay - here it is, another great FREE modification from Convictions Community!!!
I know there has been a lot of problems with the Orca RSS feed, and on top of it, its just a statiic list of your posts. This modification is EASY to install, and adds the forum spy feature where ever you want it!
I don't use Orca, so - here is a link to see it in action: http://www.bearvalleyvoice.com/community/
Here is where you can get it:
Back to work for me, Everyone - ENJOY!
Chris www.convictionscommunity.com
This is probably not the site you are looking for!
You attempted to reach www.bearvalleyvoice.com, but instead you actually reached a server identifying itself as www.rnlivelink.com. This may be caused by a misconfiguration on the server or by something more serious. An attacker on your network could be trying to get you to visit a fake (and potentially harmful) version of www.bearvalleyvoice.com. You should not proceed.
Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla |
hi and thx for your reply,
but for the "spy forum" on my homepage, or you would know is what I can figure out how to install it?
best regards
http://www.electro-chok.com |
This thread is from 2008. Search the market there is a more recent forum spy on the homepage mod available. DialMe.com - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources |
Thanks for your reply ,
I have search in the market, is there any way to put the "spy forum" on the homepage, I also found nothing on the forum, it just the block RSS feeds.But its no that.
Best regards
http://www.electro-chok.com |