Facebook connection

Anybody please explain the use/advatnage of facebook connection from dolphin site?

Is there any place where I can see the explanation of all "modules"?


Quote · 31 Dec 2009

Why nobody answers my questions in this forum? I have asked about many problems of my site but no response!!!

Nobody likes my username? or avatar? or am I asking such stupid questions? Whats wrong? Please tell that at least!


Quote · 1 Jan 2010

I think its not your name or avatar. :)

The facebook module can be used to make een connection from face to your site, but If you read te forums, then you will noticed there are some problems with the api of facebook. 

No there is at this time no explanation for the different modules, but you can install every module, some need other to work. So try something out.

Kids first
Quote · 1 Jan 2010

Thank you killer!

Quote · 1 Jan 2010

Yeah I was just looking for this answer.  Seems like I only have to fix the back url which I'm looking for the answer.

Quote · 4 Jan 2010

Why nobody answers my questions in this forum? I have asked about many problems of my site but no response!!!

Nobody likes my username? or avatar? or am I asking such stupid questions? Whats wrong? Please tell that at least!


LOL! I have felt like that too. Hahahahahahahahaha

Quote · 4 Jan 2010

Ok, let me try to give a little here, plus a question? Have you built an application through the developers portal on Facebook?


That will be the first palce to start. To use the Facebook Connect feature you will need an application API key and a Secret Key.


The spplication will allow Dolphin & Facebook to interact with one another. If you members have a facebook account they can log into your site and facebook at the sametime, using their facebook login ID. Plus if they are on facebook they can interact with their membership on your site, so the KEY's and Application are needed, without those the module will not work.


If you have a facebook account I am sure that you see all of the games and other things that you can do there. Those are Applications that work with API calls.


If you do not have an application, you can add your website, but you have to do that through the application setup. If you have no knowledge of how to do that the best is to get on Facebook, scroll to the bottom of the site and click on the Developers Link, and read.


BTW, if you set up the connect... it works and will log you into facebook; but will give you a page with errors with stack over rides. As some of the previous postings, there is a glitch in the script or something. After takeing you to that page, hit the back button on your browser and refresh the page and get back to the connect page. There you will see an error telling you that you must have ccokies enabled in your browser. Look at the top of the page and you will see the main links for you facebook profile and showing you logged in, click on Home and your are on your Facebook Home page.


Hope this helped a little.



Quote · 4 Jan 2010
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.