Failed Module Install (Events)

For some reason, my site gives me an error when I attempt to install the events module (see below).  Not sure if the issue is related, but my search bar in the header also gives me an internal server error.  Any ideas what might be the issue?


Installation of: Events Failed



-- Changing database: 
-- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error: 
INSERT INTO `sys_menu_top`(`ID`, `Parent`, `Name`, `Caption`, `Link`, `Order`, `Visible`, `Target`, `Onclick`, `Check`, `Editable`, `Deletable`, `Active`, `Type`, `Picture`, `Icon`, `BQuickLink`, `Statistics`) VALUES(NULL, 9, 'Events', '_bx_events_menu_my_events_profile', 'modules/?r=events/browse/user/{profileUsername}|modules/?r=events/browse/joined/{profileUsername}', @iCatProfileOrder, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', '', '', 0, '');
Quote · 6 Nov 2015

Figured it out.  If someone else has this issue, do this:


In modules\boonex\events\install\sql\install.sql


    SET @iCatProfileOrder := (SELECT MAX(`Order`)+1 FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Parent` = 9 ORDER BY `Order` DESC LIMIT 1);


    SET @iCatProfileOrder := IFNULL((SELECT MAX(`Order`)+1 FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Parent` = 9 ORDER BY `Order` DESC LIMIT 1),1);


    SET @iCatProfileOrder := (SELECT MAX(`Order`)+1 FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Parent` = 4 ORDER BY `Order` DESC LIMIT 1);


    SET @iCatProfileOrder := IFNULL((SELECT MAX(`Order`)+1 FROM `sys_menu_top` WHERE `Parent` = 4 ORDER BY `Order` DESC LIMIT 1),1);


Then log back into your admin panel and reinstall the events module.  Cheers!

Quote · 7 Nov 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.