Feature Request: Adding Galleries to Events

I have requested this feature before and nothing really came of it... I can see that currently participants of an event can upload individual photos to the event but would it be possible for participants to upload galleries/albums please?

It would be great if a member of my site were to attend an event and if they have taken loads of photos at the event, for them to log onto my site afterwards and upload all there pics. This is probably the biggest, most widely used feature that is required on my site and if you guys at Boonex could build this in, I would be eternally grateful. If this function won't be availale then I will have the task if trying to develop it myself which I won't be looking forward to, heh.

Thanks Boonex, and great work on the Beta's so far :)

Quote · 26 Sep 2009


Any kind of feedback on this would be great :) Thanks

Quote · 29 Sep 2009

Why do we bother? What is the point in asking us to discuss, request features or report bugs in this forum when no-one bothers taking any notice and the interaction from Boonex staff is non-existent on here!

I don't even know which members do work for Boonex or are admin/moderate. It's ridiculous!

Even if someone of some authority just replies saying no we wouldn't build this feature (it's not much work by my reckoning) but at least I would know then and not feel like I'm just being ignored like nearly every other patiently waiting member on this forum!

My website business is already dead now due to the delays in releasing this RC version, I saw little point investing time, money, effort, design and bespoke development work into my Dolphin version 6 if it would all be useless when I upgrade so it has kinda left my website looking pretty awful and in a state which I'm not prepared to market as it looks far from professional.

I was already notified last time that the last Beta would be the last and the next would be the RC release... That clearly isn't the case now so can't even trust you on what you say in the future Boonex.

Can someone tell me if I should be requesting features elsewhere then seeing my request is falling upon deaf ears here? Thank you.

Quote · 13 Oct 2009

Feature request will not be accepted for version 7.0  Boonex only accepts really bugs tickets. 
New features we can make a request for version 7.1. 

I hope this give you some explanation.

Kids first
Quote · 13 Oct 2009


I'm not in Boonex Team, moderator or any other but I can tell you that at this moment Boonex stop to add features and only work on bugs... other features come with 7.1 because they want to release a 7.0 asap.

In reality some bugs written in the foum aren't reported in trac...I don't know why Boonex team don't reply to posts and don't add bugs...but this is the situation!

Quote · 13 Oct 2009

Hey guys, thanks for the replies... Ok, well at least I know now, I did actually request this feature months ago mind you and no-one replied then either... But there we go. :(

Looking forward to the RC release so I can start developing my website again now. :)

Quote · 14 Oct 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.