File structure Dolphin



I've been using Dolphin for almost a week and I'm still quite confused about finding things in the admin panel and the file structure.


Can anyone explain to me briefly the file structure? 



Quote · 16 Jul 2016

I am not sure what you are wanting to know; could you expand a bit.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 17 Jul 2016

Well, for example in Wordpress there are a header.php, footer.php, wp-config, page.php files etc. 


Here I only found where the languages go, the file and that's it. 


Which are the basic files that maintain the structure of the platform? I've seen there a quite a lot of files and I'm loosing myself.


I hope I explained a bit more.

Quote · 17 Jul 2016

This is a rather involved question; really a book would be needed.

Let's start with the template system.  The "look" of the site is controlled by the templates.  If you open the /templates directory, you will see the different templates  The base template should not be touched; you should work with the templates that are listed and you can change them or even copy and rename to a new template.  You will see .html files; these are not really .html files but template files.  In these files you may see template keys, which are __key_name__; these keys are converted when the template is parsed by the template engine.  Let's say you wanted to insert the current date in a page; you would create the key __current_date__ in a function that the template engine would execute; then where the key is located in the template .html file the parser would replace it with the current date.

As I said, it is an involved question, for example, you will also encounter such things as bx_repeat which automates inserting a data set for example.

As for the file structure, it is consistent; classes directory holds classes, js directory holds js files; things are not scattered all over the place.

As for the file that is used for some configuration settings of Dolphin; that file rarely has to be touched.  I am not sure what you meant by languages there.  Dolphin uses language files to hold the different translations.  Languages should be added through the backend; admin, not through the file

Dolphin is a complex platform, it has been in active develop for a long time and is still in active development.  I may be a bit biased but I consider it the best platform of its kind.  It may take a bit of time to learn.  It would be nice to see a programmer's guide to Dolphin but many of us are too busy to spend the time necessary to write such a book, it would need to be a collaborated endeavour.

This is what I suggest.  As you are working with Dolphin and need an answer, come post the question in the forum.  We will help you with that particular question.  Make notes of the answers we give.  I have noted answers to questions that I did not ask but realised the information could come in handy in the future.  You won't learn Dolphin overnight but don't get frustrated and give up, just come and ask here.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 17 Jul 2016

I recommend not trying to compare to WP.  Let's say you wanted to customise the toolbars for the TinyMCE editor.  The file that controls the init for TinyMCE is located under the template directory.  Now as I said before, it is best not to edit the base files.  You can copy files from the base template to the other templates.  If a file is located in the template, it is used, otherwise it is used from the base.  The reason for not working on the base files is because they can get changed in an upgrade.  I always keep a list of changes.  Be sure to keep the directory structure the same; if a script directory does not exist in the template add it.  Then copy the file /scripts/BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php to the template.

Now you can open BxBaseEditorTinyMCE.php file in your favourite editor; remove items or add items to the toolbars; you will see more than one set; these are used in different places of Dolphin and control by code as to which one to load. Save the file back to Dolphin and your changes will appear when loading TinyMCE.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 17 Jul 2016

I have never received such a complex and careful answer in the whole history of Internet. Thank you a lot!

You're such a nice person!


I'm starting to understand the structure of Dolphin's file and I'm stuck into the next obstacle.


This is what I've done until now:


When I click on Join or Login it appears a Login popup window which I want to make to be my Homepage and what is now my Homepage to become the page that is loaded after the login.


 Is there anyway I can do this change?

Quote · 18 Jul 2016


When I click on Join or Login it appears a Login popup window which I want to make to be my Homepage and what is now my Homepage to become the page that is loaded after the login.


 Is there anyway I can do this change?

You are welcomed; you will find the members here very willing to help newcomers.  I came in knowing nothing about Dolphin and everyone jumped in to help me.  I owe the community a lot even if I don't always express that..

I am not exactly sure what you want done with your Homepage; give a bit more detail on what you want to do.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 18 Jul 2016

I just want to say that the girl laying on your banner makes me horny when I'm looking at her ass and crotch.

Where did you get that template Smartgroup from ?

Quote · 19 Jul 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.