How can u find friends with your email like facebook
when u open new account on facebook and myspace they tell u to add your email to find your friends
this will be more easy to get more traffic on your site and more member
Hello, How can u find friends with your email like facebook when u open new account on facebook and myspace they tell u to add your email to find your friends this will be more easy to get more traffic on your site and more member Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla |
You talking about inviter. Possible this will added in 7.1 as feature or will available as modification for sale. |
No no Inviting when u add your email on facebook and u click search u can see how much friends u have with that email like face book and than u send the invitation to all the people u have with that email Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla |
That is an "Inviter" UFO... LOL.. It's just an upgraded Inviter in comparison to what Dolphin currently has. Right now you can get it as an add on to D6, but it's not released for D7 yet. |
Invite a friend to the web Your Name: Your Email: Friend Email: Invite a friend is nat the right way to do this Go to your facebook account than click Friends u will see this Find People You Email: Upload Contact File
Searching your email account is the fastest way to find your friends on Facebook when u add your email on the empty white box and click friends u will see all your friends u have with that email and u select all your friends to be part of facebook or sending invitation no sending invitation one by one Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla |
Hi UFO360 :-) Everybody here already understand that you are asking for ;-) This is a Contacts importer or Inviter... Search Google with this word: OpenInviter ;-) Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
Ooo Ok i will try thank's for reading and helping me guy Hi UFO360 :-) Everybody here already understand that you are asking for ;-) This is a Contacts importer or Inviter... Search Google with this word: OpenInviter ;-) Post Reply - if you going to help - No for - bla bla bla bla |