Flash Intro For Your Site

Hi, i had just created a flash intro for my site... You can get the Flash editor & Flash maker HERE. For me, i am using the Free Trial Version.

Demo view HERE.

Enjoy Wink

Quote · 14 Feb 2011

Nice job man, but you might wanna warn people about the sounds effects that come with that.  My cats are still hiding inside my gerbil.

Quote · 14 Feb 2011

Hahaha. The sound u can insert a better one so your cat will love it....i am using a very poor sound quality, just for testing...

Quote · 14 Feb 2011

good work

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
Quote · 15 Feb 2011


good work

 Thanks Sashae....hope tat people here can use this mod if there want a flash intro

Quote · 15 Feb 2011



good work

Thanks Sashae....hope tat people here can use this mod if there want a flash intro

Post it in  a market section here

PS: If possible do not write me personally, please try to ask on the forum first
Quote · 15 Feb 2011




good work

Thanks Sashae....hope tat people here can use this mod if there want a flash intro

Post it in  a market section here

He doesn't own the program he's linking to, so he can't legally redistribute it. Unless he's talking about something else, like an intro he created with it.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 15 Feb 2011

hi how did you add this flash intro, can you give a picture guide please great software

Quote · 15 Feb 2011


hi how did you add this flash intro, can you give a picture guide please great software

You can embed the SWF into a HTML file. Unless you're talking about creating an actual intro in Flash, which is another story.

BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 15 Feb 2011





good work

Thanks Sashae....hope tat people here can use this mod if there want a flash intro

Post it in  a market section here

He doesn't own the program he's linking to, so he can't legally redistribute it. Unless he's talking about something else, like an intro he created with it.

Hi, i dun own this software....just to share with you people that i am using this software to create my own flash intro. So you guys can use it as while to create whatever intro you want.



Quote · 15 Feb 2011


hi how did you add this flash intro, can you give a picture guide please great software


Hi, you can create the flash intro using the free trail version. There is a step by step guide there. You can create your own design, insert images, audios and more....Once you save your SWF file, you simply just embed the SWF into a HTML file. You can create the index.html. Transfer the index.html and the SWF file to the root. Thats it

Quote · 15 Feb 2011

how did you create yours just embed swf

Quote · 15 Feb 2011


how did you create yours just embed swf


Go to my site, just view at the source file. Remember the SWF name must be the same as stated in your index.html. For mine, i name is as welcome_flash_intro. In the index.html, just insert the colour or background image in want.

Quote · 15 Feb 2011

name must be the same as stated in your index.html. For mine, i name is as welcome_flash_intro. In the index.html, what do you mean im new to dolpin whats index.html many thanks, is it easy to add it

Quote · 15 Feb 2011

Sothink quicker is $85.  The trial version won't work after 30 days, and all flash created with the trial version will have a blinking Sothink branding on it.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 15 Feb 2011

Hi, you just create an SWF file with the software, once you done, just pm me.....i will guide you through there......

Quote · 15 Feb 2011


Sothink quicker is $85.  The trial version won't work after 30 days, and all flash created with the trial version will have a blinking Sothink branding on it.

Anyway, i dun mind the blinking Sothink branding on it.  Ha, better then some trial or free version having Big Banners everywhere...The blinking Sothink branding looks cool too for a small website i have. If people visit the software site, they will know about price and the trial version...thanks for reminding

Quote · 15 Feb 2011

Flash not playing, just shows a black box.

Then, click to enter your site, it re-directs to a marketing questionnaire.

Instant member killer right there....

Quote · 15 Feb 2011


Flash not playing, just shows a black box.

Then, click to enter your site, it re-directs to a marketing questionnaire.

Instant member killer right there....

 Hmm...what u mean? I dun get it. Re-directs to marketing questionnaire? I dun have this issue before...Can anyone who view my site ans this?

Quote · 15 Feb 2011

the link where it says 'demo view here' goes to http://www.sharkypapa.com/

Theres a black box where flash should be, nothing playing.

Then click on 'enter here' and it briefly goes to your site, then re-directs to a marketing thing.

Quote · 15 Feb 2011


the link where it says 'demo view here' goes to http://www.sharkypapa.com/

Theres a black box where flash should be, nothing playing.

Then click on 'enter here' and it briefly goes to your site, then re-directs to a marketing thing.

Hi, i have double check...nothing of this redirect happens...i also never add any of this. The Enter Here will direct you to the standard homepage which is index.php

Quote · 15 Feb 2011



Flash not playing, just shows a black box.

Then, click to enter your site, it re-directs to a marketing questionnaire.

Instant member killer right there....

Hmm...what u mean? I dun get it. Re-directs to marketing questionnaire? I dun have this issue before...Can anyone who view my site ans this?

same here, black box and then "enter page" brings to index but seconds later a redirect to amazon servers...see attached pictures

Screenshot-214.png · 307.2K · 371 views
Screenshot-215.png · 104.6K · 390 views
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 15 Feb 2011

Hmm....i think maybe is the browser issue...i am using IE8, will try Google and Firefox, see whats the outcome. Maybe you can try IE and see how is it

Quote · 15 Feb 2011

Looks like you are using Lead bolt 



Quote · 15 Feb 2011

Hi all, i have edit some code in my index.html. Have try with Google Chrome, firefox and IE....Works fine and good to go...


Quote · 15 Feb 2011

this is good software

Quote · 15 Feb 2011

Very Nice!  I think it adds a little spark, having a "Front Door" to your network.  You can also utilize it as a "News" portal that introduces possible new members to what your network is about.

I did something kind of like that at my network..  http://NostalgiaHD.com .

If you need any help in refining or developing something similar, let me know.

Quote · 15 Feb 2011

Another thing I like about an "Intro Page" is that, as pointed out in a different post, it allows you to bury your networks index.php one directory deeper and prevents a lot of spammers.

Quote · 15 Feb 2011


Very Nice!  I think it adds a little spark, having a "Front Door" to your network.  You can also utilize it as a "News" portal that introduces possible new members to what your network is about.

I did something kind of like that at my network..  http://NostalgiaHD.com .

If you need any help in refining or developing something similar, let me know.

 Really very nice....Pro

Quote · 15 Feb 2011


Hmm....i think maybe is the browser issue...i am using IE8, will try Google and Firefox, see whats the outcome. Maybe you can try IE and see how is it

I would but I only use Ubuntu OS, no IE here

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 15 Feb 2011


Another thing I like about an "Intro Page" is that, as pointed out in a different post, it allows you to bury your networks index.php one directory deeper and prevents a lot of spammers.

The spammers are well aware of how to find a Dolphin site; no matter what you do to "hide" your page...it can be found very easy. We have discussed this here before.

Tthe only thing that saves a site from most spammers(china and a few other countries)...Your site is adult in nature. They are banned,

I have a friend in Shanghai that has tested this for me..

These following searches are done daily to most of my sites.




I could go on and on but these are the most popular of the search strings I encounter..

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 15 Feb 2011


China recently unbanned porn sites, I'm not sure that adult content Dolphin sites would still be banned.



As of about a week ago, I have a site that is blocked, takeoverjax.com, it is not adult in nature but states there "maybe" adult content, my contact in China cannot "browse" the page, "Content Blocked" is the result.

I like this, I hate the spammers. If your site is high in rankings you are easily attacked, I do have to say, the blogging has completely stopped since .4 and up but still get them(spammers) joining.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 15 Feb 2011

This is another great program that can create flash intros (among other things). I've had it for several years now. I don't use a lot of flash, but this works great for the things I've needed it for. They also update it quite a bit - which is nice.


It's quite a bit cheaper @$49 too.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that they have added Chroma Key which allows you to make a background color transparent. You can make your own intro's where people walk out on your front page and introduce your site with this feature. Very cool.

Quote · 15 Feb 2011



China recently unbanned porn sites, I'm not sure that adult content Dolphin sites would still be banned.



As of about a week ago, I have a site that is blocked, takeoverjax.com, it is not adult in nature but states there "maybe" adult content, my contact in China cannot "browse" the page, "Content Blocked" is the result.

I like this, I hate the spammers. If your site is high in rankings you are easily attacked, I do have to say, the blogging has completely stopped since .4 and up but still get them(spammers) joining.


Sorry, I removed that post because I had found contradictory information after I re-checked.

Spammers suck, no doubt about it. I don't understand why countries like China don't do more to prevent it since they clearly have total control over the content their users see and submit anyway.

Quote · 15 Feb 2011

Thanks Newton27 for the great info!

I am very new here (less than 2 weeks) so I haven't had the opportunity to read all the postings..

Just building on the Dolphin platform has taken most of my free time!  LOL

Quote · 15 Feb 2011

OK guys,

If you want to do practicaly anything with flash from intros to games to apps here is an idea.

There is a software program avaliable called Multmedia dusion II developer. It is relatively expensive. I think I paid about £150 for it.It is a simple drag and drop interface where by you make graphic objects of varying types, actives, backdrops, anims. vids, the list is almost endless. thes objects can then be assigned conditions _what happens when one hits another - what happens when a slider is moved - what happens when an object has the mouse over it etc. There are objects for Sql database functions, data array functions. If you can imagine it, then someone has made a custom object to do it.

It is very easy to use. You can include blocks of landuage like LUA, VBASIC, C++ if you like and have all kinds of looping functions.It is incredibly powerful and can do almost anything with a slight learning curve and a bit of patience.

The best thing is that it can export as stand alone with installer, Flash (also creates the html files for you), java, Java applet, I-phone, android and loads of other formats.

I have not tried to load the flash into my site yet as I have a few issues to sort with it first and then do a backup before I go ahead. There is no reason why flash made with it shoud not work with dolphin though.

I also have Instant demo whis is stupidly expensive but AMAZING for making zoom and pan interactive flash demos, tutorials etc. This also outputs to flash and includes the html files.

My problen is that we took out the dolphin folder so everyting is uploaded to the Public html folder. Is this where I would need to upload the flash to?


I can VERY strongly recomend both of these products.

Quote · 14 Apr 2011

you can upload the flash any where on your public folder as long as you use the correct path but to keep things neat just make a new folder in your media folder called flash and place your generated html file if you are using it ? and swf file into it ..


<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000" id="obj1"
border="0" width="160" height="160"> (change the size to what you want ?)
<param name="movie"
<param name="quality" value="High">
<embed src="http://www.yoursite.com/media/flash/yourswftitle.swf"
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="obj1" width="160" height="160" (change the size to what you want ?)

Quote · 15 Apr 2011

not sure if this site has been seen here yet..



ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 20 Apr 2011
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.