After installing default installation of Dolphin 7.1 and installing all modules, Boonex news module and other flash modules stopped loading.
- allow_url_fopen = On - OK
- allow_url_include = Off -OK
- magic_quotes_gpc = Off -OK
- memory_limit = 268435456 -OK
- post_max_size = 524288000 -OK
- upload_max_filesize = 524288000 -OK
- register_globals = Off -OK
- safe_mode = Off -OK
- disable_functions = -OK
- php module: curl = curl -OK
- php module: gd = gd -OK
- php module: mbstring = mbstring -OK
- php module: xsl = xsl -OK
- php module: json = json -OK
- php module: openssl = openssl -OK
- php module: zip = zip -OK
- php module: ftp = ftp -OK
- MySQL: 5.5.42-cll -OK
Web-server: Apache
- rewrite_module -OK
- OS: Linux 2.6.32-531.11.2.lve1.2.55.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Apr 18 09:06:31 EDT 2014 x86_64
Using hosting Orangwebsite
Need help to resolve the problem