Footers removed error but why?

I get the message -

You have manually removed BoonEx footers without paying for the right to.

On photos, events, polls etc.

I read to put back the __boonex_footers__ in the _footer.html.

I am sure I have not touched this and my _footer.html has -

<div class="clear_both"></div>
<!-- end of body -->


<div class="bottomCopyright">
<div class="bottomLinks">
<div class="bottomCpr">__copyright__</div>


<div style="width: __main_div_width__; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" class="quotes_block">__daily_quotes__</div>
__includebase _footer.html__

Any ideas please?

Quote · 21 May 2009

just do a reinstalment and you should be fine

Quote · 21 May 2009

The very experienced Sammie is helping with this and it appears the host Arvixe has reset all the permissions to the default.

"Just do a reinstall" may be the quick answer but that means I lose any changes I have made ?

I have decided to bite the bullet and get hosting with better security and technical help.

Being corrupted with an Iframe injection 4 days after installation was uneverving, especially since it came from a Boonex specialist site - I understand they have now fixed the problem and have apologised - but shows not only us newbies get hacked.

Quote · 22 May 2009

top seven lines should read:

<div class="clear_both"></div>
<!-- end of body -->



insert that line and will be good.

then you can redo your permissions, takes a while

its searched for before that copyright section..I have no idea why they moved it down.

I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 22 May 2009

I moved the __boonex_footers__ as suggested but still the same error.

Made the chnage to the _footer.html in both tmpl_uni and base.

The file permissions issue also appears not to be the problem as I have had these reset by the host.

Any more suggestions ?

You can see the error at on both Polls and Members pages.

Quote · 1 Jun 2009

Upload a fresh _footer.html from the distrbution zip  ..... 

Poof  .....  no more worries  ..... 

Also reference:
Dolphin v6.1.x permissions after install


Quote · 2 Jun 2009

I tried an upload of a fresh _footer.html but did not help.

I think it is definitely a permission problem. Although the host (Arvixe) say they have set them all as per Dolphin instructions

I can see on CPanel that they have many of them wrong. I have sent them your list and will see if they get it right this time.

Quote · 2 Jun 2009

An update

Arvixe say -

Please go down to Permissions. Then look under:

2) If PHP is running as CGI on Unix systems

You'll see that 777 is not required.

It is odd that I get the banner error on every page except the Home Page, Groups and Blog. On these pages I can see the banner.

Quote · 2 Jun 2009

Does anyone have any ideas what I can try next?

Quote · 3 Jun 2009

problem was solved. File default.html was corrupted - it was reason of problems.



Quote · 3 Jun 2009

Thanks Artur - amazingly quick fix. Shows the value of using a proffesional when really stuck.

I had suffered a hack of Iframe Injection last week that may have corupted the file.

Quote · 3 Jun 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.