Forum Language Help

All my modules look good except for my forum module.  It shows all these tags similar to [L[RECENT TOPICS]]

I have searched the boards to see if I could fix, but haven't been able to yet.  I'm new to dolphin community, so instructions for a newbie would be great!  Thanks.

Quote · 18 Mar 2015

To compile the forum language you need to visit the forum.  Find the menu item "Manage Forum" Click on manage forum and then you will be able to compile the languages.  The forum module is a bit different from the other modules, you can not compile the language like the other modules,  You have to visit your forum logged in as an admin and then click on the manage forum and then click on the compile languages listed, such as compile en for compile English.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 18 Mar 2015

Perfect!  That did it.  Thanks for your help.

Quote · 18 Mar 2015

Thank you very much geek_girl! :P

Quote · 29 May 2015

OK, so I had a problem with this one too. I am so dedicated into creating this Dolphin site, that I decided to translate it to Polish, language which was not there from the start. So if you will do something similar, things won't be so easy. In the global language file there are some text strings for Forums, but they only cover those text strings, which are in the menu etc.


To make your translation you have to go to /modules/boonex/forum/integrations/base/langs directory, copy the PHP language file which you want to translate from to your hard drive (optional ; )), translate roughly 260 text strings, change the filename to fit your language, upload it back. Then you will see new option: compile language xxx as well.


If you don't see the changes, pruning cache is recommended.

Quote · 12 Nov 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.